Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1916)

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CLASSIC “Owing More” By MARJORIE GLEYRE LACHMUND Several years ago, when Mary Pickford was beginning her career under David Griffith, the Biograph Company went to Greenwich, Conn., to take pictures at the beautiful mansion of Commodore Benedict at Indian Harbor. “At that time,” says the Commodore, now a spry old fellow of eightytwo years, “I had a secretary named Moore, and a treasurer called Owen. I never could remember their names, until some one called my attention to the little verse which starts ‘Owen Moore came to town,’ and ends with a pun on the name, ‘He went away, owing more/ Mary and I had a good laugh over this fine .ioke. Well, recently, when the Famous Players came up to take some’ views for ‘ Cinderella, ’ 1 met Mary again, and she recalled the verse and circumstance, asking if I remembered. I said I did, whereupon she nodded to a young man at her side and said, ‘Let me present my husband, Owen Moore.' “The first time I met Mary,” continued Commodore Benedict, when the laughter had subsided, “she told me she was twelve years old when she was really sixteen — and I kist her. So when she was here recently I said to her: ‘Mary, you told me you were twelve years old when you were here before. If I had known you were sixteen, I probably wouldn’t have kist you!’ ‘Oh, that’s all right,’ Mary promptly assured ; ‘ I didn ’t mind it ! ”’ MABEL NORMAND AND -RAYMOND HITCHCOCK IN A SCENE FROM “STOLEN magic” (keystone) •' USE m CREME f ELCAYA AND BE COMPLIMENTED ON YOUR COMPLEXION « (7THIS dainty “Cream of Flowers” makes the skin like velvet and adds an irresistible charm to the use of powder. Sold everywhere Send lOo for datnty trial size JAMES C. CRANE, Sole Agent 108-C Fulton St., New York, N. Y. Square* Deal Miller Says’. 1916 J/bdpls’ Now' Waltham Hamilton Howard Elgin Illinois , Rockford All Are 1916 Models. And I am the first man In the country to offer rl° _ the NEW 1916 MODELS of America’s best MONEY known watches. I have them all, the latest pro OOWn^ ducts of the world’s most famous factories, and cPFriAL^i watches are by no means all. You can get too, ^ A the very latest style mountings for Diamonds, ™ and the most up-to-date pieces of exquisite Jewelry. Whether you buy for cash or credit, the prices are right. I Smash the Terms ! My Square Deal methods— -my high grade, well known merchandise, my liberal policies, right prices, lowest terms, have earned me my title — “ Terms Smashing Miller.” No catalog published offers such remarkable values, such smashing terms, as our brand new 1916 Fro® Book. no Money Down That is the test that tells. Suppose you want a watch? Any make, any grade, any size, any case. I have it for you— just the watch that you want—® 1916 Model— NO MONEY DOWN, Express Prepaid. You can try any one of America's best known timepieces for 30 days. A Freo Trial, a Full Month to Carry It In Your Pocket. No References Demanded — An Open ACCOUnt Tl,e Ea,ne ^redit you get from your grocer liberally and v * cheerfully given. Arrangements are made for an Open Account as soon as you write. No red tape, no publicity, notes, nor collectors. Every transaction strictly confidential. 1BHaaHHHaa Send This Today / square deal For Watch and Diamond Book $ MILLER, Pres, Send me your name and address at once so I t can mail you, Free and postpaid, the most t DETROIT, MICH, beautiful catalog of its kind ever printed. $ n o, Plpase send I want you to seethe New 1916 Models # J'**8® *, of America’s best known watches. The $ n,e> without cost or obliga book is a gem. It illustrates all makes g Mon, your Big Book on all of valuable Watches, Elegant Genu g makes of High Grade Watches, ine Diamonds, >nd a vastassortnient g 1^16 Models, Genuine °n thv * Diamonds and Jewelry and full # information on your Easy Pay. t nient, No Money Down and 30 easiest and most liberal terms Write today and get a letter trom me that will make you a friend of mine from the start. Day Trial l’lan. SQUARE DEAL Miller # Pres . MillerHoefer Co. J A7 i Name . 629 MILLER BUILDING g DETROIT. MICH. g — # A d dress . (Sixtyfive)