Motion picture acting (1947)

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SELF-RELIANCE I was a bit jittery, too; but in spite of my own excitement, I couldn't help smiling, a smug cat- that-just-ate-the-canary smile, at the speculation as to what had brought him, because I knew why he was there. He had come to see me! But I knew, too, it was only because Ethel Barrymore, his brilliant young star, had persuaded him to come, just as she had told me she would, a few weeks earlier, when she dropped in at a matinee at the old Belasco Theater in Los Angeles where I was playing "Mrs. Dane's Defense." She was appearing in "Cousin Kate" (or per- haps it was "Captain Jinks," I don't quite remem- ber) at the Mason Opera House and had come to see the local stock company on one of her off- matinee days. The word that Ethel Barrymore was "out front" spread like wildfire—and did I give that weeping lady, "Mrs. Dane," my all! I had hoped she would like me, but when the stage-door man rapped at my dressing-room door, right after the final curtain, to ask in an awe-struck voice if I could see Miss Barrymore, I nearly fainted. She was the most famous and popular young star in America, but no one would have guessed it from her simplicity and the interest she showed that day in another young actress who was still a long way from the top. I've told her many times, 97