Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1916)

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MOTION PICTURE THE CALL FOR GOOD PHOTOPLAYS Every Motion Picture Studio Is on the Still Hunt for New Material PRICES DOUBLED IN ONE YEAR; WILL DOUBLE AGAIN The Policy of the Photoplay Clearing House Has Contributed to Bring This About In 1912 Photoplay authors were glad to receive $10 to $15 for their product. Last year competition, an open market, and the demand for stronger Photoplays forced prices up to $20 and $30 per reel. And now many of the leading studios are writing us, offering to pay $35 to $100 per reel. The art of Photoplay writing is just beginning to be worth while. Another constant call of picture manufacturers is, “Send us the work of new writers — the old school is running dry. Vital, dramatic, new ideas will be bought on sight.” There never has been a period in the history of literature when a new field has so suddenly opened and has so rapidly expanded. Over 10,000 new Photoplays are demanded by the public each year. While it is true that many studios have taken on staff writers to help supply the demand, the services of outside writers of Photoplays are eagerly sought after. The Photoplay Clearing House was established three years ago to aid and counsel new writers and to market their plays. Our records show hundred of sales, and over 14,000 photoplays reviewed, criticized and placed upon the market. We are under the supervision of the MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE. We tell you: How to go about it; where to market your plays; how to revise and cure their weak points; the kind of photoplays wanted, and a hundred other details of making and selling a finished scenario. The high standard of our aims has received the unqualified endorsement of all of the leading studios without exception. During that period we have spent over $15,000 in systematizing our sales bureau and in assembling a staff of well-known photoplaywrights and critics. In order to serve authors, our editors must be well qualified — must be successful writers themselves. Our editorial staff consists of the following established photoplaywrights who personally pass upon all manuscripts submitted: Edwin M. La Roche, Henry Albert Phillips, L. Case Russell, William Lord Wright, Courtney Ryley Cooper, Dorothy Donnell, Russell E. Ball, Gladys Hall. Herbert C. Chesnut, Bennecke Peterson and others. We have received over 5,000 unsolicited letters from both unknown and successful writers endorsing our method of critical advice and marketing of Photoplays. THESE ENDORSEMENTS SPEAK FOR TH E MSELV ES— 5,000 OTHERS ON FILE. Photoplay Clearing House: Dear Sirs — Am glad to hear of the requests you have made to your clients for good feature stories. Hope some of the calls you sent out bring in something really big, because we are paying really big prices ami must have the goods. Very truly yours, EQUITABLE MOTION PICTURES CORPORATION, Russell E. Smith, Scenario Department. Photoplay Clearing House: Dear Sirs — We enclose check for $35.00 in full payment for your Moving Picture scenario entitled “The Famous Marchio Ruby" (one reel). Kindly have two persons witness your signature after executing the enclosed assignment and return it to us promptly in the enclosed addressed and stamped envelope. Yours very truly, BIOGRAPH COMPANY. Photoplay Clearing nouse: Dear Sirs — I beg to acknowledge receipt of your check today for $22.42, being the amount due me for the script, “The Psychic Law,” which you sold for me to the Gaumont Co. I wish to thank you very kindly for your prompt reply, and also for your efforts in placing the script. I have another which I expect to send you in a (lay or two. With kindest regards. Very truly yours, 202 Ruby St., Lancaster, Pa. E. E. KELLER. Photoplay Clearing House: Gentlemen— I am in receipt of your criticism of my photoplay, for which I am very grateful; you have given me many valuable suggestions. I will reconstruct the play, weaving into it another story in the hope cf strengthening it, and when more in line with requirements as indicated by your review, will again forward the same to you. I have no “illusions” regarding the merit of my work, and your candid opinion is exactly what I need. Very truly yours, 1310 23d St., Sacramento Cal. ALMER P. SOULE. Photoplay Clearing House: Gentlemen — Received carbon copy “Transplanting of Tess." I desire to thank you very much for the same. Since this has been reconstructed I can see a vast improvement from my original copy. Hoping that you will be able to dispose of same and thanking you for your attention to this matter, I remain. Yours truly, MAUDE MULLIN'. 218 North Garfield Ave., Pocatello, Idaho. Photoplay Clearing House: I thank you very much for the carbon copy of script No. 9526, “Chains That Bind.” The revision is perfect, and I appreciate it so very much. I could never have revised it as you have done. Thanking you again, I am, DORA A. IMSCHWEILER. 