Motion Picture Classic (May 1921 - Dec 1927)

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wo worn America’s greatest Watch value sent you for only $1.00 downl The balance in easy monthly payments. The famous 21Jewel Studebaker Watch — Insured For a Lifetime! You may choose from 54 new Art Beauty Cases and 8 handsome dial designs. 8 adjustments — to the second— for heat, cold, isochronism and 5 positions. Sold direct from the maker at lowest prices ever named for equal quality. Mail coupon today for Free Book and Special Offer. Watch Chain FREE For a limited time, we are offering a beautiful Watch Chain FREE. Write now while this offer lasts. ‘W’MITIP® FOR BOOK VV ii’iaa i&xO Mail the Coupon Send at once and get a copy of this book— FREE ! See the newest, beautiful advance styles in Studebaker Art Beauty Case9 and Dials. Read how you can buy a 21-Jewel Studebaker Insured Watch direct from the maker— save big money — and pay for it in easy monthly payments. Get Free Chain offer while it lasts. Mail coupon today. STUDEBAKER WATCH CO. Dept. K34, South Bend, Indiana Canadian Addresi: Windsor, Ont. Ask for Ladies' Bracelet Watch Folder 4 CO. ^jf STUDEBAKER WATCH CO Dept. K34ySouth Bend, Indiana Gentlemen: Please send me your Free Book of Advance Watch Styles and particulars of your $1.00 down offer. If you live in Canada Bend your inquiry to Canadian Office, Windsor, Ontario Name Address City □ Check here for Ladies' State Ln Check here for Ladies' fl Chock here for aa L-J Watch Folder. Jewelry Folder. B Learn Classic Dancing At Home! Only A Month You, like thousands of others, will find it amazingly easy to learn classic dancing at home by this wonderful new method. The cost is surprisingly low. Charts. FREE OUTFIT Complete studio outfit Including coo tame phonograph records, dancing bar. and slippers are sent absolutely FREE with your lessons. to at once, for full Information about this wonderful new rr / Ilfs method. No obligation. Laarn at home. Write today. M. Sorgel Marinoff School of Classic Dancing Studio 12-74 1924 Sunnyalda Ay., Chicago, III. Beauty To Be or Not to Be for Blondes ( Continued from page 45) I have found that the juice of a lemon mixed with a quart of water is excellent to remove the curd. The acid of the juice seems to cut it and loosen it. I pour the lemon solution over my hair and then give it a final rinsing in clear water. When my hair is dried, it is beautifully soft and gloSsy and the lemon has imparted a gleaming, silken sheen. The mineral salts of the juice also act as a tonic to the scalp and aid in keeping it healthy. If you have genuinely golden hair, never give in to the suggestions of a hair-dresser that you have it “touched up." Artificial chemicals will only destroy its beauty, whereas this simple lemon treatment is harmless and imparts a bright glossy tone to blonde hair of every shade from ash blonde to deep Titian. The girl with the delicate, white skin will find that the lemon is also her staunchest ally in offsetting the ravages of wind and sun. People often ask me what I do to keep my hands and arms soft, white and smooth, especially when the arms are exposed in evening dress. I have a very simple recipe. I rub the skin with half a seedless lemon night and morning. This takes off hidden dirt and acts as a marvelous bleaching agent. I keep a halved lemon, together with a fresh one, always in a saucer near the wash-bowl and use it regularly. I also make a very delightful lotion of lemonjuice and glycerine which is excellent for chapped and sunburned hands and face. The Movie Encyclopaedia ( Continued from page 94) Bobbie H. — Ramon Novarro is with Metro-Goldwyn, Culver City, California. Why, the Himalayas is the highest mountain range on the surface of the globe. It is 1,500 miles long and 200 miles broad, and it has an average height of 20,000 feet above sea