Motion picture almanac (1931)

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1931 The MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC 24? News, 730 Fifth Avenue; James A. Cron. Quiglcy Publication. 1790 Broadway, 25 Weit 43rd Street; Glenn C. Cravath, 1431 158th Street, Whitcstonc. L I James P. Cunningham. Motion Picture Herald; 1790 Broadway; Hyatt Daab. Radio-KeithOrphcum Corporation, 1560 Broadway; F. A. A. Dahmc. MS West 4 5th Street; Harold L. Danson, RKO Productions, Inc.. 1560 Broadway; Sidney C. Davidson, c/o Warner Theatre, 17 Newark Street. Newark, N. J. Ben Davis, c/o Friars Club. 110 West 48th Street. New York; A. Dc Alberich. MOM, IS 40 Broadway; G. De Grandcourt, National Screen Service, 126 West 46th Street; Lyndc Dcnig, First National, J2I West 44th Street; Arthur Dickson, M. P. Mullcr Company, 220 West 42nd Street; Gregory Dickson, Fox, 8S0 Tenth Avenue. Howard Dictz. MGM. 1540 Broadway; Edward J Dunphy. Western Newspaper Union. 310 East 45th St.; Walter F Ebcrhardt. Western Electric Co.. 50 Church Street; Arthur W. Eddy, The Film Daily. 16S0 Broadway; Frederic D. Eichorn, 134 Mosholu Parkway; S. Charles Einfcld, Warner-First National, 321 West 44th Street. Herbert V. Fcckc. Motion Picture Herald, 1790 Broadway; William B. Ferguson, MOM, 1540 Broadway; Joseph G. Fine, Fox, 850 Tenth Avenue; Edward Finney, 5 56 West 140th Street; George Fish, 5 5 West 42nd Street; David Flam, Fox Metropolitan Theatres, 1600 Broadway; Harold J. Flavin, 226 West 42nd Street. John C. Flinn, Algonquin Hotel, New York; Jack Fuld, 201 West 92nd Street; James C. Furman, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building; Walter A. Futtcr, 729 Seventh Avenue; J. H. Gallagher, Columbia. 729 Seventh Avenue; Ray Gallagher, Motion Picture Herald, 1790 Broadway; G. Bruce Gallup, Jr., United Artists, 729 Seventh Avenue. Thomas W. Gcrcty, MGM, 1540 Broadway; O. R. Geyer, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building; Charles J. Gicgcrich; C. H. Goodwin, Emanuel Goodwin Publications, 219 North Broad Street, Philadelphia; Will H. Gordon, Morning Telegraph, Eighth Avenue 6/ 50th Street; J. Gourlay, First National, 321 West 44th Street; H. L. Graf, 22 East Tenth Street; A. C. Gratz. Paul J. Grecnhalgh, Barrist-Goodwin Publications, 210 North Broad Street. Philadelphia; Robert Griffith. Columbia, 729 Seventh Avenue; Karoly Gross. Universal. 730 Fifth Avenue; Paul Gulick, Universal, 730 Fifth Avenue; Hopp Hadley, 136 Leffcrts Avenue, Kcw Gardens, N. Y.; Thomas Hamlin, Film Club. 300 West 49th Street. Don Hancock. Fables, Inc.. 318 West 46th Street; Jack Harrower, Film Daily, 1650 Broadway; George W. Harvey, 1674 Broadway; Charles Hastings, Brooklyn Daily Times. 5 40 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn; Wells Hawks, Newspaper Club, 136 West 42nd Street, New York; Gavin Hawn, Webster Hall. Detroit, Mich. Will Hays, 28 West 44th Street, New York; Melvin Heymann, MGM, 1 540 Broadway; Ralph M. Hill, 570 West 204th Street; Russell Helman, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building; Don Hoobler, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building; Willard C. Howe, 25 West 43rd St.; Frank Hughes, J. P. Muller Co., 220 West 42nd Street. Charles P. Hyncs, Motion Picture Daily, 729 Seventh Avenue; Samuel Inselbuch, Jewish Publicity Service, Paramount Building; J. A. Jacobs, Bray Productions, Inc., 729 Seventh Avenue; Sam B. Jacobson, 120 West 41st Street; Herbert Jaediker, 1646 Weeks Avenue; Theodore Jaediker, Pathe Exchange, 35 West 45th Street. Arthur James. 