Motion picture almanac (1931)

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1931 The MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC 469 Sal. Sam _ Sale, IVtupler Saxon. Hugh _ Saylor, Sid — Scardon, Paul _ Sellable, Robert .._ Schaelier, Ann ScbaetTei, Charles N. Schaerler. George Schayer. Richard _ Schenck, Joe _._ Schenck, Joseph M. Schenck. Nicholas AI. Schertzinger, Victor _ _ Schildkraut. Joseph _ Scliildkraut, Kudolph Schilling, Marion _ Si-hiager, Sig — Schletton, H. A _ Schmidt, Kai Schmuck, Fritz ..... _ Schneider, Abe Schneider, Edwin Schneider. Willy Schnitzer. Joseph 1 „ „ Schoedsack, Ernest B Schott, Werner Schrock, ltayrnond 1* Schroth. Ileinrich Schubert. Bernard Schuiiiann-Heink, Ferdinand Carl Schuster. Jra _ _ Schwab. Laurence Schwannecke. Victor ™ Schwanueke, Walter Schwartz, Art _ Schwartz, Isador Scott. Mrs. Bess Whitehead Scott. Fred . _ Scott. G. Howard Scott, Harry _ Scott, Leonard _ Scott. Mabel Julienne Scott. Randolph Soott. Walter Scott. William Scotto, Aubrey Seadler. Silas P Sealy. Billy Sears. Zelda Seastrom. Victor Seaton. Scott Seay. Billy Seay, Dorothy Sebastian, Dorothy Sedan. Kolfe _ Sedano, Carlos Scddon, Margaret Sedgwick, Edward Scdillo, Juan Sedley. Henry .11)5 431 .143. Sedley. Boy. and His Night Club ltevue Sedran. Samuel Seed. Dave Seegar. Miriam Segal. Vivienne Segar. Lucia Seidelman. Joseph HL Seller. Lewis Seller. William Seitz. George B Selbie. Evelyn _ Selby. Norman Srligman, Al Sellers, Edna J Sellers, I'reston II.. Jr. ... Sellon. Charles Selwyn. Edgar Selwynne. Clarissa Senrels, Harry Semmler. Gustav Serenaders. The Scroti. Georg Servanti, Luigl Serwcr. Sam Seymour, James Seymour. Madeline Seymourc, Lew Shackleford. Floyd Shanley. Fred Shannon. Cora Shannon. Peggy Shapiro. Victor Mansfield Shaplin. Helen Masters Sharland. Reginald Shariie, David Shauer. Emil E Shaw. Bud Shaw. Montague Shaw, Oscar Shaw. Feggy Shaw & Lee Shea. Joseph C Shear). Al Shearer. Norma Shechan. Clayton P Sheehan. Howard J Sheehan, John Sheehan, WinArld Sheffield. Beginald Sheldon. Gene Shellman. James Meriwether Sheridan, Anne Sheridan, Frank Sherman. Al Sherman. Lowell Sherry. J. Bamcv Sherry. Crai shall Sherwin. Sterling Sherwood. Clarence Shevlln. John Shield. Emio . Shllton. Betty Shlpman. Helen Shirley. Irene Shore. Viola Brothers Shores. Lynn Short. Al Short. Gertrude Short. Lew Shotler. Winifred Shotwell. Marie Shradir. Genevieve Shultzj Harry Shumate. Harold Shumway. . 327 . 184 . 194 . 194 . 223 . 194 . 143 . 194 . 327 . 233 . 194 . 327 . 327 . 223 . 194 . 194 . 143 . 332 . 194 . 194 . 194 . 327 . 194 . 