Motion picture acting; how to prepare for photoplaying, what qualifications are necessary, how to secure an engagement, salaries paid to photoplayers ([c1913])

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MOVING PICTURE ACTING the little blind girl, in his fairy play production, "A Good Little Devil," one of the biggest Broad- way successes of the season of 1912-1913. Mr. Belasco's decision to secure Miss Pickford's signature to a contract covering her appearance in this production was the result of his impressions after seeing her on the screen in one of the Biograph releases. Her salary in motion pictures was re- ported to be $12,500 a year, or an average of $250 a week, and she is said to have accepted Mr. Belasco's offer because it meant an even better opportunity financially and otherwise. In its criti- cism of the production, The Theatre Magazine, February, 1913, issue, stated: "If Mary Pickford, who plays the blind little girl, is a product of 'the movies,' then commend us to the photoplay posing as a school for acting. Contrary to expectations her facial expression was restrained rather than overemphatic and her diction was rarely fine." The attitude of the managers is best conveyed by the interest which Mr. Daniel Frohman has taken in motion pictures. Some time ago Mr. Frohman was quoted as saying: "I can't see why a dip into the moving picture business should hurt any good actor. This outcry against the new business seems to me much like the fuss made over vaudeville when it was a new thing, fifteen or twenty years ago. "When the old time variety acts were baptized vaudeville—a good name because nobody knew 47