Motion picture acting (1947)

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POSTURE AND MOVEMENT a trifle and walk with your arms hanging relaxed. They will swing like pendulums. Don't swing them. Let them swing. The only part of your body in which there should be the slightest tension will be in the abdomen and lower back. Choose some not too busy street with plenty of plate glass shop windows and take a stroll. Watch your reflection. (No one will ever guess you are not looking at the merchandise.) See if you are using too much knee action. Or perhaps you are not using enough and are walking stiff-legged. Either way you should know enough to criticize yourself. You've seen people who move along with a nice easy glide. Try to do it yourself. If you are jerking your knees, like a horse with string-halt, can't you see how you look? And do you know what you do about it? You quit doing it — that's what you do! If you are walking as though your legs had splints around the knees, limber them up, and watch to see how much you need to bend them to make them look graceful and human. Very little, you'll find. Keep on walking, checking on yousrself, and trying to do it better. Don't spread your legs too wide apart. They should slide past each other, as close as possible without your knees knocking. 19