Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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Are YOU Headed For The Scrap Heap Thousnnd'i of iiu'n nre siiidilenl.v dumped inlo the st-riiplu'iip o! \\<irn-out humanity "•><> liadn't Ih. -sliKlitest idrn. n wock or two tM-r<.rt> they BOt their wnlkinR [tuptTH. that they were shited to hf llred. A weak, sickly, constipated, l.ilious. grouchy man never nppre1 iule;* that his usefulness is nearly ui an end, until the day comes wh.'n he's out of a job for KO«d. \^ \KK ir if VtU' are dragRinK through your daily work. ii:iiiilicnpped and hiimi>ered at ,-v.TV point l>y chronic ailments that are draseinR you down into tlif preat army of TIIK IN FIT. \.iiir collapse will come some day \\ illi a bang — prolmblj' when you l.asi expect it. Look the facts in I In face — tak*-! stm^k of yourself — AIT, before It is loo late, and Make Yourself Fit owe their success It Pupils of You do it, without any cjues!i'iii. when you once appreciate the dangerous toboRgan you are ■cw and make up your mind to get __^^ oft it lor good and all. You can ■^TROVr.FORT eet rid of the constipation that is ■niererfectMim soaking your system with virulent ineieneci.-uan p^jgons; you can free yourself from the digestive disorders that are making you feet like a human wreck; you can turn your watery blood into the rich, life-giving fluid that will build up your body and vour brain, strengthen all your \Hal organs and make a virile AIAN of you again — you can do it, if you WILL to do it, and go about it in Nature's way. Don't take the wrong turning and waste your time and money tn quick "remedies" and patent medicine dope. Natnre never prepared a prescription or put up a patented powder. Your violation, perhaps unconsciously, of Nature's Laws, brought you to your present condition, and she alone, through her m;irvelous recuperative force, can restore the manhood you have lost. Let Me Show You Nature's Way I don't deal in drugs and dope. My life has been spent in studying out and experimenting with the forces that Nature has implanted in every human organism for the eternal betterment of the human race. No more wonderful power exists In all the world Every physician and surgeon depends upon it; without the aid of Nature no treatment, no operation, could possibly succeed. I built myself up into the strongest man In the world throush Slrongfortism — Nature's method of Remaking Men. Thousands of strong, able, sue cessful men, former pupils of mine, present abounding vitality, and the brought them, to that same method, mine right now, in every part of the globe, are regaining each day the vigor and vitality they thought was lost forever. Strongfortism Strongfortism is simply a system of Living Life as Nature meant it to be lived; of taking advantage to thi^ utmost of the wonderful forces she constantly e\erts toward the rebuilding of wasted brain and body tissues and the restoration of lost vitality. Your present unfortunate condition may have been caused bv earlv Indiscretions or excesses of your own It makes no difference; no matter how much of vour energv has ebbed away. Strongfortism will help vou. as it has helped other men. and set you on the right road toward renewed health and manlv vigor. I have never known it to fail. 1 GUARANTEE to Improve your condition 100 per cent, If you wilt follow my directions for a few months. Send for My Free Book "Promotion and Coaservatlon of Health, StreoEth and Ulent il Energy" will give you all the facts about Strongfortism. and prove to you indisputably that Strongfortism will do for you what It already has done for thousands of other sickly, miserable men. You'll find it interesting from first to last, because it treats of the most Important thing In the world TO Y'OU. Send for It NOW. Don't delay — every day. every hour counts. Remember. THE BOOK IS FREE. Fill out the coupon and mall to me with three 2-cent stamps to cover packing and postage and I will stnd with the book a special letter on the subject In which you are moat interested. LIONEL STRONGFORT /■;i.;*.