Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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Keep On Dancing DON'T stop to tUrt the phono(raph — Juat ut« this UttU device ind it will make the record pliy over and over again until the machine rum down — abiolutcly automatic. Pite any type of dlic phonograph (except Edlion) twinge out of the way when not in uae, doei not In any way affect the rec* ord or the machine. Handaomely nickel plated and will lait a life time. i Sent poatpaid on receipt of I7.S0 with the i)nderstandiig that if not aatlifactory it may be returned and money immediately refunded. THE ELLINGTON COMPANY M Berblea Strttl. BmIod, M«m. Music Lessons UNDER MASTER TEACHERS ^ At Home A G>ropiete Conservatory Course B K^Ail Wonderful homo study music leuons under y ITIBII grokt American and European teachen. Boaoreed by Psaerfiwaki. Uaiter teaohere iruide and coach TOO. Liettona a marvel of flmpllolty end completeneH. Any Inatrument or Voice „1il'"u."e";".5 nr« lntare«t«d In— Piano, Uftnnoiu', Voice, Public School Maile, Violin, Comet, lundolin, GulUr, Banjo, or 1{««d Organ-am) we will iend our FREE CATALOQ covering ■UlnatrumentalindvoeaJeoureee. Send NOW. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY ei43Sle>el>Mr>raBld|. Chicago, lUlnola Perfect hearing li now Wng rettorrf to every condition of deefnes* or delecUT* beanns from caiuee eucb ai Calurkal Daalataa, Ralaitd or Suahea Drama. Rearlat or Bliilat Saaada, rarforatad,WkellyorrarllallyDealrair. ad Oraaa. Diackarda from Eara. ale. > Wilion Conunon-Seue Ear Dmmi "IMIt Winim Pkotut for jlu ft""~ noidra no medicine but effectively replace what la lacklna or ddective In the natural drumi. They are ilmple devlcea, which the wearer eaaily au Into the eara where they are tavlilble. Soft, aaf e and comfortable to wear at all tlmea. Write today lor our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESa ■ivjng you full partlculan and plenty of teatlmoniala. Wlk>OH BAII DRUM OQ., Iaaar*ara1ad aea Intar-awlham aulldlai kOUISVILLI, KV. WRITE A SONG Love, Mother, home, childhood, patriotic or any subject. I compoae music and guarantee publication. S*nd Wordm Today. THOMAS MERLIN, 269 Reaper Block, Chicafo HOW TO MOTION TelU your ability for screen work. Who to aik for position, whert io to with long lilt of Film Com £aniei namci TDDIO Cii. A STAR BECOME PICTURE and addrese Studio terma, etc. lOcts. and ee poaUfe. Norwalk, Codd. 100 MOVIE STAR -^ PHOTOS -^ Reproduced in half-tones gnltable for framing. All your favbrltes, no two alike, Pearl White, Warwick, Stewart, Petrovia. et«. Pine Den decorati«ns. Set mailed for ISa with catalog. ■aw iri Co.', lax *, Narwalk. Ct. ("One fcundred and five) The Movie Encyclopedia (Continued from pape 102) Slim H.— Yes, I have noticed the tight skirts. How could I help it? They are decreed to prevent the girls from running after our returned soldiers. Skirts that they cant run in, shoes that they cant walk in, corsets they cant breathe in — such is woman ! Alice Brady and Conrad Nagel will be seen in "Redhead" (Select.) George N. C.— Couldn't comply with your request, son. Join one of the clubs. M. A. — Donald Hall with Goldwyn last. Wallace Reid Fan.— They all do it sooner or later — Katherine Lee, age nine, and Jane, age six, have started their own company. Nothing like getting a little leeway in pictures. Some one told you Pearl White had no ears — cant you see for yourself? 'Deed she has ears, and they are like Pearls. Two Bugs. — What kind of bugs? Dont you think that men in general are but children of a larger growth? So you thought Eugene O'Brien and Norma 'Talmadge were ideal, and that when it came to kissing they were bears. You say, "You are old enough to know better than to tease your readers that way." Why, do you know a better way? Frenchy. — Dick Barthelmcss is not married. Prince Dantan. — Sure I would be content with little it nobody had any more. Thanks for the picture. You're not a bad-looking chap after all. Fairbanks twins are on the stage in New York. We have no photographs of Florence LaBadie for sale. Run in again. Norma Talmadge Admirer. — So this is your first to me. You say you had an appointment at the Commodore Hotel to meet Lillian Gish, and you pot "cold feet" and were afraid to meet her. Try woolen socks. Marc MacDermott Forever. — Last I heard of him he was free-lancing. Jennie Lee, of the old Biograph pictures, is playing in "Jim of the Rangers." Pinky Rose. — You want me to tell you how Gladden James ever got into pictures. Is this an inquiry or a stiletto thrust? Doris N.— Robert Louis Stevenson was the author of "To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little and spend a little liss, to make the world a little happier by our presence — here is a worthy task." We had an interview with Elsie Ferguson in June Classic. Jo Jokey. — Why, the word Czar comes from Caesar and became adopted thru Simeon, Grand Khar of Constantinople, A. D. 900. Caesar has become, in German, Kaiser, and that individual lias become obsolete. "Shadows of the Pasts" is Anita Stewart's next picture. A. V. R.