Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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OPPORTUNITY MARKET AGENTS WANTED BEAUTY SECRETS tncludliis l&.OO cloar Bkln recipe «f famouf beauty doctor for 10c. Wilt© today. AnXelus Chemical Worki, Silt's Central Ave., Lob Artgelea, Cftllf. MKXICAN DIAMONDS Mash like ecnulnv, fool tixpertu, ■tand te»l8. yet »elt for l/50ih tho prico. Few live &ffenta wanted to lell from handiome lample caae, Biff pronti. pltiasant work. Write today. Mexican Dla mond Imptg. Co.. Box CA. Laa Cruc^i. N. Mex. W]Dl::.AWAKl!: MAN TO TAKl:: CHAKUK of our local trade. 14.00 to t&.OO a day iteady. No experience reautred : pay atarti at once. Write today. American ProduUa Co., 1634 American BIdg.. Cincinnati. O. "INSyDK TIRK8— Inner armor for automobile tlrea: prevent punctures and blowouti: double tire mileage. Liberal proRtH. Details free." American AQceiiorlei Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Dept. U7. TU£ POLICK KEY Is at lervlceable oa a whole bunch of ordinary keya; opena almost everything; every houae owner should have one. Sent postpaid on receipt of 20 cents: three for 60 cents. Safety Key Holder free with every ke^-. Sharpe Mfg. Co., 48-64 Van Houten Street, Paterson. N. J. HELP WANTED XbE~Y6V~»ATISF1ED with your position and prospoets? If not. whatever your occupation, Investigate your chance In Govt. Service, Just ask for form RLSOSfi. free. Eftrl Hopkins. Washington. D. C, DETKCTIVKS EARN big money. Great demand everywhere. Excellent opportunity. Travel. Experience unnecessary. We train you. Particulars free. Write. American Detective System. 1968 Broadway. New York^, _ ^ ARTISTS IN GREAT DEMAND. Big salaries paid for full or part time. Learn Quickly at home In spare time. Commercial Art, Cartooning. Illustrating. Designing. Outfit free to new students. Send for hand* some Free Book, Write Now. Washington School of Art, Inc.. 1462 H St.. N. W.. Washington. P. C. ART THE LONG ISLAND SCHOOL OP ART.— Individual Instruction In painting and sketching from nature under competent instructors. Studios In Brooklyn, New York and RoBlyn. Long Island. Open to a limited number of pupils for 1619 season. Address. L, I, School of Art. 171-176-177 Duffleld Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. BEAUTY PREPARATIONS HAIR ON I'ACE, BODY OR UNDER ARMS positively removed with root; no electricity nor poisonous drugs; absolutely harmless and painless; write for particulars, or call to have free demonatrationT Mme. Berthe, flpeoiallst, Dept. L.ia West 40th St.. N. Y. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BRANCH MANAGER WANTED by old established Chicago Concern. We furnish full stock of goods, advertising matter, and equip store completely, in good location, all at our expense. We allow you to draw out |I76 a month and will also pay you liberal share of the profits your store earns. Work may be started In spare time. No Investment or previous experience necessary. If you are a hustler and want an opportunity to make (6.000 or mo]*e a year, we want you, and will pay you well from the start. Send your application today. 8. Levy, Manager, Dept. 660. 389 S. Franklin St.. Chicago. III. OLD COINS WANTED "OLI> MONEY WANTED." 12 to 1600 each paid for hundreds of coins dated before 1696. Keep all old money. Send 10c for new illustrated coin value book, slse 4x6. You may have coins worth large premiums. Gel posted. Clarke Coin Co., Box 166. Le Roy, N. Y. OLD COINS. Large fall coin catalogue of coins for sale free, Catalogue quoting prices paid for coins, ten cents. William Hessleln, Dept. K., 101 Tremont St., Boston. Mass. FARM LANDS FREE BOOK OF FLORIDA FACTS. Own y&ur own orange grove In beautiful Frultland Park. A few cents a day you now waste will buy It for you. A few dollars a month may provide you with a life income. Schnltiler "sold his twenty -acre grove here for 140,000 — two thousand an acre. He saw the same opportunity that's offered j^ou and planted a grove. Result — he reaped a small fortune. You have the same chance but you must act now. Writft TODAY for Free Book of AcWial Photo^rapht. Florida Facts and the Interesting story of a Frultland Park Farm. Learn of crops that help you buy It. Address today, Lake County Land Owners' Association. 3H Sunset \\'ay. Frultland Park. Florlda. FEMALE HELP WANTED I.ADIKH — FnHclnatIn? home liuilneHS tintinff poBtcards, pictures, photo., etc., spare lime Tor profit; 15 on 100; no canvasBlnff; samples 10c fstamps). Particulars frpe. Artlnt. 