2029 W. Centre St., Ashland, Pa. Photoplay Clearing House: We wish to offer you $30.00 for the Motion Picture rights of “The Demon,” by J. M. Schloenbach, Mason Hotel, Jacksonville, Fla. We'd like very much to hear whether you were able to secure releases for the two which we made offers on. THE VITAGRAPH CO. OF AMERICA, By Doris M. Schroeder, Editor, Western Studios. Photoplay Clearing House: Re Number 10987, “Her Rival. Dear Sirs — In submitting manuscripts to us we hope you .will 'not be guided by the reviews of our past and present releases. Our policy has been completely changed. We want only strong, single-reel domestic dramas dealing, not with improbabilities, but with the realisms of life. We are ready to pay top-notch prices for good scenarios, and we will endeavor to give you prompt action. Very truly yours, LUBIN MANUFACTURING CO., Daniel Ellis, Scenario Department. THE PLAN OF THE PHOTOPLAY CLEARING HOUSE. We are intimately connected with the Motion Picture business and in close touch with the manufacturers. We are advised of all their advance releases, their requirements and the kind of scripts they want. As suitable ones come to us, in salable shape, they are immediately sent to the proper studio. No stale, imperfect or copied plots are submitted. All photoplaywrights are invited to send their Plays to this company, advising as to what manufacturers they have been previously submitted, if any. Every Play will be treated thus: It will be read by competent readers, numbered, classified and filed. If it is, in our opinion, in perfect condition, we shall at once proceed to market it, and, whan we are paid for it, we will pay the writer 90% of the amount we receive, less postage expended. If the Scenario is not in marketable shape, we will so advise the author, stating our objections, offering to return it at once for his correction, or to revise, typewrite and try to market it. IF THE MANUSCRIPT IS HOPELESS, WE SHALL SO STATE, and in some cases advise a course of instruction, naming various books, experts and reliable teachers to select from. Fee for reading, criticism and filing, $1.00 (multiple reels, $1.00 per reel), but to readers of the MOTION PICTURE CLASSIC it / This Coupon is will be only 50c., provided the annexed Coupon accompanies each script; good for 50 cents, for multiple reels, 50c. per reel. For typewriting, a charge of $1.00 for When accompanied each Play will be made provided it does not run over 10 pages. 10c. / with 50 cents more a page for extra pages. The fee for revising will vary according y it will entitle holder to work required, and will be arranged in advance. No Scenarios ^ to list one single-reel will be placed by us unless they are properly typewritten. Pay / scenario with the Phoment in advance is expected in all cases. RETURN POST / toplay Clearing House. AGE SHOULD BE INCLUDED, and foreign contributors should allow for U.S. exchange. Enclose P.O. order, stamps, Photoplay Clearing House, checks, or money with manuscripts. 1c. stamps accepted. 175 d uffie Id St., B’klyn. N Y The Most Suitable Christmas Gift! r | ’O those of your friends and relatives who are interested in Motion Pictures, and nearly every one is a Motion Picture fan, nothing could be more suitable for a Christmas gift than a year’s subscription to the “ Motion Picture Magazine’’ or the “Motion Picture Classic.” They are gifts that will be enjoyed not for one day or week, but for the entire year. Each month they will be reminders of your thoughtfulness and kindness at Christmas time. A Set of Pictures FREE! With each subscription to either the Magazine or Classic we will send a set of large, beautiful, elegantly mounted portraits of the players, thus making two gifts in one for the price of one. A year’s subscription to “Motion Picture Magazine” and 10 portraits. . . $1.50 A year’s subscription to the “Motion Picture Classic” and 10 portraits . . $1.75 Special Offer — Both the Magazine and Classic and 20 portraits . . . . $3.00 (Add 30 c. for Canadian postage, $1.00 for foreign) Choose from This List: Mary Pickford Beverly Bayne Earle Williams Lillian Walker Carlyle Blackwell Norma Talmadge Theda Bara Ben F. Wilson Alice Joyce Edith Storey Anita Stewart Charles Chaplin Mary Fuller Lillian Loraine Crane Wilbur Pearl White Olga Petrova Francis X. Bushman J. Warren Kerrigan Clara K. Young Just fill out the coupon below, write a list of the pictures and instructions on separate sheet and mail with proper remittance. A Beautiful Gift Card bearing your name will be sent out with both the Portraits and the Magazine. Our Subscription Department will soon be busy with Christmas orders. Dont wait. Send in your order NOW. M. P. PUBLISHING CO. 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. M. P. PUBLISHING CO., 175 Dutfield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find $ fora year s “Motion Picture Magrazine “ subscription to the “Motion Picture Classic” to be sent as a Christmas Gift to List of portraits and further Instructions are grlven in the attached letter. Name. . . Address (Seventy-two)