Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1916)

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Become Wonderful in Health — Wonderful in Vitality and Wonderful in Efficiency for Your Own Advantage Through Conscious Evolution. Cells are wonderful beings. They are the creators of the plants, the trees, the fruit, the vegetables. They create the corn, the wheat, the apples. They are the creators of the rose, the lily, the violet and other flowers — they are the creators of everything living in the sea — they are the constructors of whales, sharks, porpoises and all fish. Through the activity of cells, the coral beds of the ocean are made. They are the creators of all animal life — they are the creators of you. They create your organs and the foundation of your mind. Billions of cells are within your body working for you. They are remaking your heart, your lungs, your nerves, your digestive system, your muscles, your brain — in fact, they are busy constantly reconstructing your entire body. You will be a better human machine — possess a better body and mind if you cultivate these cells — if, in other words, you give your cells greater energy and a greater opportunity as well as a better and more persistent reason for improving every tissue, every organ and every part of your body. The Swoboda System, through applying the principle of Evolution to the cells of the body, produces new human beings, new and better hearts, new and better lungs, new and better organs, new and better nerves, new and better brains, and, therefore, keener and more efficient mind. M Y new copyrighted book explains the Swoboda System of Conscious Evolution and the human body as it has never been It also explains my new and unique and mind. It will startle, educate explained before, theory of the body and enlighten you. My book tells in a highly interesting and simple manner just what you, as an intelligent human being, have, no doubt, always wanted to know about your body and your mind. You will cherish this book for having given you the first real understanding of your body and mind, It shows how you may be able to obtain a snperior life; it explains how you may make use of natural laws for your own advantage, My book will give you a better understanding of yourself than you could obtain from a college course, The information which it imparts cannot be obtained elsewhere at any price, It shows the unlimited possibilities for you through conscious evolution of your cells; it explains my discoveries and what they are doing for men and women. Thousands have advanced themselves in every way through a better realization and conscious use of the principles which I have discovered and which I disclose in my book. It tells what Conscious Evolution means and what it may do for you. It also explains the DANGERS and AFTER EFFECTS OF EXERCISE and EXCESSIVE DEEPBREATHING ______ DT pope My book explains the cause of HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES, as well as OLD AGE conditions, and how to overcome them. I offer my system on a basis which makes it impossible for anyone to lose a single penny. My guarantee is startling, specfic, “ai£proof, and just as any honest person would naturally desire it to be. Write for my FREE BOOK and full particulars today before it slips your mind. Make up your mind to at least learn the facts concerning the SWOBODA SYSTEM OF CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION for men and women. If you have reached your present stage of evolution without conscious effort, consider what your possibilities are through an intelligent and conscious use of the principles of evolution. My booklet will make you think. ALOIS P. SWOBODA, 1 3 69 Aeoli What Others Have to Say: “One year ago I was an old man at forty; today I am a youth at forty-one.” “I must state that the principle of your system is the most scientific, and at the same time the simplest, I have ever heard. You do not misrepresent one single word in your advertising.” “Just think of it, five weeks ago I was ashamed of my physique; today I am almost proud of it. I am delighted with Conscious Evolution.” “ Fourteen years ago at the age of 68 I was an old man; today at the age of 82 I am the marvel of my friends; I am younger than most men at 40. Your system gave me a new lease on life.” “ Last week I had a reading of my blood pressure, and was gratified to learn that it was fully ten points below the previous reading. This was a surprise to me as well as to my physician, who did yiot believe that my blood pressure could be reduced because of my advanced age.” “ Doctors told me I had hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. They advised me against exercise. Conscious Evolution reduced my blood pressure and made a new man of me.” “The beauty of your whole advertisement is that every word of it is the truth. Your svstem is the most wonderful in the world; it gave me new energy, strength and life; in other words, it made a new man of me. I have been an advocate of your system since the first day I used it; I have withstood a mental strain during the past year which would have broken my health had it not been for your system.” “Can’t describe the satisfaction I feel.” “Worth more than a thousand dollars to me in increased mental and physical capacity.” “I have been enabled by your system to do work of mental character previously impossible for me.” “I was very skeptical, now am pleased with results; have gained 17 pounds.” “The very first lessons began to work magic. In my gratitude I am telling my croaking and complaining friends, ‘Try Swoboda.’ ” “Words cannot explain the new life it imparts both to body and brain.” “It reduced my weight 29 pounds, increased my chest expansion 5 inches, reduced my waist 6 inches.” “I cannot recommend your system too highly, and without flattery believe that its propagation has been of great benefit to the health of the country.” “My reserve force makes me feel that nothing is impossible, my capacity both physically and mentally is increasing daily.” “I have heard your system highly recommended for vears, but I did not realize the effectiveness of it until I tried it. I am glad indeed that I am now taking it.” “Your system developed me most wonderfully.” “I think your system is wonderful. I thought I was in the best of physical health before I wrote for your course, but I can now note the greatest improvement even in this short time. I cannot recommend vriur system too highly. Do not hesitate to refer to me.” “You know more about the human hodv than any man with whom I have ever come in contact personally or otherwise.” a n Building, New York City, N* Y. What is said of the Swoboda System no doubt, sounds too good to be which will, no doubt, prove to you that nothing said about Conscious true Swoboda, however, has a proposition of which you should know and and Creative Evolution in Motion Picture Classic is too good to be true.