Motion picture acting (1947)

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Speech Ahe things I am about to say on the subject of speech will surely win me no friends among cer- tain types of diction teachers and voice coaches. But with the strong convictions I hold on the speak- ing voice, I must run that risk. Nothing I say here is meant to apply to the train- ing of a singer s voice. That isn't my field. In con- tradistinction to the training of an actor's voice the training of a singer's requires a definite technique, although the teaching varies so greatly between the different schools of thought and the teachers them- selves that one might well use the plural and call them "techniques." But in spite of variations in method all of these techniques have certain aims in common, breath control and voice-placement —even though the teachers may quarrel a bit over how to achieve those ends. A singer, of necessity, is voice-conscious first, 28