The Motion Picture Almanac 1929 (1929)

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66 The MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC 1929 fishing. A juvenile actor with Pathe in 1910, then film editor with Educational in 1920. continuing as 6uch until 1925. Started directing comedies for Educational in 1925 . and created the character of Big Boy in his first starring juvenile comedy. Directed for Fox one year (1926-27). returning to Educational in 1927: now with Educational, his lateet release being "Hold That Monkey," a Mermaid comedy. WOOD. SAM: b, Philadelphia, Pa.. July 10. 1883 ; h, 6 feet ; brown hair and eyes ; w, 170 pounds ; p, Katherin Corn and William H. Wood, non-profeseionals ; e, M. Hall Stanton school. Philadelphia, Pa., and has had some stage training ; m, Clara L. Roush. non-profeseional ; hy, football, rowing and bridge. Directed Wallace Reid in "Double Speed," "Excuse My Dufit." "What's Your Hurry ?," "Sick Abed" and "The Danein" Fool ;" Wanda Hawley in "Her First Elopement," "The Snob" and "The Beloved Villain :" Ethel Clayton in "The City Sparrow ;" Jackie Coogan in "Peck's Bad Boy;" Gloria Swanson in "The Great Moment." "Under the La^h." "Her Husband's Trademark." "The Gilded Cage," "My American Wife," "The Prodigal Daughter." "Bluebird's Eighth Wife."^ "Beyond the Rocks" and "Don't Tell Everything." Also directed an all star cast in "His Children's Children^" "The Next Corner Bluff ;" Harold Bell Wright's "Mine with the Iron Door." "The Recreation of Brian Kent ;" as well a£ the Paramount School novices in "Fascinating Youth :" Red Grange in "One Minute to Play ;" Karl Dane and George K. Arthur in "Rookiefi ;" Marion Davies in "The Fair CoEd :" Norma Shearer in "The Latest from Paris," and William Haines in "Telling the World." WRITERS AHEARN, THOMAS J.: b. Dallas, Tex.. February 23. 1904 : h. 5 feet 10 inches ; reddish brown hair and light grey eyes; w, 170 poande ; p. Mrs. E. Ahearn, of Dallas Tex., father (deceased), non-profeseionals : e, Dallas Academy, University of Dallas, Notre Dame and Yale 47 Workshop ; received his stage training in Yale 47 Workshop and in Poli stock in New Haven. Conn. ; not married; hy, tennie and handball. Stage experience in stock ; and six monthf^ writing originals for Paramount, also sound sequence.^. ANDERSON, DORIS: b. Chico. Cal., November 14 ; h, 5 feet 8 inches ; brown hair and eyee ; w, 135 pounds; e. Oakland High school and the University of California ; not married ; hy, writing. Has written scenarios on "Her Honor the Governor" in 1926 ; "Afraid to Love," "Kiss In a Taxi." "World at Her Feet," "Hula." "Ain't Love Funny?" and "Ten Modern Commandments" in 1927. Her recent work includes "Wolf of Wall Street" and "Threy Sinners." ARTHUR. JULIAN: r. n.. Arthur Julian Zellner, b. Memphis. Tenn.. December 2 ; h. 4 feet 6% inches ; brown hair and eyes ; w. 150 pounds; p. Anna and David Zellner. non-professionals; e, Linden High school. Memphis, and Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. La. : m. Helen Lovett, non-professional ; hy. radio and experimental mechanics. Writer of many screen originals and adaptations. Editor Eastern Metro Studio : editor Old American at Santa Barbara ; New York representative for the past five years of Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford. Now publicity director at studio. BAKER, C. GRAHAM: b. Evansville, Ind.. July 16; h. 5 feet 6 inches; reddish-brown hair and blue eyes; w, 150 pounds; e. Boys High school, Brooklyn ; m, non-prof^sional ; hy. tennis. No stage experience. Screen experience as writer and director. Did scenarios for "The Little Minister" in 1925 ; "Broken Hearts of Hollywood," "My Official Wife," "Millionaires" and "Just Suppose" in 1926 : "Finger Prints." "White Flannels." "Irish Hearts." "Girl from Chicago." "Slightly Used," "Husbands for Rent." "Third Degree," "Matinee Ladies" and "Heart of Maryland" in 1927 ; and "The Singing Fool." "Conquest." "Alimony Annie." "She Knew Men." "Fancy Baggage" and "The