195 327 223 195 233 195 233 233 436 223 195 195 434 327 417 1!I5 427 327 427 143 195 195 195 223 333 195 233 223 195 195 113 113 195 195 143 223 195 195 195 327 427 143 111 144 327 223 22.1 223 144 195 328 427 427 195 223 144 195 195 isa 195 19> 430 223 144 195 195 195 144 144 333 427 195 195 228 195 195 195 144 195 .133 195 144 32S 328 195 32 S 105 427 417 144 195 417 191 196 198 434 IN 427 196 427 144 144 23.1 22.1 427 144 196 144 144 144 lflfi 2.11 196 Shuniway. Walter _ _ 196 Sbuna, Ethel _ _ „ 144 Shy. Gus _ 196 Sidney. George _ _ _ 196 Sidney, Sylvia _ _ _ 144 Siegel. Bernard _ _ _ 196 Sikora. Charles J. ._ 417 Silk. Frank X _ 196 Sills. Milton 196 Silver. Marcel G _ 223 Silver, Milton _ 333 Silver. Sam 233 Simmons. Ira H. . 32S Swerling. Jo _ _ 234 Sykes. Ethel _ _ 145 Szekler, Al _ 328 Simmons, Michael L. Simon. Louis Simon, Marca Simon. S. S Simons. Roger L. ... Simpson. Allan _ Simpson. Ivan . Simpson, Russell Sinclair. Bob Singerman, Sidney ... Singleton, Jack SinkotT. Abe Skelly. Hal Skinner. Al Skinner. Otis Sktpworth. Alison Slattery. Charles Slavin, Buster Sleeper. Martha Slipperly. Ralph Sloane. Paul Sloman, Edward Slott. Nate Slosser. Milton Smalley, Phillips Smiles. Finch Smith. Al Smith, Basil Smith. Dennis It. Smith. Donald Smith. .Edgar Smith. Frank Smith. Gerald Smith, H. Reeves . Smith, Howard Smith, Leonard Smith, McNeil Smith. Nancy Smith. Oscar 333 196 144 196 417 190 .... 196 196 196 Smith. Paul Gerard . Smith. Pete Smith, Reginald Smith. Sebastian Smith. Stanley Vernon. L. Vivian Smith Smith Smith. Wallace Smith. "Whispering" Jack Snell. Earle _ Snell. Paul .... Snell. Ted _ Snowden, Carolynne & Co Soanes. Wood Soderholm. Wallace D Somers. Lee Katya Souders. Jackie Southern, Eve Spangler. Jack Spangler. Kay Sparks. Martha Lee Specht. Paul L Speck. Harvey Carl SjK'llman. I**ora — BpMH, Ralph Sperling. Hazel Spcth. Rudolph Spcwack. Bella Splckler. Frank Spier. Larry Spitzer. Henry M. Splvey. Victoria Sprasue. Chandler Spring. J. Glhbs Spring. Joy Stafford. Albert A. Stahl. John M Standing. Joan Stance. Hugh Stanley. Imogene Stanwyck. Barbat i Starling. Lynn Starr. Herman Starr. James A Statler. Marian Stauher. Mary Steadman, Vera SUdinan. Myrtle Steele. Charles M 328 196 196 196 436 196 196 196 190 114 196 223 223 196 427 196 ..... 196 1B0 223 417 196 434 417 417 196 233 427 427 333 196 233 _ 333 196 196 196 417 144 2.13 196 213 333 190 _ 144 _ 417 ... 417 ... 196 ... 417 _ 144 ... 427 144 .. 429 . 429 ... 144 .. 429 ... 429 141 233 144 328 234 328 434 436 111 2.14 429 144 414 22i 144 234 234 144 234 328 234 144 114 144 144 .128 417 333 Steele. Helen Eugene Steele. Joseph Henrv Stein. Paul T. 224 Stengle. Lenl _ 144 Stevens. Charlotte 144 Stevenson. Edward Ford 32S Stevenson. Mabel Gouldv 417 Steward. Donald Ogden 234 Stewart. Anita .'. 144 Stinnett. Jack 417 StockntT. Herman .128 Stoddard. Belle 144 Stoddard. William ' E 333 StolotT. Ben 224 Stone. Irene 144 Stone. John „ 234 Stoneham. Billy ... 