Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1916)

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MOTION PICTURE 7/T Your Y credit is good \ f with as. You wear ' the Diamond while paying for it at L the rate of only j height cents a 1} Diamonds *' 3n OnfroHit i TELL ME YOURFOOT TROUBLE It will ease your Mind; I will ease your Feet. Enlarged Joints Reduced and Toes Straightened by ACHFELDT’S Perfection” TOE SPRING Worn at night without inconvenience, with auxiliary appliances for day use. Sent on approval. Money refunded if not as represented. Use My Improved Arch Supporter for “Flat Foot” and broken down instep. Send outline of foot. Full particulars and advice free in plain sealed envelope. M. ACHFELDT, Foot Specialist DEPT. K.H. 1326 Broadway, at 34th St., (Marbridge Building), NEW YORK ITHOUT You Have a Beautiful Face BUT YOUR NOSE? IN this day and age attention to your appearance is an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most out of life. Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible for your own self-satisfaction, which is alone well worth your efforts, but you will find the world in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your "looks,” therefore it pays to “look your best” at all times. PERMIT NO ONE TO SEE YOU LOOKING OTHERWISE; it will injure your welfare! Upon the impression you constantly make rests the failure or success of your life. Which is to be your ultimate destiny? My new nose-shaper “Trados” (Model 22) corrects now ill-shaped noses without operation quickly, safely and permanently. Is pleasant and does not interfere with one’s daily occupation, being worn at night. Write today for free booklet, which tells you how to correct ill-shaped noses without cost if not satisfactory. M. TRILETY, Face Specialist. 549 Ackerman Bldg., Binghamton, N. Y. THE EMPIRE STATE ENGRAVING CO. PHOTO-ENGRAVERS GOOD CUTS Half-tone and Line Work for Printing in One or More — Colors for Any Purpose DESIGNING :: :: RETOUCHING 165-167 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK Evans Art Pianos and Players Factory to You $ and up can be saved by my plan of selling direct from my factory to you. I can save you from $125 to $250 on an Evans Artist Model Rlano or Rlayer. Freight Paid The easiest kind of tenns.weekly» monthly, quarterly or yearly payments to suit your convenience. All middlemen, Jobbers, dealers and agents profits cut out. These are some of the reasons why I can sell the Evans Artist Model Pianos for such little | money. Let me send you the other reasons. 30 DAYS FREE TRIAD . If you are not entirely satisfied, we will take St back | without any cost to you— you are the sole judge to decide. Music Lessons Without Cost We will give a two years course of piano instruction | free. Ask about our insurance plan. STORY & CLARK PIANO CO. I F, O. EVANS, Can, Mgr., Oept. J-49 Chicago WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE? WE HAVE ALL ON POSTCARDS Send the names ol eighteen of your screen favorites and twenty-five cents or a dollar for a hundred in splendid poses on postcards. 7 poses of Mary Pickford, 3 of Marguerite Clark, 3 of Chaplin. 3 of Theda Bara, Edna Mayo, autographed pictures of Jack W. Kerrigan, Creighton Hnle, Sheldon Lewis, and other Iron Claw Stars. Also actual photos, size II 500 LIST all ORDERS 8x10, at 50c each || 0R FREE ON REQUEST THE FILM PORTRAIT CO,, 127C 1st Place. Brooklyn, N. Y. OnCredit u* AMonth Rock Bottom Prices Easy Credit Terms Our import prices “direct from the mines to you" cut out all ths wholesaler's and retailer’s profits. You get the benefit of this saving along with our liberal credit terms — eight months to pay — and you wear the Diamond while paying for it. Our large catalog is free, write for it. DIAMONDS WIN HEARTS" A Diamond is (As ideal ' rtfor a loved one, it iU/or«wr. end every day reminds the wearer of your regard and good judgment. FREE Examination You don’t pay one cent until you see and examine any article you desire right in your own hands. If you like it pay for it on our easy credit plan. If not entirely satisfied return at our expense. GET OUR GREAT 116 PAGE CATALOG. It contains over 2,000 beautiful illustrations of Diamonds. Watches, Solid Gold Jewelry, Silverware, Novelties, etc.— all the latest and most upto-date designs at our Importer's bargain prices 1 The National Credit Jewelers Dept. A616, 108 N. State St., Chicago, III. I BROS 8r CO. lisa ^torea jg* Chicago Pittsburgh St. Louis Omaha DON’T YOU LIKE My Eyelashes arvd Eyebrows? ccP You can have the same applied once each day, will absolutely produce thick and long eyebrows and eyelashes. Easy to apply— sure in results. Lashneen is an Oriental formula. One box is all you will need. Not sold at Druggists. Mailed on receipt of 25c coin and two cents postage, or Canadian money order. Beware of Imitations! LASHNEEN COMPANY (Dept. 19) Philadelphia MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS Small Capital Starts You our easy payment plan. Begin now and get your share. We sell every, thine. Write TODAY. Capital Merchandise Co. Dept. SI S25S. Dearborn St. .Chicago MUSIC LESSONS FREE ^ou co/n Accui TC\jjjua. IaM. t ILu quuk&)7 At Your Home. Write today for our booklet. It tellfl how to learn to play Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, etc. Beginners or advanced pupils. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 89 Lakeside Bldg., Chicane April ( Continued from page 24) the pathway, crouching till the trees hid the tent from view, and ran, panting, muttering over and over, with dry lips : "He mustn’t be ashamed of me — he mustn’t be ashamed of me ” Sal’s Ravine lay dank and earthysmelling, shut away from the sunshine by moss-strung trees and wet rocks, whose dripping sounded in the stillness like falling tears. April shrank from the edge of the bluff with a healthy recoil of soul, but her purpose, stronger than fear, urged her on. Suddenly faint, she sank down on the moss. A few moments — she must have a few moments more of life to gather together the precious memories of the last month to take with her into the cold dark. Jerry’s words, Jerry’s kisses — she went over them all as a drowning person cons over all of life in one crowded moment. Then, very white, she got to her feet. “Good-by, Jerry,” she said aloud, quietly — “good-by, world ” Sudden feet thudded on the path above her ; a big figure vaulted down ; strong, frightened arms closed her round. “April !” cried her husband’s shaken voice in her ear. “Oh, my God! little girl, what were you going to do ?” The raw agony of his voice broke thru her chill lethargy, warming her to her shivering soul. She clung to him, as frightened as he. “I reckoned,” she whispered between his kisses — “I reckoned you’d be — plumb — ashamed o’ me ” “Ashamed of you? April — April — and I love you so ! I remembered what you said once.” He drew a deep breath and tried to speak quietly, but she could feel his big frame trembling. “Dear, the most amazing thing has happened. You remember the little baby-clothes Martha gave the doctor? Well, I showed them to Mrs. De Voe just now and she almost fainted when she saw them. For she had made them, April, for her own little baby, who was stolen by a discharged nurse and never found. For you — do you understand, dear?” “My father and mother?” She whispered the words, awed, incredulous. Then, suddenly, she looked up into Jerry’s face. “It's moughty strange,” she said. “I reckon I ought to he glad ; I reckon I am; but somehow, now, nothing matters, except ” “Except — sweetheart ” “Except you an’ me, Jerry,” she murmured, “and — bend yore head down, honey — and — the baby that’scornin’ to we-all — some day ” ( Sixty-four)