Motion picture acting (1947)

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Rosalind Russell Perhaps I should not have read certain passages in this book before having my little say about it. I might be charged with letting Miss Albertson's very flattering references to myself color my opinion. Yet that really isn't true. My warm approval of her work is sincere. For a long time I thought an expertly done book on screen acting badly needed indeed. Then I read Miss Albertson's talks, as she calls them, To me they seem so lucid, so penetrating in analysis, that those who want to make acting a profession cannot fail to derive benefit from them. Yet not alone the beginning players, but the rest of us too. Any player worth his salt is still learning when the final cur-tain falls. And Miss Albertson is one from whom to learn. As actress, director and dramatic coach she has enjoyed a rich and varied experience. And she distills from that enviable background a charm- ing and informative book. &Uk$L IX