Motion Picture (Feb-Jul 1941)

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TWO BLOCKS OF STERLING SILVER ARE INLAID AT POINTS OF WEAR ON MOST USED PIECES FOR LIFETIME BEAUTY. HOLMES i EDWARDS STERLING INLAID' 3 SILVER PLATE & 50 PIECE SET $52.75. OTHER SETS AS °" LOW AS $29.95 AT AUTHORIZED DEALERS Copy<ighi 1941, tmemotionol SMwer Co. Holm*i & fdwofdi Oiv , Mo-dan. Conn In Conodo. 1 he T Eolon Co., ltd . 'leg U S. Pol. Olf. LER5. ^J 333D fWBmlfrWW WITH EVERY RING WHEN ORDERED AND PAID FOR Seven Jewel Elgin Wrist Watch YOURS! New styled siie 0 case. Reconstructed movement. Accuracy guaranteed. Given with every Simulated Diamond ring when ordered and paid (or on our purchase privilege plan. Payments: $3.50 down, within 20 days after arrival, at your post office. Balance of $3.50 anytime within J year (total only $7.00). You pay nothing morel Extra surprise free gift enclosed for promptness. Send NO money with order. Just rush name, address, ring sixc. It comes by return mail in special gift box, postpaid. A. KENDALL JEWELERS Ocpt. F-641 Topcka, Kan. Theres No £xcuse For BLOTCHY SKIN/ [Clear it with KREMOLA aid! KREMOLA. is a medicated M.D. formula, especially for pimples, blackheads and muddy skin. Gently hastens removal of old cuticle, revealing fresh skin. After others fail — put KREMOLA to the test. Ladies will envy — gentlemen will admire. $1.25 at druggists or write KREMOLA, Dept. F-4, 2975 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, enclosing 10c to cover mailing and packing for FREE sample. HAPPY RELIEF FROM PAINFUL BACKACHE Many of those gnawing, nagging, painful backaches people blame on colds or strains are often caused by tired kidneys — and may be relieved when treated in the right way. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters don't work well, poisonous waste matter stays in the blood. These poisons may start nagging backaches, rheumatic pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, BweUing, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting end burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from the blood. Get Doarj's Pills. Glamour Does a Pratt Fall [Continued jrom page 81] Dunne. The studio suggested that Irene use a double. But she refused vehemently. You should have seen her when that scene was finished. She looked like the last remnants of a cyclone. But it was art — not glamour. Back to the two-fisted ladies, Binnie Barnes and Gloria Dickson had quite a field day in This Thing Called Love. When Binnie and Gloria got going in the fight scene in the night club over who gave whom the dress Binnie is wearing, it almost made the prize-fighting profession look like a Sunday-school pastime. Nails flew all over the place. Scratches and bruises were numerous. Hair was in shreds. And Binnie had her dress torn right off of her. Both the girls emerged with bruises but with smiles. It was a lovely scene — so glamorous. It might have been worse, however, if the two sparring partners hadn't had on breakaway clothes to facilitate the smoothness and alacrity of their punches. Another screen bout was waged by Maureen O'Hara and Lucille Ball, both more or less in the gentle glamour class. They put on the exhibition for Dance, Girl, Dance and no doubt you remember Lucille's black eyes. Well, those weren't entirely faked. The two ladies gave and took with a spontaneity that would have done credit to Joe Louis and Jack Dempsey. And such delightful pratt falls that were included in the bombastic scene ! Glamour was underneath them both, by the way. GINGER ROGERS, always the smartly groomed young lady who seldom gets mussed, took down her hair, wore sneakers, and looked like nothing glamorous for her role in The Primrose Path. In Kitty Foyle, she turned the tables on glamour, too, for a while. In the scenes calling for her to look like a fourteen-year-old girl, she went to great lengths to be sure that she didn't resemble a Hollywood glamour girl trying to assume the proportions of a babe-in-arms. She insisted on taking off all of her lipstick, false eyelashes, and the other glamour weights. She even had her hair braided in pig-tails. If you wondered what was wrong with Ginger when you saw her in the early part of Kitty Foyle, just remember that art reared its delightful head and sent glamour to a fade-out. Another startling set-back for the painted doll is the news that Joan Crawford's new picture, A Woman's Pace, will present her for at least half of the film as a woman with a horribly scarred face. This is probably the most sensational change to be undergone by any star, for glamour girls fight hard and long to keep their face, at least, unscarred and beautiful. Yet it was A Woman's Face with its rather gruesome aspects that induced Joan to leave her New York hide-away to come back reluctantly to Hollywood. Joan once said she would play Wally Beery's grandmother if it were a good part. She's ambitious, so apparently she means it. Glamour is a bore to her. A dread on the market. She's still trying to escape it. Glamour may be on its way out. The public wants some of it, of course, and there are still stars who think looking "purty" is what's important. But take it from Hollywood— the girls who will recover from a languid illness or get a break today are the ones who say, "To hell with glamour !" and go out to take their pratt falls and dirty faces with thanks. Maybe art is still king. TYRONE POWER TRIES BULL-FIGHTING "\ 17" HEN a couple of tons of angry bull * ' gets under way, it moves fast and it is hard to stop. Tyrone Power moved fast, too, when he found himself alone in the arena in Mexico City with nothing but his fancy costume for "Blood and Sand" to protect him. Don't miss the lively story of the star's adventures as a bull-fighter. Lovely Ginger Rogers is this month's Star-Doll and you will find her complete with five colorful cut-out costumes in the June SCREEN LIFE, now on sale. Get your copy today ! 86