Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1916)

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CLASSIC T Favorite Recipes of Favorite Players ( Continued from page 28) But I like it — no stairs to climb and everything so convenient. Of course each place has its advantages. Yes, I can do every kind of housework, make my own clothes, and, truly, I do* 'trim all my own hats. “I’ll tell you how I learnt to cook. In our family there are just mother, two sisters and myself. When we are in the country we girls take turns getting the dinners. That means I have two, sometimes three, dinners to plan, buy and cook every week. That is real practical experience, you see, when one has all the responsibility for meals. “1 have given waffle parties, and cooked all the waffles myself, for twenty people. Can you figure out how many waffles that would be ? Some one is always saying, ‘I want your recipe ; I never ate such delicious waffles.’ That is absurd. I make them just as any one does. My cooking is mostly plain, substantial things. You know what I mean — real things for hungry people, like planked steak and plenty of vegetables. " Planked Steak. — Have plank very hot. Place steak of required size on this and broil in oven. The length of time to do this depends on individual taste, as some require well-done steak. Have peas, carrots and mashed potatoes ready for serving. In a fryingpan have hot fat ready, and drop into this spoonfuls of the hot mashed potatoes. When done, they will be round, brown balls. Place steak on large platter. Put the peas, carrots and potato balls around. Thicken the gravy from the steak, add one pepper and one small onion that have been put thru food chopper, pour over steak and serve. On the bread-and-butter plates I put nice stalks of celery, with the hollows filled with cheese. Any brand of soft cheese preferred, or plain American cheese may be used, first putting it thru the food chopper. “Waffles. — Mix and sift three cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful sugar, one half-teaspoonful baking soda. Add two cups sour milk gradually, yolks of eggs well beaten, two tablespoonfuls melted lard and whites of two eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Cook on hot waffle-iron. Serve with maple syrup or honey and butter. Waffles may be served for luncheon, supper, breakfast, or ‘high tea.’ The waffle-iron should fit closely on range, be well heated on one side, turned, heated on other side and thoroly greased. In filling put tablespoonful in each compartment. If well heated, turn almost at once.” ( Sixty-seven) Read! 1* Tilt back paper shelf. 2. Extra wide platen. 3. Line space lever. 4. Two color ribbon shift. 5. Shift lock. 6. Back spacer. 7. Right hand shift keys. 8. Universal keyboard. 9. Left hand shift keys. 10. Margin release key. 11. Tabulator key. 12. Two color ribbon. 13. Carriage release key. 14. Feed roll release lever. 15. Paper fingers. 16. Removable platen. 17. High writing line. 18. Tool steel center guide. 19. Line lock. 20. Stencil cutting. Buys this Brand New 1916 REX, The King of Typewriters. Absolutely the Finest, Standard equipment — 10 year guarantee. You don’t pay a cent to use it for 10 days. You try it before you buy it — no money in advance. SPECIAL! WRITE— Write Before You Buy Don’t spend a cent, not even $15 until you get our competition defying, amazing, rock bottom, factory price! Nothing like this new, startling, revolutionizing price ever heard of in the history of typewriters. THIS ASTOUNDING PRICE is lower than the regular wholesale price — about what you would have to pay for a good, late model, second hand. We prove the REX to be superior to any other $100 typewriter made— tested for eight years— used by America’s leading merchants, banks, railroads and professional men. Free Instructions m ™ — — — — — — — — —— — — — in Typewriting RECORD BREAKING OFFER! TYPEWRITER PRICES SMASHED ! SEND THIS COUPON— »» * Please send (prepaid postage) your A T „ „ , . ,. , . , : free catalog and wonderful special Port REE CATALOG and valuable free infor , cut price easy payment offer on REX mation about typewriters and the cost of making i Typewriters, and selling them — no charge — no obligation — send ! today— NOW. f REX TYPEWRITER COMPANY; r REX TYPEWRITER COMPANY J Dept. 1 16, Steger Building, Chicago, Illinois 1 Name. DEPT 116, STEGER BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS • Address . r WANTED* Railway Mail Clerks $900 to $1800 a Year ($75 to $150 a month) Business Boom means hundreds of appointments w FRANKLIN INSTITUTE (The Pathway to Plenty) Dept. J 126, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Rapid advancement to higher Government Positions. “No lav-offi? because of STRIKES, WARS, FINANCIAL FLURRIES or the WHIMS OF b™8 coupon, filled out as directed, entitles^the sender to a free copy of our book, SOME PETTY BOSS. THE POSITION IS YOURS FOR LIFE. Country residents and city residents stand the same chance for iramedlate appointment. Common-sense education sufficient. l'olitical in cnech-ea. fluence NOT REQUIRED. “Government Positions and How to Get Them,” a list of Government positions now obtainable, and to consideration for Free Coaching for the position We will coach 25 candidates free of charge If you want to be one, send coupon immediately FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept 1 126, Rochester. N, Y. COUPON } Name. . .Customs Positions ($800 to $1500) • -Stenographer ($800 to $1500) ..Internal Revenue. .($700 to $1800) ..Clerk in the Departments at Washington ($800 to $1500) • Canadian Gov't Positions Address J 126 Use this before you lose it. Write plainly ..Railway Mall Clerk.. 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