10-M. Station A. nrooklyn, N. Y. WO.MEN WANTED to operate beauty parlor: make t600-(1000 monthly. We Instruct all branches dermatology, hair removal, moles, etc, by electricity, Ptill line toilet preparations. Security required — about IB76. E. R. Berry Co.. 1623 Chemical, St. Louis. Mo^ •6-»IB A DOZ. nECORATINO PILLOW TOPS at home; .xperlence unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co . 103 I. a Grange. Ind. WOMEN TO BRW. Goods sent prepaid to your door; plain lewlnv; steady work; no canvajsins. Bend stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Dept. 22. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED— S brlDht. capable ladles for Itlt, to traval, demonstrate and sell dealers. 130.00 to ISO. 00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 16. Omaha. Neb. GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENTS PLAVH, VAIDEVILI.E ACTS. MONOLOO!!, DIAI.OaS, tableaux, drills, pageants, musical readings, recitations, special entertainments, make-up goods. Large catalog free. T. S. Denlson A Co.. Dept. 63. Chicago. HELP WANTED— MALE RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTORSisplendld pay and expenses: travel If desired: unlimited advancement. No ■ge limit. Three months home study. Situation arranged. Prepare for permanent position. Write for booklet CM61. Standard Business Training Institute, Buffalo, H.V. HELP WANTED V. S. GOVERNMENT now needs hundreds, men, women, IB or over. Permanent positions. Pleasant work. llOOO-tllOO flrst year. Quick raise. Short hours. Paid vacation. Common education sufTlclent. Write Immediately for free list positions now obtainable. Franklin Xliatltute. Dept. L77, Rochester, N, Y. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE BOUGHT HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Diamonds, Bonds, Old Gold, Crowns, Platinum. Square deal. Cash at once. Goods returnofl at our expense If our offer Is refused. Send now. mall or express. I. M. Cohen, 1220 12th St., Washington, D, C. ______ LADIES WANTED LADIES — Do photo coloring, tint postcards, etc. Spare time for profit. Experience unnecessary. We furnish Inslructlona, colors, brushes. Sample designs 10c. Art Photo Coloring Co.. Dept. B, Newport, Ky. MANUSCRIPTS SCENARIOS, MANL'SCRIPTS, all confidential work. professionally put In form and typed. We will orltlolsa your work free of charge. Thomson Literary Bureau, Station F, Box 120, New York, Murray Hill 8836. MISCELLANEOUS yOlJ >VBITE WORDS FOR A BONO— We write the music, publish, and secure a copyright. Submit poems on any subject. The Metropolitan Studios, 814 3, Michigan Avenue, Dept, 141, Chloago, III. WRITE THE WORDS FOB A 8ON0. We revise poems, write music and guarantee to secure publication. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios. 107M. Fltlgerald BIdg.. New York. MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS iSB.OO PROFIT NIGHTLY. Small capital starts you. Outfits sold on Installments. No experience needed. Our machines are used and endorsed by Government Institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Co., 426 Morton BIdg., Chicago. MUSIC "LIFE'S ALL* LOVE" — our beautlfui new waits hit — catchy and tuneful. Postpaid 30o. Harmony Music Oompanv. 63 Thaver Hall, Cambridge. Mass. NEWS CORRESPONDENTS EARN »JS WEEKLY, spare time, writing for newspapers, magaslnes. Experience unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate, 661 8t, Louis, Mo, _ " ~~ PATENTS PATENTS. Write for Free Illustrated Guide Book. Send model or sketch for free opinion of Its patentabla nature. Highest References. Prompt Attention. Reasonable Terms. Victor J. Evans A Co., 621 Ninth, Washington, D, C, PHOTOPLAYWRIGHTS WHITE PHOTOPLAYS 1 »60 to IJOO each for bellnners. Our free plan tells you how: write for It today. Los Angeles Photoplay Co., 123 N. Broadway, Los An gelcB, Cal. FREE TO WRITERS — A wonderful little book of money-making hints, suggestions. Ideas; the ABC of successful story and movie play writing. Abiolutaly Free. Just address Authors' Press, Dept, 14, Auburn. H.T. ~ SHORT STORIES IS, poems for new magaijne. "Typed or handwritten MSB. WANTED— Stories, artlclei We pay on acceptance, acceptable. Send MSB. to Woman' sine. Desk 1054. Washington. D. C, National Maga STORIES. POEMS, PLAYS, ETC., are wanted fcjr publication. Good Ideas bring big money. Submit IBS, or write Literary Bureau, H4, Hannibal, Me. WRrrERSJ Have you a son^;j>oem,_story^ photoplay to sell? Louis, Submit MSB now. Music Sales Co., SONG POEMS WANTED WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONO, We rsvlM poems, write music and guarantee to secure publloa* tlon. Submit poems on any subject, Broadway StudlOi. 