Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1916)

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MOTION PICTURE TFH little knockER & Atand'NG irtALWE: one Got a lETtER then there V.ERE Hike. THAT MOV/E 5 x A ADVERTISING 4 ryS 'A OUGHT TDLOOK GOoO TO You! STAGE STAR, NEWSPAPER THEATRE EDITOR, i OWNER* GCHoOL VOOS0O__ CRITIC PRODUCE CYHlC TIP?. CEH60I& TEACHER PREACHER NINE LITTLE KNockeRS CHOCK FULL OF HATE, L iTTLE'IhP SAID 9 WuROD THEN THERE WERE EIGHT. NEWSPAPER EDITOR. THEATRE SCtlOOU CRITIC THEATRICAL SAlooN cywc MR.CErjf>0R, PRODUCER KEEPER THREE liTtlE hMockER$ awfully N01 s'f CREW ONE 60T Art AJFUL vaRTthen there WERE TWO. ONE LITTLE KNOCKER, Sitting in the suN; OoWN CAINE THE HAMMERTHEN THERE WERE NONE! MR>. fEH6oa *0UB Hont-rlftPE PICTiortfiRY &V£5 --"KNOCKS" A?ES$II1I6T; A CALAMITY HoWL££;fl Voodoo sih&itr. Ethel Teare, and That Flirtatious Way ( Continued from page 26) would get over on the screen. I wasn’t quite sure that I had what he said, but I ended my vaudeville tour right there in Los Angeles, and the following week found me out here at the studio. “I can assure you that I am glad of the change. Instead of those long rehearsals in a stuffy theater, I have the glorious outdoors of my native California; and in the place of the stuffy hotel rooms and jouncing trains, I have a pretty little bungalow, with my mother and sister and everything that makes ‘home.’ Believe me, ‘This is the life !’ “I imagine I have been rather fortunate for a girl who has been in Motion Pictures only a year. I started with Lloyd Hamilton and Bud Duncan, in the ‘Ham and Bud’ subjects, and, I must confess, I enjoyed playing with those funny fellows so much it wasn’t really work. Then, when Ham suffered his unfortunate accident, it was up to Bud and me to bear the burden entirely. “The company officials evidently liked my work, for when Ham returned, they suddenly surprised me with the news that I was to star in a company all my own. They said that letters from the fans, and reports from exhibitors, showed that I had secured a large following, so I deserved to be a star all alone. You can see that I owe a whole lot to the dear fans, who are thoughtful and kind enough to write letters once in a while. More than one star has been made thru the good-will of the fans, who enjoy saying a good word. “But I hope the fans dont think I am flirtatious, too. I guess they dont, or they wouldn’t be so kind, because no woman or girl likes a flirtatious cat.” “Supposing we leave it up to them,” I declared. “Let me take some of these very pretty photographs that I am sure I might almost describe as ‘flirtatious.’ We will publish them in the Classic, and leave it to the readers themselves to decide just what adjective applies.” But I had stumbled into expressing an opinion of my own — so there was nothing left for me but to cover my confusion by quickly securing the photographs and seeking safety in flight. As I went down the road from the studio, I turned to see Miss Teare waving a pretty farewell. I may get my hair pulled for it, but I am going to say right here, that the only word to describe that bewitching personality standing at the end of one of the outdoor stages, and waving a good-by to me, is the word “flirtatious.” (Sixty-eight)