Air Circus" in 1928. BALDWIN, EARL: b, Newark, N. J.. January 11, 1903; h, 5 feet 11 inches; brown hair and eyes ; w, 140 pounds, p. Ella M. and Edward J. Baldwin, non-professionals ; e. West Orange. N. J., high school and the Ameriacn Institute of Banking in New York City; m. Mildred C. Lamb, professional — one of the Lamb Sisters ; hy, watching musical comedies from first row. golf, football and poker. Has written 32 musical comedy tabs, numerous revues and sketches ; wrote the book of "Hollywood Music Box Revue," starring Lupino Lane : acted as play reviewer for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer on Broadway for two years ; gagged most of Metro-GoldwynMayer's comedies for the past five years ; wrote screen play and continuity for "Brotherly Love," starring Karl Dane and George K. Arthur. BOYLAN, MALCOLM STUART: b. Chicago, III.. April 13, 1897; h. 6 feet; brown hair and hazel eyes ; w, 180 pounds ; p. Grace Dufl!ie Boylan, novelist ; e. by tutor and in Bermuda ; m, Josephine Boylan, newspaper woman ; hy. polo, golf and book collecting. Has been newspaper man. publicity director and title writer. Now editorial supervLsor for Fox. Titled "What Price Glory" and 70 other big productions for Fox. Is under three year contract. BUFFINGTON, ADELE: b. St. Louis. Mo.. February 12. 1900; h. 5 feet 6 inches; brown hair and eyes ; w, 145 pounds ; p. Marie E. Frederick and Adolph Durgdorfer, non-professionals ; e. public schools in St. Louis, Mo. : no stage training ; m. Edward Vore, non-i)rofessional ; hy, tennis. Wrote "Free to Love" and "That Man Jack" in 1925 ; "The Lawful Cheaters." "The Galloping Cowboy" and "The Test of Donald Norton" in 1926 : "Broadway After Midnight" and "Eager Lips" in 1927 ; and in 1928, "Times Square," "Something to Love" for Gotham; "The River Woman"; "The Phantom City" for First National ; "Petticoats and Cactus" for Fox ; and "Coney Island" and "Dancing Hoofs" for R K O. CLARK J. AUBREY: b, Buffalo, N. Y., September 5, 1903; h, 5 feet 1% inches; black hair and brown eyes ; w. 125 pounds ; p. Ruth I. and James A. Clark, non-professionals ; e. Hutchinson high school, Buffalo. N. Y., and Middlebury college, Middlebury, Vt., received stage training in Yale 47 Workshop under George Pierce Baker ; hy, reading. S age experience gathered in bits in stock with Garry McGarry Players in Buffalo, N. Y. ; Court Street Players. Buffalo, N. Y.. and Poli Players in New Haven, Conn. Screen experience consists of six months with the scenario department of Paramount writing original stories and dialogue. COLDEWAY. ANTHONY: b. Louisville, Ky.. 1887 ; h. 6 feet ; grey hair and eyes ; w, 150 pounds ; p. Mary Weller and William G. Coldeway ; e, Kenyon Military Academy and Kenyon college: m, non-professional. Fifteen years' screen experience as a writer and now editor at Warner Brothers Studio. Current pictures, adaptation and continuity, are "Noah's Ark." "Glorious Betsy" and "Women They Talk About." CONSELMAN, WILLIAM MARIEN : b. Brooklyn. N. Y.. July 10, 1896; h, 5 feet lOi^ inches ; brown hair and eyes ; w, 155 pounds : p. Mary Connolly and Harry Conselman. professionals : m, Mina Rambo, non-professional ; hy, collecting modern fiiist editions and tennis. On the stage in "Mother Goose." Klaw and Erlanger production, for one year (1904-5). He is author of "Dressed to Kill" (Fox). "High School Hero" (Fox). "Prep and Pep" (Fox). "Why Sailors Go Wrong" (Fox). "Pajamas" (Fox) and "News Parade" (Fox) ; "Way of the Strong" ((x)lumbia) and "Ella Cinders" (First National). Also supervised "Dressed to Kill" (Fox). "High School Hero" (Fox), "Prep and Pep" (Foxl, "Why Sailors Go Wrong" (Fox). "Pajamas" (Foxl. "Silk Legs" (Fox). "Chicken a la King" (Fox). "Making the Grade" (Fox). "Farmer's Daughter" (Fox), "Plastered in Paris" (Fox). "Win That Girl" (Fox) and "Listen Baby" (Pathe). Adaptor for "Listen Baby" I Pathe) and "Slaves of Beauty" (Fox). Wrote titles for "La Boheme'* (Metro-GoldwynMayer). "Into Her Kingdom" (First National), "Exchantre of