Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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Hair Remover Genuine — Original BY actual test genuine De Miracle is the safest and surest. When you use it you are not experimenting with a new and untried depilatoty^ because it has been in use for over 20 years, and a the only depilatory that has ever been endorsed by Physicians, Surgeons, Dermatologists, Medical Journals and Prominent Magazines. De Miracle is the most cleanly; after use there is no mussy mixture to wash away. You simply wet the hair with this tiice De Miracle sanitary liquid and it is gone. De Miracle alone devitalizes hair, which is the only common-sense ^vay to remove it from face, neck, arms, underarms or limbs. Try De Miracle just once, and if you are not convinced that it is the petfect hair remover return it to us with the De Miracle guarantee and we will refund your money. Write for fiec book DepL N-26. Park Ave. and 129th St. New York HY HAVE CRAY OR FADED HAIR? HENNA D'OREAL Neio French Discovery which la «nnpo««d of pulverlz<:!d nptma and Herbs, provides the only natural coloring In the world. Not affected by [ircil'iuji dye. WiU not stain scaJp or rub off. All shades, ea-sy to apply. Uewart of Infcnor auballtut^s, a perfect prcparaUon proven to b© absolutely tbe best. Application and Rectification in daylight parlors. Prlc«$1.50. Postpaid $1.60. Blond Henna for llEhtcnlnR hair that Kfuwn dark. Price 52.25. Address Dept. BD A ITT HAIR COLORING SPECIAUST • I AULi 34W.8;thSt..New¥ork,Tel.Oreelr790 fovir Favorite Stars Are Amorvg Them k B««utlful Kenuin* photos Sx7 Ins. of all popular stars, 20c e«ch, 6 ~(orSl.oo. Others have been pleased. SowUlyou. Order to-day. ^ i Alico Brady MarKUerlto Clark »Mr?. Vernon Castle It.ilorea Cassinelll Ham Carey f;iri..'l Cla>-1on 1 1'Toihy DaUoD icuKlasFalrbanXa l.llllanGlAh Iiiirothy Glah William .S. Hart VU1an Martin ■^ V .\ntotilo Mrirt^no M*» ^* — i Mar> .MacLarcn f and liii' i.ttur i-iiiular stars. and coiJ'.i'.f Cash. Stamps advirli!ji_Tnent and mail to KEYSTONE ART CO., Dept B. 280 Pftarl St.. N. Y. KatheHne MacDonald Nazlmova Mabel Normand EuRene O'Hrk-n Mary Plckford Dorothy Phillips Chas. Ray Wallace Reid Ajilta Stewart Gloria Swatison Constant Talmadge Norma Tolmadge Olive Thomas Pearl White Check off those you want Money Order with The Celluloid Critic {Continued from page 108) Wallace Reid has another spirited and amusing comedy in "Double Speed," (Paramount). Reid plays a harumscarum young millionaire. .Speed Car, who starts across the continent by automobile, has his car stolen, lands in Los y\ngeles as a hobo and gets a job as The Girl's chauffeur. Reid is clean-cut and likeable, as usual, and Wanda Hawley is a pretty reward for Speed Car's tribulations. Will Rogers' "Water, Water, Everywhere," (Goldwyn), does not measure up to his previous comedy, "Jubilo." Indeed, this is slow and frequently dull. Rogers plays a big-hearted cowboy who sacrifices his own secret love for a young woman in aiding the reform of the man of her heart, a young doctor who is a victim of drink. Irene Rich lends an ingratiating characterization. A certain warmth of spirit and the pungent odor of the Cumberland pines permeates "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come," (Goldwyn). Jack Pickford depicts the hero of John Fox, Jr.'s, widely read novel of the nameless lad who finds a name, a manhood and a love in the fiery test of the Civil War. .^s the primitive hero of the forests, young Pickford does well, but, to us, he falls distinctly short of the Fox hero in the wartime moments. Yet, on the whole, it is a pleasant picture. Clara Horton is as becurled a blonde cutie as any young movie hero might hope to find, but Pauline Stark has been ill advised as to facial make-up as the wistful mountain girl, Melissa. Dwight Crittenden stands out as the village schoolmaster. Wallace Worsley's direction is adequate, particularly in the choice of fine scenic locations. Sewell Ford's nervy young hero, Torchy, has reached the screen in the person of Johnny Hines. The first of the series, (Master Films), is not particularly inspired. Hines seems too old for the boyish hero, we regret to report. Ellen From Tennessee {Continued from page 90) not crazy about 'adventuresome' parts, but