Motion picture acting (1947)

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POSTURE AND MOVEMENT And you will get no mechanical aids from me, my friend, such as walking with a book on your head. What are you going to do when you're out on the street? You would look pretty silly with a heavy dictionary in place of a hat. Now, wouldn't you? The main objection to that book idea, aside from its being unnecessary and too mechanical, is that it is a feat of balancing more than anything else. It isn't easy to keep a flat surface from sliding off a round one and the whole body becomes alert, try- ing to keep the book in place, so your arms, shoul- ders, and legs take on the appearance of a juggler's, whether you are conscious of it or not. Learn to carry yourself properly without any mechanical aids whatever. Don't flop into a chair! Sit down. Don't slump! But don't sit like a ramrod, either. You can watch yourself in a mirror in your own room. Do it and keep on doing it until you can sit down like a civi- lized being. Then sit quietly. No foot-tapping. Let your hands rest idly in your lap or on the arms of the chair. If you are a girl, you will look better and will keep your hips on a more even keel if you don't cross your legs. Cross your feet instead. Or better still, keep both feet on the floor close to- gether, with the heel of one snuggled against the instep of the other. 21