Wives" (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer). "Ankles Preferred" (Fox), "Rich But Honest" (Fox), "War Horse" (Fox). "Secret Studio" (Fox), and "Canyon of Light" (Fox). Also the author of the prize play "And Then What?" produced in San Diego. September, 1923, as well as creator of the comic strips "Ella Cinders" and "Good Time Guy." CUMMINS, DWIGHT W. : b. San Francisco. Cal., February 23 : h. 5 feet IQiA inches; black hair and blue grey eyes : w, 135 pounds : p, Jessie and Harold Wirt Cummins, e, San Francisco High school ; private school in Sierras and a graduate of the University of California, Southern branch ; ni, Dorothy Yost, scenarist ; hy. boating and fishing. Has written the scenarios for "New Year's Eve." "The River" and "False Colors" for Fox. DARLING. W. SCOTT: b. Toronto. Ontario, Canada ; e, in Toronto High school. Dollar academy, Edinburgh, Scotland, and has had training at newspaper work ; m. non-professional ; hy, raising Scotch terriers. The city editor of "Winnipeg Telegram" and "Buffalo Inquirer" and collaborated with James Oliver Curwood for three years. Has written short fiction stories for various current magazines ; started in pictures in 1918 as writer for Christie ; then became scenario editor there for three years ; later comedy supervisor for Universal (three years), and has directed 18 pictures for Universal and Christie as well as writing. Wrote first "Van Bibber" comedies for Fox ; also wrote "Two Fisted Jones" in 1925, "On Ze Boulevard," "Topsy and Eva" and "Yours to Command" in 1927, and "The Leatherneck" series, which established Reginald Denny. DIGGS. JR., RICHARD H.: b. Riderwood, Md.. October 18, 1903; h, 5 feet 9% inches: blonde hair and brown eyes; w. 142 pounds; p, Mary King and Richard H. Diggs ; e, Gilman Country school and Yale University ; received stage training at the Yale 47 Workshop in New Haven, Conn. ; hy. foreign affairs and travel. Stage experience at the Little theatre. New Haven, and Yale 47 Workshop. Also a member of the Yale Group of writers in the 47 Workshop brought to the West Coast studios of the Paramount Famous Lasky in September, 1928. Now writing originals and dialogue sequences on the Paramount lot. DOHERTY, ETHEL: b. Los Angeles. Cal.; h. 5 feet 4 inches ; brown hair and blue eyes ; w, 120 pounds; p. Sarah Amsden and Dr. Alfred A. Doherty. non-professionals ; e, Nogales, Ariz.. High school and Tempe Normal .school, U. S. C. and the University of California, Berkeley ; not married. Was scenarist for "The Vanishing American" in 1925; "Behind the Front." "The Runaway." "Stranded in Paris" and "Mantrap" in 1926 ; "Hula." "Honeymoon Hate." "Figures Don't Lie." "Rough House Rosie," "Ten Modern Commandments," "The Showdown." "The Fifty-Fifty Girl," "Take Me Home," "Manhattan Cocktail" and "His Private Life" in 1927; and in 1928. "Marquis Preferred." Also doing scenario for "Innocence of Paris" early this year. DOTY, DOUGLAS: b. New York City; h, 5 feet 9 inches: w, 145 pounds; e. Columbia university ; m. Gladys Maclaghlan of San Diego. professional, directress of dancing at Denishawn ; hy. gardening. Screen experience as writer of "With This Ring." "The King on Main Street," "The Great Sensation." "The Wedding Song," "The Danger Signal," "The Wife of the Centaur" and "Fighting the Flames" in 1925 : "The Unchastened Woman,'* "Man Bait." "Red Dice" and "Young April" in 192G ; "Fighting Eagle." "Dress Parade," "Vanity" antl "Nobody's Widow" in 1927 ; and in 1928, "Dry Martini," "Romance of the Underworld." "The Veiled Lady" (not released yet) and "King of Rhyher Rifles" for Fox. EARLY. DUDLEY: b. Paris. Tex.. January IS. 1903; h, 5 feet 9'^ inches: dark brown hair and grey eyes ; p. W. L. Early, non-professional : e. Waco. Tex., high school and Texas A. and M. college. Bryan. Tex. Screen experience of five years consists of writing mostly. Is now writing for the screen in all its branches, including dialogue for United Artists. Also, assistant to John W. Considine, Jr.. general production manager.