can do whatever I'm given to do, as I have not as yet developed temperament. And my hobbies are horseback riding, of course — every Southern girl can ride; it's a part of her education, but my principal hobby is my mother. She has been such a dear and came around so beautifully when she realized that I was desperately in earnest about wanting to succeed in my profession. She has stayed with me in New York and even Journeyed to the coast with me. She's not just a mother — she's a pal. "And ambitions? Well, seriously, to make the very best of myself and, even tho I never become a great star, so-calkd, to do something that will stand out — to do a picture that people will remember because of some part I played, whether great or small." Favored by the Stars /^L that delightful, smooth, sweet, clean feeling that ^"y ct'tncs from using Boncilla Beautificrl No tvoman desiri'iis of a beautiful skin should ever be witlwut this perfect toilet requisite — Ethel Clayton, Boncilla Beautifier Prepared from Mme. Boncllla'g famous formula CLEARS THE COMPLEXION REMOVES BLACKHEADS LIFTS OUT THE LINES CLOSES ENLARGED PORES Gives the skin a velvety softness and youthful texture. You can now take these treatments yourself by a simple application of this wonderful preparation. In a few minutes after applied you feel the soothing, lifting sensation that assures you of its work of youthful restoration. It lifts out the lines. Boncilla Beautifier is more than a skin treatment. It acts on the muscles and tissues of the face, giving a firmness and youthfulness in place of any sagginess of . the skin or tissues of the face. It also renews the circulation of the blood in the fac'e, giving it a renewed fresh, clear, radiant glow of health. You will note the improvement from the first treatment. Use twice a week until you get the face free from lines and other imperfections, then occasionally to keep it so. You shall not be disappointed, for if it does not fully satisfy you, we return to you the full price paid, as per our guarantee with each jar. If your dealer unll uot suf>t>ly you promptly, send $1.56 covering price ana Rci'vnuc Stamps. The Crown Chemical Company Dept. 14 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. —JfskYour Statioaer p, Metal Holder Iceeps Robber Cleaa. Finn and Kecn-edKed. Works Better Lasts Longer TvTO Rubbers, the leielh ol tb* Holder, are nude, one for lok.on* lor Pencil. By aLght pres»ur», cleao Rubber is fed dowoaa used. Pnco J5c each: FiUera 5c eseh. 60o pordoi. "O K." Booklet. FREE. Adjuatab1« Brush to fit Holder 10* The O.K. Ufg. Compaoy SyracuSB. N. Y.. U.S.A. Maker* of WaBhburne'a "O.K.* ) & Lot r Openi Photoplay Writing offers a great opportunity to those who have ideas. The increased demand for motion pictures has brought hundreds of new producing companies into the field. The supply of good stories is not keeping pace with the demand and it is to the outside writer that the producers must look for new materiaL As literary skill is not essential, the field is open to all. There are a number of things, however, that must be known in order to be able to fiut the story into acceptable form. This inormation — all the information needed — may be obtained without any great expenditure of money or time. Our treatise offers you complete and detailed instructions. Read what those who know have to say about our work : "Would be helpful to anyone who wants to learn the technique of writing for the screen" — Douglas Fairbanks Studio. "Probably the best treatise on Dramatic Plot Construction as applied to the Photoplay that has ever been written" — Federal Photoplays. "It fills a longfelt want" — Film Fun Magazine. "A concise yet complete volume on the art of Photoplay Writing" — Katherine MacDonald Studio. "Every writer of motion picture plots should be thoroughly famihar with the information which it contains" — Universal Film Co. These are only a few of the many expressions of appreciation we have received. Write us for full information regarding our comprehensive treatise and our service In the criticism and sale o£ Manuscripts. Ask for our FREE Plot Chart. THE FEATURE PHOTODRAMA CO. 522 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cat (One ftundred atid ten) " I ii Hill II I li II "MMiiViTiiii'i^— iiiiii M