25 West 43rd St., Motion Picture Daily, 25 West 43rd Street; Wm. A. Johnston, Motion Picture News, 729 Seventh Avenue; Jason S. Joy, 63 3 1 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.; Jorris J. Kandel, 729 Seventh Avenue; Maurice Kann, Motion Picture Daily, 729 Seventh Avenue. R. A. Kausch. Amityville, N. Y.; Jerome F. Kerr, Pathe Exchange, Inc., 35 West 45th Street; Gerald R. Keyser, First National Pictures, 321 West 44th Street; Marvin Kirsch, 1877 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn; Edward L. Klein, 6 East 45th Street, Room 1304, New York; Harry Lewis, 55 West 42nd Street; Myles F. Lasker, Morning Telegraph, Eighth Evenue and 50th Street. Paul Lazarus, 729 Seventh Avenue; Manfred B. Lee, Pathe Exchange. Inc., 35 West 45th Street; John Level. Pathe Exchange, Inc., 35 West 45th Street; Charles E. Lewis, Motion Picture News, 729 Seventh Avenue; Cliff Lewis, ParamountPublix, Paramount Building; Martin Lewis, 55th Street Playhouse, 154 West 55th Street. Walter R. Lindlar. First National Pictures, 321 West 44th Street; Hank Linet, General Talking Pictures Corp., 318 East 48th Street; James M. Loughborough. Newspaper Club. 136 West 42nd St.; Ralph Lund, Universal Pictures Corp., 730 Fifth Avenue; Lou Lusty, 3936 Buena Park Drive, North Hollywood, Cal. Charles McCarthy, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building; Fred J. McConnell, 50 Circuit Road. New Rochelle, N. Y.; S. Barrett McCormick, Lord, Thomas & Logan, 247 Park Avenue; Edward McNamcc, National Screen Service, 126 West 46th Street; Ned Marin, William Fox Studios, Hollywood, Cal. Don M. Mcrscrcau, Film Daily, 1650 Broadway; Morris Meyer, 80 Downing Street, Brooklyn; James Milligan, Associated Publications, 551 Fifth Avenue; C. B. Mintz. 25 West 45th Street; L. H. Mitchell. 3621 210th Street. Bayside. L. I.. N. Y ; Carl R. Mos. 7022 Ridge Boulevard. Vivian Moses, Publix Theatres Corporation, Paramount Building; Alex Moss, Columbia Pictures, 729 Seventh Avenue; Leonard Mitchell. Exhibitors Daily Review. 25 West 43rd Street; Rutgers Neilson, 145 West 12th Street; Warren Nolan, United Artists Corporation. 729 Seventh Avenue; Tom Olscn, Fox Metropolitan Theatres, 1609 Broadway. Eli M. Orowitz, Radio-Kcith-Orphcum, 1560 Broadway; G. R. O'Neill, Pathe Exchange, Ins , 35 West 45th Street; Joseph O'Sullivan, Pathe Exchange, Inc., 35 West 45th Street; Michael O'Toolc, Motion Picture Theatre Owners Association, 1650 Broadway; S. D. Palmer, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building. Alphonse Palumbo, 154 West 55th Street; P. A. Parsons, 16 Grove Street, Madison, N. J.; Bert Perkins, 260 Seaman Avenue, New York; C. C. Pcttijohn, 469 Fifth Avenue; Melville A. Phillips, 12 West 46th St.; Frank T. Pope. 2150 Beachwood Drive, Hollywood, Cal.; James R. Quirk, Photoplay Magazine, 221 West 57th Street. Bernard Randcll, 2690 Morris Avenue; Mitchell Rawson, First National Pictures. 321 West 44th Street; Harry Reichcnbach. Strauss Building, 46th Street and Fifth Avenue; Harry J. Rice, KeithAlbce Theatre, Boston; A. S. Rittcnbcrg, RadioKcith-Orpheum, Proctor s Theatre, Albany, N. Y. J. Rivkin, Tiffany Productions, 729 Seventh Avenue; Louis Rydell, Variety, 154 West 46th Street; Jack Savage, Tiffany Productions, 729 Seventh Avenue; Fred Schaefer, United Artists Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue; Edgar Schoenberg, 140 West 69th Street; Clarence Schottenfels, Fawcett Publications, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue. Silas P. Seadlcr, MGM, 1540 Broadway; A. L. Selig, 620 West 141st Street; Benjamin Berkowich, Publix Theatres Corporation, Paramount Building; Sam Sham, c/o Variety, 154 West 46th Street; Irvin Shapiro, Affiliated European Producers, Inc., 729 Seventh Avenue. Joseph C. Shea, Fox Film Studio, 1401 North Western Avenue, Hollywood; Al Sherman, Morning Telegraph, Eighth Avenue and 50th Street, New York; Ernest Shipman, c/o Canadian Club, Pershing Square; Milton Silver, 43-06 46th Street, Long Island City, N. Y.; Sid Silverman, Variety, 154 West 46th Street. Sime Silverman, Variety, 154 West 46th Street; Mike Simmons, Sono Art-World Wide, 1501 Broadway; Earl H. Smith, Fox Film Corp, 850 Tenth Avenue; Louis W. Smith, Stillwell Theatre, 2402 86th Street; Martin J. Starr, 729 Seventh Avenue, Suite 305; Al Stcen, Associated Publication, 338 Grober Building, Kansas City, Mo. Sam Stern. 