level. Bobs. — Dale Fuller is playing in “The Easiest Road.’’ for Warner, but she is with Metro-Goldwyn. You are right, Orville Caldwell was presented with a baby hoy recently in Hollywood. Mr. Caldwell is playing in “Sackcloth and Scarlet.” Blossom. — Milton Sills is married to Gladys Wynne. He is forty-two. No, Bebe Daniels is not married. Ethel Clayton is coming back to pictures in “The Mansion of Aching Hearts.” Clara Bow will also play with her. Nannie. — Richard Dix is not married. Wanda Hawley has one of the leads in the next A1 Christie comedy, “Stop Flirting.” Almond Eyes.' — Well, he not simply good ; be good for something. Mrs. Daisy Danziger is the wife of Antonio Moreno. Colleen Moore is playing in “The Desert Flower.” California. — Once more this evening, Ben Lyon is not married, and he is twentyfour. Elizabeth B. — Her name is Gladys Cooper, and she is English. Elaine Hammerstein and Lou Tellegen in “Parisian Nights.” Anita Stewart, Bert Lytell and Mary McAlister in “The Boomerang.” Louise Fazenda is going to play in “I’ll Show You the Town.” And leave it to Louise. Barbara. — Your letter was delightful. Write me again. aawe ,i i ^ Sem-Pray Way for a Clean Clear ^ Healthy Skin The soft satin smoothness of a child’s skin may be yours always, if you use SEM-PRAY JO-VE-NAY. Gently apply the cake of SemPray Cream to the face. Then with the fingers pat the face softly, evenly spreading the SemPray and working it into the pores. Allow to remain a few minutes, then wipe off with a soft cloth. All the dust, dirt, grimeand rouge is removed. The harshness is gone. The skin feels smooth and soft. Its elasticity has been marvelously renewed! At bed time, after cleansingthe face the Sem-Pray way, a light coating of Sem Pray should again be applied and allowed to remain. The skin absorbs it. It feeds the underlying tissues; preserves the youthful firmness of contour that prevents wrinkles, keeps the skin “always young.” Sem-Pray replaces the natural oils that are dailyremovedfromtheskinby wind, weather, and dust. Since 1888 it has aided beautiful women to keep their youthful charm. Get Sem-Pray from your dealer or write us for a free trial cake, enough for seven days’ use. SEM-PRAY JO-VE-NAY CO. 425 Turner Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich. Cvm. If You Can Tell II From A Genuine DIAMOND Cpun IT DAftK These Amazingly Beautiful CORODITE 11 DHWfl c, ,ns match the ecintilating oenuty of GENUINE DIAMONDS in every way. They have the eamc gorgeous blazing flash and dazzling play of living rainbow flro. Standing tho torrlfio Acid Tost of direct comparison. Lifetime experta need all their experience to see any difference. Prove this yourself. MAKF TMK TF3T Wears Genulno CORODITE and a OlalYIHRC ICdl mondsldobysldoon the same finger, for SEVEN days. If you and your friends can tell the differenco send it back, you won’t be out a single penny. That's fair enough. If you keep the ring the prico printed here is all you pay. No Installments. Remember CORODITES 3 alone have the tamo facet cutting as Genuine Stones. A. Ladies Hand Carved Basket Ring, Platinum effect B. Ladles Pierced Filigree 4 Post Ring. Platinum effect Ring, Blue Saphire feet Sides, Uossom Hand Cha6od Solitaire C. Ladies Fil. O. Ladies Bri< E. Mens Heavy Belcher 14K Gold Filled Ring F. Mens Massive Carved Hoxagon Gypsy, Sapphire Carat Size Gems Beautiful Hand Carved and En I th< e Sides graved S3.52 53. 84 S3. 93 52.84 S3. 48 $4.18 Ring9 reproducing in exact and faithful detail the most modern high priced and fashsionable Platinum Diamond Creations. SEND NO MONEY RhM Keep your money right at home. Just you want and size as shown our binding local guarantee to refund your money In full is attached to every ring we sell. SEND TOOAY. E RICH WINE CO., Dept 335 *caoo ‘muNois'*' Original and Sole Importers of Genuine CORODITE GEMS 96