Motion picture acting (1947)

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SELF-ASSURANCE the innermost depths of your being, without a sin- gle doubt or fear, that you have something to offer, people will get it in the first few minutes they talk with you. They will sense the quiet, unspoken be- lief in self and be interested in spite of themselves. And that very assurance within you will lead you to say and do the right things to reveal to them what you want them to know. Highly sensitive people need to cultivate the greatest self-assurance. Protected from storm and strife, they may do a pretty good job of convincing themselves that they are, indeed, the masters of their fates, the captains of their souls. But when they meet the head winds of resistance, their frail barks are apt to be swept away from their moor- ings by the other fellow's "blow-hard" and pile up on the beach, crushed and helpless. Complete self- assurance is a mighty anchor to windward. I think I'll tell you of an instance in my early career as an actress to show you how this business of self-confidence pays off, no matter by what reasoning or through what emotional process you manage to screw your courage to the sticking point. In this particular instance, I never could have done what I did in cold blood. It took a lot of righteous indignation. But it was mainly my wounded ego, the affront to my self-esteem, that sent me on a 87