Motion picture acting (1947)

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MOTION PICTURE ACTING promise you it works. It is actually a method of de- veloping, through concentration, mood-patterns and the voice-patterns associated with each mood. Pick up a magazine and turn to the advertising pages. The reason I stipulate ads is that they will not divert you from your purpose by their interest- ing content. Read an ad over once with a simple, factual read- ing in order to get through with it and its meaning. Then forget entirely the meaning of the words. Now read it aloud, no matter what the words say, as though it were the most annoying statement you ever saw! Concentrate. Be annoyed! Sound an- noyed ! Read it next with all the sadness you can muster. (We will say more about this business of develop- ing pathos later.) Read it also as though it were the most absurd thing you ever heard of! Belittle it! Be sarcastic! Read it gayly, merrily—as though it amused you no end! Do you see what I am getting at? I am trying to make you see that it isn't just words, it is the mood that counts. Spoken words mean practically nothing unless mood colors them. Don't be put off the idea because it sounds silly. 56