>.i; and I/raim SptciatUr 11B6 Strongfort Institute, Newark, N.J. .... -CUTOUT AND MAIL THIS COUPONmm««h Mr. Lionel Strongfort, Newark. N. J. — Please 5f=iid mp your book "PROMOriON AND CON8KRVATIoSr OF HEALTH, STRENGTH AND MENTAL ENERGV." for poataRe of which I enclose three 2c stamps. I have marked (Xj before " subject in whlth I am inter (llis<li Colili Catarrh .Aithma Obeiity Headache Thlnneit Rupture Neurltli . Neuralgia .Flat Chert Dotormlty .Intomnia .Heart Weaknesi .Short Wind .Fiat Feet .Conitlpatlon .Blllouineii .Torpid Liver . , Indigettlon . . Nervouineit . . Poor Memory Rhcumatlim .Poor Circulation .Youthful Error* Impotenoy .Vital Loiiei Skin Dltordcri . Despondency , Round Shoulders Lung Troubles .IncroaMd Height .Age <>rcupati<tn . Street Gossip of the Pacific Coast By FRITZI REMONT Los Angeles, (Special). — It's a welle.stablished fact that when any one wants to raise funds for charitable purposes, the motion picture field is combed for cuties first of all. At Clune's Auditorium, just before the holidays, the Los Angeles Examiner arranged a monster benefit, at which nearly everybody tried to insert a bit, with the effect of keeping us out of bed until 2 a. m. one Sunday morning. Ren Alexander aroused a lot of amusement bv playing director behind a big camera, with Charlie Murray as chief actor. His instructions, coupled with much delightful semaphoring and facial maneuvering, made one of the hits of the evening. The genial Mr. Murray had been billed to tell funny stories, but introduced himself by .saying that he knew more "stag" stories than any other sort and that, if the ladies would retire from the audience, he would be pleased to entertain the men folk. One of Cecil De Mille's playlets was produced with telling effect, Bebe Daniels sang lovely ballads, Mary Miles Minter told anecdotes and — oh, well, what's the use ? Everybody was there and saw and conquered. Gloria Swanson, the adored of many swains, has gone and done it. She is off on her honeymoon with Herbert K. Somborn, who is with Equity Films Corporation. This is Miss Swanson's second venture, altho she is only starting to tick off her twenties. She will continue her screen career, having several years' contract with Famous Players-Lasky Company to fulfil. Conrad Nagel is starting as a star on the same lot, doing "The Fighting Chance," Robert W. Chambers' exciting novel, under Charles Maigne, who has but lately arrived also. 'j'he lot at Vine and Selma streets, Hollywood, looks rather lively, with eleven companies working hard. Uncle George Melford is now a feature director, and several new directors have been added to the list, among those being Thomas Heffron, who is megaphoning Major Warwick and Lois Wilson, who is making her first appearance opposite the soldier-star. Miss Wilson looks about sixteen now; she keeps getting younger and prettier and is one of the best-foved girls at the studio. It was just about two days before Christmas, a frightfully warm spell that we had, and Lois was sauntering about, packageT laden, awfully excited over the exchange of gifts. She wore a sheer little frock of some lace-trimmed buff material, and was made up for the afternoon scenes with the Major. I saw Wanda Hawley in a blue suit and ditto turban, looking exactly like one of those blonde "Baby Vamps" the stores are selling nowadays. She is playing opposite Br)'ant Washburn this time, in "Mrs. Temple's Telegram," which James Cruze is directing. Stop I We cant. We haven't a minute to spare. We are trying to catch up. We have to make up for that time we lost in taking off that tire, punctured by the printers' strike. The race is a hot one — it looks as tho we might be beaten, but ■ Lool^l We are not the only ones upset by punctures, and blow-outs, and strikes, and things — and the race is even again — and Listen! We have an idea ! We are going to win yet. We will leave the punctured April issue of The Motion Picture Classic by the roadside, and will catch up by putting out an April-May issue! BIGGER — BRIGHTER —BETTER than ever. Remember the date. April 15, 1920! Wait for this new novelty number which will fully compensate you in every way for the unavoidable delay! M. P. Publishing Co. 175 Duflield Street Brooklyn. N. Y. (Ninety-eight)