436 Stoub. Ralph B 221 Straus. Oscar „ 434 Strayer. Frank R. 224 Smart. Herschel 32S Stubbs. Harry 224 Stuber. William O. 328 Sullivan. Jack .„ 224 Sullivan. John Jameson. Jr 417 Sullivan. Wallace 2.14 Sumner. Verlyn 141 Sutherland. Eddie . 224 Sutherland. Hope 144 Sutton. Gertrude 144 Swanaon. Gloria 144 Sweet. Blanche 144 Sweet. Harry 224 Taft. Ruth Tait, Helen M.. Talbot. Hayden Talley, Truman H _ 3 Talmadge, Constance Talmadge, Norma .... Tamayo, Fernando .. Tangeman. Fred Tansey, Emma Tapley. Rose Tashman, Lilyan Taurog, Norman Taylor. Estelle Taylor. Matt „ Taylor. Ray Taylor. Ruth _ Taylor, Sam 145 417 234 Teasdale. Verree Tell. Alma Tell, Olive TeU, P. W Templeton, Fay Terrett, Courtenay .... Terris. Norma _. Terns. Tom Terry, Alice Terry, Ethel Grey Terry. Ethelind Terry, Leo Teryon. Arlette Thalberg. Irving G Thalberg. Sylvia Thatcher. Evelyn Theby. Rosemary Thew. Harvey Thomas. George E _ Thomas. Harry H Thomas Virginia _ Thompson. Art Thompson. Daniel H Thompson. Duane _ Thoniiwon. Harlan _ Thompson. J. F Thompson. John M _. Thompson. Lotus Thompson. Peggy — Thomson. Philip L _ Thorpe. Richard 145 _ 145 328 429 145 145 145 224 115 234 224 145 224 145 145 145 417 _ 145 234 145 221 115 115 115 129 115 239 231 115 115 231 333 328 145 429 417 145 231 328 117 145 234 328 Three Bernie Brothers T.erney. Harry Tilbury. Zeffle Tingle. John H _ Tinling. James Tiomkin. Dimitri Titus. Lydia Tohin. Genevieve Todd. Lola Todd. Thelma Tompsett. Greenville E Topping. Frederick J Tora. Lla Torres. Raquel 224 12H 434 145 328 224 434 145 145 145 145 429 417 145 145 184 Towne. Gene _ Townley. Jack 231 Tracy and Duncan 429 Tracy. William B 429 Traub. Joe 234 Trehor. Haynes 417 Tresselt. Frank 236 Troland Dr. Leonard Thompson 328 True. Alice 145 Truebrldge. John K 417 Trueman. Paula 145 Tsen Mel. Lady 145 Tuchock. Wanda 234 Tucker. Bert 429 Tucker. Sophie . 145 Tuklo. Aoyama 333 Tully. Jim . 214 Turner. Dorein 145 Turner. Florence 145 Turner. Maude 145 Turner. Ray .429 Tuttle. Frank 224 Twelvetrees. Helen 145 u TJIrlc. Lenore Underwood. Frances Unsell. Eve Upton. Frances ... UrnaefT. Vadtm 145 145 234 145 ....... 145 Vail. Mabel 144 Vajda. Ernest 2.14 Valentl. Armando 236 Valentine. Joseph A 236 Valet tl. Rose 146 Vallee. Rudy _ 429 Valli. Virginia 146 417 146 429 429 224 32S Valpey. Harold Day Van. Ella Van. Vera Van Antwerp. Jimmle Van Buren. A. H Van Beuren Amedee J Van Buren, Mabel. ._ 146 Van Dine. S. S 2.14 Van Dom. Mildred 146 Van Dyke. W S 224 Van Praag. M 329 Vane. Virginia 146 Vaughn. Alberta 146 Vaughn. Hilda 146 Veavers, Louise _ 146 Velller. Anthony 234 Veiller. Bayard 231 Vekrofr. Perry N 214 Velasco. Mercedes 146 Velazco. Emll 429