318 West 46th Street; Julian M. Stevens, 601 West 184th St.; Sloan Taylor, Morning Telegraph, Eighth Avenue and 50th Street; P. L. Thomson, Western Electric Co., 195 Broadway; Joseph I. Tisman, First National Pictures, 321 West 44th Street; J. D. Trop, Audible Pictures, 729 Seventh Avenue. Vincent Trotta, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building; Chas. K. Ulrich, Pathe Exchange, Inc., 35 West 45th Street; Frank Vreeland, Fox Film Corporation, 850 Tenth Avenue; Walter D. Van Arsdale, 6 Edna Court. Baldwin, Long Island, N. Y.; Hubert L. Voight, First National Pictures, Hollywood. A. P. Waxman, 321 West 44th Street. New York; Joe Weil, 25 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn; Robert E. Welsh, Universal Pictures Corporation, Universal City, Cal.; Gordon White, Educational Pictures. Inc., Paramount Building, New York; Tom Wiley, Combined Photo Industries, Inc., 68 Hunters Point Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. William F. Williams, First National Pictures, 321 West 44th Street, New York; Frank J. Wilstacb, 320 Manhattan Avenue; R. F. Woodhull, General Talking Pictures Corp , 218 West 42nd Street; Harmon Yaffa. 225 West 86th St. C L Yearslcy. Schoolcycs Mt. P. O . N. J. James B. Zabin. Hanff-Mctzger. Inc., Paramount Building. New York; Charles Zenker. Prospect Press. Inc., 188 West Fourth Street; Eugene Zukor, Paramount-Publix, Paramount Building. Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc. 5504 Hollywood Boulevard Phone Gladstone 61 J 1 Hollywood I'RISIDENT Louis B. Mayer VICE PRESIDENT Wl N Fl ELD SllEEHAN SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Jack L. Warner EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT Fred Beetson DIRECTOR OF PUBLICITY Mark Larkin DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC AND STUDIO RELATIONS Col. Jason S. Joy ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC AND STUDIO RELATIONS John V. Wilson ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Mrs. Thomas G. Winter MEMBERS Christie Film Company, 6625 Romaine Street, Hollywood. Cecil B. DcMillc Productions, Inc., Culver City, Cal. Columbia Pictures Corporation, 438 Tower Street, Hollywood. Educational Studios. Inc., 7250 Santa Monica. Boulevard, Hollywood. First : National Productions Corporation, Burbank, Fox Film Corporation, Sunset and Western Avenue,, Hollywood. Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., 7210 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood. Harold Lloyd Corporation. 1040 Las Palmas. Avenue, Hollywood. Mctro-Goldwyn-Maycr Corporation, Culver City, Cal. Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation, 545 1 Marathon Street, Hollywood. Pathe Exchange, Inc., 6600 Washington Boulevard,. Culver City, Cal. RKO Studios, Inc.. 780 Gowcr Street, Hollywood. Hal Roach Studios, Inc., Culver City, Cal. Mack Sennett, Inc., 4204 Radford Street, North. Hollywood. United Artists Studio Corporation, 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Hollywood. Universal Pictures Corporation, Universal City,. Cal. Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc., 5842 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood. Margaret Ettinger PUBLICITY Hollywood, California George W. Weeks