Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1916)

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Madge T. B. — Raymond Nye was General Tremont, Franklin Ritchie was Marcel and Louise Vale was Sophia in “The Woman of Mystery.” Madge Kirby and Gertrude Bambrick in “The Skating Rink” (Biograph). Please give me not flattery, but appreciation. Donald T. C.— So you haven’t seen Mary Anderson since she has gone West. I believe her next will be “The Hoyden,” opposite Webster Campbell. HELENE ROSSON, THE SEVENTEENYEAR-OLD AMERICAN STAR, WHO HAS JUST RECOVERED FROM A RECENT ILLNESS The Secret of Fast T ype writing New method enables anyone to write80to lOOwords a minute without mistakes. It’s all in the fingers! Doubles Stenographers’ Salaries Why are most stenographers setting only $8 to $1 5 a week — while others get $25, $30, $40, and even $50? Eight words tell the story. It’s nothing in the world but lack of speed and accuracy on the typewriter that is keeping salaries down — that is robbing most stenographers of the pay they ought to get. Think a minute. What is a stenographer paid for? Isn’t it for your finished product — for the quantity and quality of letters or other typewritten matter you can turn out in a day? No matter how good you are at shorthand, you can never expect much increase in pay until you get speed — real speed — and accuracy on the typewriter. Speed Now Easy for Anyone Now, for the first time, has an idea been discovered which puts speed — great speed and accuracy — within the reach of every typewriter user. Almost overnight it has revolutionized the whole typewriting situation Stenographers who formerly never exceeded 30 to 40 words a minute are writing 80 to 100 words with less effort and with infinitely greater accuracy than ever before. And their salaries have jumped from a meagre $8 to $15 per week to $30. $40 and even $50. Trained Fingers — the New Way European music teachers, when training their pupils for the piano invariably give special gymnastic finger exercises. This is because untrained fingers are not skilful fingers. The best results simply cannot be obtained — the fingers simply cannot be used correctly — unless the student develops and strengthens the proper muscles. This training is even more essential to expert typewriting. The reason that so few people can write more than 30 to 40 words a minute is because their fingers are not flexible or nimble enough. This new easy method overcomes this at once — develops finger strength and flexibility by exercises away from the machine — trains the fingers beforehand for their work on the machine — and the results border on the miraculous. Valuable Book We have prepared a book which tells all about the wonderful gymnastic finger exercises and explains the course in complete detail, which will be sent if 4c. in stamps is enclosed to cover cost of mailing, etc. It is a big 48-page book, brimful of eyeopening ideas and valuable information. It explains how this unique new method will quickly make your fingers strong and dextrous, bring them under perfect control, make them extremely rapid in their movements — how in a few short weeks you can transform your typewriting and make it easy, accurate and amazingly speedy — all this and much more is told in detail. No instruction book ever written, no matter what its cost, ever told so plainly the real WHY and HOW of expert typewriting. If you are ambitious to get ahead — if you want to make your work easier — if you want to get more money in your pay envelope — don’t wait a single moment before sending for this book of information and proof. Doubled Salary. Am now Chief Clerk to the Dept, of Parka and Public Property. Salary is exactly double what it was when I took up the study of the Tulloss Method. I can only say if you desire to increase your ability and salary, you will make no mistake in taking this Course. The instruction is of the highest order. . Anna S. Cubbison, 109 Hoerner St., Harrisburg, Pa. Salary Increased 40% — Then 20% More. Yours of the 8th. I certainly know that the Tulloss Course produces accuracy and speed — the two great essentials of good typewriting— and puts the student in a position to demand a higher salary. Since writing the letter you saw, telling of a 40% increase, I have had another increase of 20%. C.E.Verrall, 66 Olney St., Providence, R. I. 50 Words to 80— $70 Monthly to $150. From a speed of less than so words per minute, this Method quickly enabled me to write 80 and over. From $70 a month, when I took up the study, I was soon drawing $150 — salary more than doubled. There is no comparison whatever between the Tulloss Method and the ordinary systems. A. H. Gardiner, 429 Hawthorne Place, Madison, Wis. 100 Words a Minute. There is nothing in the field of typewriting instruction that can at all be compared with the Tulloss New Way. . It works upon an ^ A entirely differ l ^ entplan. The > Special Fin gerTrain .y/ Please ing is a revelation. Formerly A7/ send me I never exceeded SO words A*/ bo^k "about a minute, but since tak / the New Way ing up the Tulloss A. / in Typewriting. Method have written .()/ \ enclose 4c m as high as 100. <XcosSt^l&^. R. R. MASTIN, -H /his incurs no obliga Norval Bros. ‘>on on my part. Law Office, Oz* Seward, Name . Neb. ^ / Address, City State. Occupation . Mail to THE TULLOSS SCHOOL 1903 College Hill, Springfield, Ohio 36184 16278 36211 $ 90. EIGHT MONTHS TO PAY BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND SENT ON APPROVAL-NO MONEY DOWN o obligation: pay as you can. Ord er any diamond fr**™ '»• „ i , rom our catalogue: when received, if not absolutely satisfactory, return it. Otherwise keep it and pay 20% of the price, and only 10% per month thereafter. Ten per cent, discount for all cash. A binding guarantee as to quality with each diamond. Exchangeable at any time at an increase of 7 1-2% more than you paid. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE DELUXE 4 9 Contains over one thousand photographs of rings, pins, diamonds, and other precious stones. L. W. SWEET & CO., Inc 2 And 4 MAIOEN LANE NEW YORK CITY ( Sixty-one )