— Yes, I believe in prayer, but the best way to get a prayer answered is to pray hard, then get out and hustle. That's \\;hat I do. Sorry I haven't his name. House Pet^hs Fan. — Yes, everybody oirj^ht to read "Don Quixote." Cervantes laid many of the scenes in La Mancha, an old province of Spain, in the southern part of New Castile. Gail Kane is on the stage. Sure I can keep a secret. Age is the only secret a woman can keep. Bill Farnum Lover.— Yes, and the old fellows who used to whittle the chairs from under them now go to a movie show. William Farnum has been playing for about five years. You're excused. Constance M. — You say all you have to have to get in the movies is luck. Then all players must be lucky, which is not so. No, no, little one, you're all wrong. Yes, Charles Clary is married. Red Head. — You have been reading Darwin. I'll wager. Our ancestors, even tlio they were monkeys, weren't so ignorant as some folks fancy — tliey were generally educated .in the higher branches. Fardonnes moi. You ask what was my ambition when I was small — if it will give you any pleasure, to be a policeman. To be continued. Anna L. F., Memphis. — Send a stamped, addressed envelope for a list of film manufacturers. The stage has had all the characteristics. In Greece, it was a form of religion. The Greek theater had all the beauties. The world progressed, and light always came from the stage. DON'T READ THIS Uoiess You Want a Genuine Bftrgaln BE A MOVING PICTURE STAR Do you know that many Moving Picture actori and actrcBiet get from $500 to $5,000 a week? Many young ladies and young men working iof §maU wages could do jutt at well if they knew how. This book will teach you everything from start to finish. Alto tells how and where to apply for a position. Gives the an* dresses of all the ttudtos and managers and tells everything in detail. It it a pleasant and profitable profession and the demand exceeds the supply all the time. No other book needed — this ex* plaint everything. Book mailed for 10c. 100 PHOTOS OF MOVIE STARS reproduced in half-tones. Your favorites are all here — Chaplin, Bushman, Pickford. Bara. Pearl White, Joyce, Clark, etc. All the STARS in real classy poses. Suif able for framing, Set mailed for IJc. with catalog of other MOVIE articles. 2 MOVIE PENNANTS FOR 12c To introduce our catalog of Movie Books, etc., we are selling these pennants I at bargain prices. Just the tning for [ your Den. etc. Each pennant of a diffcferent Star, Made of Felt and come in Ei ^■assorted colors. Will send two for 12c, I^H 12 for 50c. or 25 for on^ dollar. Order HPI before they are all gone. You can order all of the above single at prices named or will send the Movie Star Book. 100 photos and 2 pennants, all for 2Sc. Order before they are all gone. YOUNGS PUB. CO., Boi 100, So. Norwslk, Coib. Learn Piano! This Interesting Free Book Bhowg how you can become a akllled |il«}ei "t i>Ihiii> III iiiKitii 111 yoiir uwii hnmt), at an* quartsr usual ««st. Or, Qnlrni'i )» niout Writlan Method l« pnilnmi-rt by Irnrllut. ihukIiUhi. dikI lit-n.U of (4(*lt rftii»*rv«tnrlt'i'. (*iir.'i'»>'r'i! Mil ,,vi-«r«. I'U> iIlhiU at ana* ■"'I coiiipl*** nl(trp IK ^veiy key, within 4 laaaana. HclfnllHr >^l vaiy lf> iui<1«ri<>ltnd. lllnRtntod, For be»inncr« or teachon. old or younr. All mutle lra«. '""■«■. -i ^f,^^^^ |«-d» for M-pweffM book. "How to BtuSyUns\e?* ^Ily lllnRtnto ^/?e POLICE KEY is ai serviceable at a whole bunch of ordinary keys : opens almost everjihing ; every houseowner should have one. Sent postpaid on receipt of 20 cents ; three for 50 cents. Safety Key Holder free with every key. SHARPE MFG. CO., Paterson, N.J. Ri^moh Gems \-ii.'-'..'y/ [LMk and w*ar lliia diamandt. Brllllanor fflllarant««d forever. Stand Hlu, acid and Are Ite diamond!. Have no paate foil or baokInE. Set only In 14 karat Bolld sold mountL inga. About l-30th thuprlceofdiamonda, A '■■■vnUietta (•m-wlll cut ■!»■*. •«•;•»• ail(«IU1lM>,aitdt*M«italnn»flaM. Saot lyu.u.p. aubiMt to •««iiln«tion. Wrlw tod»» tor 'oorlllu«ti«t*dMt»lo* It • I'MriMMbJnmnCa* IUWuMittM*n^ltU«ti.llfc Get Well— Grow Tall— Stay Young Tills I'liiverslly (llHcovery Is the leaillng health Inrontloivor the sfe. I'erfecU the human body. Energliei entire wsteni. Improvet blood and iien't-H. Corrwrs rrooked splni'o and Uniba. 33 p. book free, THE PANDICULATOR CO., 1916 ProipMt Avs.. Clsvaland, 0. OH, BOY! Here is somethin)i you have been seeking. Genuine Photos of Mack Sennett Bathing Beauties 8l«i' 8 X 10— IS to a sot— vsTlouR Ufpllke jHMe*. Derorale your nxim or (It'n with them and you will be envietl by your frleiiila. SOo saeh sr ssmpltts ist sf IV— |l,OC ThtA 1 1 a tpfci al offer for a abort time only, so take quick advantsfe In onler to be nure of your net tiefore tho edition la eihauitrd. Rend your order today accompanied by money order or currentry lo S.IRAM, Dipt 67, 209 Witt 48lh Stmt tatW VONK'OITV S«nd stamp for JIat of photo* of famoaa HovU Stara