107H, FItsgerald BIdg., New York. DO YOU WANT YOUR SONO POEMS ACCKPTBDt Bend your poems today for best offer. Immediate publication and free examination. Song writing booklet on request. Authors A Composers Service Co., Suite (tS, 1431 Broadway, New York. WRITE THH WORUB FOB A WHO. We revlie roami, compose music for them and guarantee to ssoura publication on royalty basis by New York mutio publisher. Our Chief Composer Is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios, 1078 Fltlgerald BIdg.. New York. YOU WRITE WORDS FOR A SONO. We writs the music, publish and secure a copyright. Submit poemi on any subject. The Metropolitan Studios, 814 Bo< Michigan Ave., Room 104. Chicago, 111, , SONG WRITERS WRITE A SONO— Love, mother, home, childhood, patriotic or any subject. 1 compose muslo aad guarantee publloallon. Send words to-day. Thomas Kerlln, 3(8 Reaper Block, Chicago. MOTION PICTURE; CiiRYSTAL Court, — Sidney Drew and hij.j wife arc in "Once a Mason," released thru: Paramount. Zasii Pitts was not in the cast. Jack Miilliall was born in New York. No, I think once a star long absents herself or him-' self from the screen, they are soon forgotten. Yes, I have read letters. Wild Kitty. — Sure thing, you're welcome. Doubt whether that player can "come back." However, yeast, the compressed, will rise again. Better not ask me how to beconie a movie star. Your letter was some wild, Kitty, and it sure was rip-roaring comedy, Josephine S. — Too bad! Misfortunes never come singly ; they arc always married. I never sit up late and I advise you to quit it. Late suppers and late hours make men unhealthy, unwealthy, unwise and otherwise. Freckles. — Nothing doing! You must sigii your full name or I dont play. See? QuESTioNARE 14. — YouTS was quite a chatty little letter. Dont be haughty. Haughtincsj lives under the same roof with solitude, Dont pay to be uppish. Yes, I saw that headline, 'Charles Bryant returns to support Mme, Nazimova." We hope he has been supporting her these last years. He's her hubby, you know. Matilda M.— Last I heard o£ Pearl White she was on her way to France. Crane Wilbur has gone on the stage opposite Marjorie ■ Rambeau in "Eyes of Youth. Pessimists are moral squinters, who. being incapable of a straightforward view, imagine that penetration is evinced by universal mistrust. Get me? M. V. Z. — Madge Kennedy in "Leave It to Susan." Bessie Love with Western Vitagraph, Irving Cummings playing with Ethel Clayton in "Men, Women and Money." Evelyn Nesbitt in "My Little Sister" for Fox. Sure thing; drop in to see me again. Norma, Butte. — Beaut, or from Butte? Aim Littla played opposite Bill Hart in "SquareDeal Sanderson." Enoch Herbert Crowder, the "Father of the Draft," was born in Missouri, graduated from West Point', served in the Philippines and with the Japanese army, was Secretary of State in Cul«. appointed Judge Advocate General, directed an enrollment of 24,000,000 men between the ages of 18 and 45 years for military service, and directed the registration of 14,000,000 men under an amendment to the selective service law. Some pedigree, eh, what? Yours was pretty long, but I'll excuse you this time, Dreamer.— Which studio is the most beautiful? Haven't been in all of them, so would not venture an opinion. Sorry I cant' help you. Yes, Woods, Shuberts and Selwyn are affiliated with Goldwyn. Wheeler Oakman will play in "The Third Eye" for Pathi. She is West. JuDiE, — You will find "I can tell where my own shoe pinches me, and you must not think to catch old birds with chaff," in Don Quixote. Your letter wasn't as sweet as it might be. You cant catch an old bird with chaff, either, you know. Make the best of everything, think the best of everything, and hope the best for yourself. Harry \lorey was Christopher, Maurice Costello was Henry, Betty Blythe was Barbara and Robert Gailfard was Dempsey in "The Man Who Won," released in July. Story was by Cyrus Townsend Brady, Dream Girl. — Yes, Alice Brady is back in pictures. She is married. Dont complain. We did not make the world, but we may mend it. and must live in it. We shall find that it abounds with fools who are too dull to be employed and knaves who are too sharp to have to work. Robin. — You think I am about the size of William Hart, with Douglas Fairbanks' smile and hair like William Farnum! Oh, I'm better looking than that. You just ought to get your peepers on me once and see how beautiful I am. Madge Evans in "Home Wanted," produced by Tefft Johnston. Beef. — Wallie Van is in Los Angeles now. Richard Barthelmess played with Nazimova, Florence Reed and Matige Kennedy before going with Griffith. Lillian Walker is coming to New York to play in a serial. Beware of the little green snake — it may be just as dangerous as a ripe one, (One hundred)