Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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National Bob Toalh and Fashion Is everjthing— that's why I am wearing the litnt National Bob. It's too lovely for words wllh Us soft, wavy h»ir filling teaslngly over Ihe c.imbs that slip so easllj' through my half. Everj'one thinks the Bob's my \ery own^f matches so per tcctlv and I never Bacriflted a hair. I use Invisible pins to attach the enJs and It's on and off In a jltTy. My picture shows the Bob charm How did I cet It? I wnt a itranil ol my hair with S'O.OO »ttd it was promptly sent — Postpaid. I'm as happy as a child with a new toy and I ncA^er looked so well. You'll like It too Excltisive Agencies flven to Dt-alera and Beauty Parlors. NATIONAL HAIR GOODS CO.. Oept C. 368 Sixth Avenue New York OtiginatOTt of the "Boh" A Trial Packet Six toiUt pTcparatiom to »are or improve vour eomplexion. Cottt sou noic only $1.50. The ni:xt packet wtU be $5.00. EVEKY woman wants a nice healthy skin and youthful appearance: both are easy lo acquire or to keep If you apply as directed the Nourishing AlveU skin food and delicate so-ithlng cold creams 'ised exclusively by Ihe highest class private and professional trade. The packet contains a book giving full Instructions. ALVETA Toilet Preparations take? precedent over other requisites by rea-^nn of their long (Jtnbllihe-l use among a exclusive clientele. A Jar Atveta— Nourishing tUsue building skin food. A Jar Alveta — Antiseptic Cold Cream. A Box Alveta — Pure Toilet Powder removes perspiration and odor. A Box Alveta — Bath Powder stimulates and purifies the skin. A Box — Delicately tinted face powder and puff. A Box French Rouge — Packet" ORe'r M. S. WILSON. Skin Spscialiil, Dept. C. 347 Fifth Ave.. New York City Send Money Order for SI. 50 Packet Sent Post Prepaid FROM IMPORTER TO GREAT SAVINGS YOU Finest Real HairNetsJ^^ Cap and Allover shapes ji-^ ' ~ '^' $1.00 per Dozen ^' Piepaid everywhere. Identically the same as you buy at 3 (or 50 cents. Buy direct and save the jobbers' and retailers' profit. Satisfaction guaraDtecd; or money refunded. Gray and White $2.00 per dozen. ^irn en ^33-4 East ISth St. 01\^U \AJ,, New York, N. Y. S,'i"rT.-',-.iS"'"" COL-Y-BROW i:rlnp8 f>ut their full beauty; harmless; will not run. I '■Ion: Black. Brown, At ih-alfr* or mailwl, 75c HAIR SPECIALTY CO.. Oept. B. 24 C. 2Ut St.. New York "^AnavkAan" ^' This department is for information of general interest only. Those who desire answers by mail, or a list of the film manufacturers, with addresses, must enclose a stamped, addressed envelope. Address all inquiries to The Answer Man, using separate sheets for matters intended for other departments of ibis magazine. Each inquiry must contain the correct name and address of the inquirer at the end of the letter, which will not be printed. At the top of the letter write the name you wish to appear. Those desiring immediate replies or information requiring research, should enclose additional stamp or other small fee; otherwise all inquiries must await their turn. David L. — Thanks, chappie, for the fee. Viola Dana's husband passed away recently. They both changed their name, but they are sisters. VVrite him at Los Angeles. Yes, life is half spent before we know what it is. It is a hard nut to crack and very few of us get out of it alive. H. L. M. — Dont forget that theatrical life is fantastic and unreal. Elsie Ferguson is playing in "Sacred and Profane Love" at the Morosco Theater, New York City. Alice Joyce with Eastern Vitagraph, Brooklyn, and George Walsh with Fox, New York City. June Caprice is about 21; Lila Lee. 17; Lillian Gish, 24, and Dorothy Gish, 22. All old ladies, you see. Joe B., B.\v City. — No, m' dear. I do not do up my hair in curl papers as Lord Byron did. Look me over up above and tell me — do you see any hair? You want to see Elliott Dexter and Gloria Swanson play together. I'll try and arrange it. Yes, Priscilla Dean is married. No, no, Madlaine Traverse is not Peggy Hyland's sister. Oh, you're welcome. A Loyal Fan. — That's the way to be. Beware of love at first sight — always take a second look. Why, Corinne Griffith is in "The Garter Girl." Oh, for a clasp of that garter — it would look so handsome in my collection of curios. E. K. Lincoln in "The Inner Voice," American Cinema. Niles Welch is with Western Vitagraph. So you like Elliott Dexter and Norma Taimadge. and Charles Ray and Wallace Reid next. No, they take a substitute and not a real house. H.ALF Past Sixteen. — The DeHavens can be reached at Paramount, 481 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Surely I want you to write me again. Enjoyed your letter a lot. Bka Vo. — Yes. I was there and was glad to see the Brooklyn Dodgers win. A pitch in time saved the nine. Thanks for the verse. Does it run fluently by you? Dustin Farnum in "The Big Happiness." Ura Cootik. — How do you make that out? Harrison Ford? I will tell you all about him some rainy afternoon. You tell me to always wear my rubbers when it rains so as not to get the flu. I need some one like you to look after me. Db'DE. — Whom the gods love — die young. I am 79. so you know what that means. There was an interview with Gloria Swanson in the February, 1919, Classic. Charles Ray in "Ramsey Milholland," a Booth Tarkington story. Yes. Bill Farnum in "The Big Happiness." You say you dont believe that a crow lives 100 years. Why dont you buy one and find out? Ura Peach. — No. night does not bring out the stars; it simply brings us out of our lightproduced blindness so that wc can sec them. Very few of the studios allow visitors. Gladys Brockwetl in "A Sister to Salome." Arline Pretty with Selznick in "The Valley of Doubt." Oh. I dont mind answering a few questions. Write me again. Just June, — I have mailed your letter. Jean S. — So you have deserted Earle Williams for Eugene O'Brien. Oh, fickle jade! "Twas ever thus. The heart of a woman is like the moon, ever changing, but there is always a man in it. You can reach Ethel Clayton at Paramount, 485 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Her last picture was "The Lady in Love." You want to see an interview with Wanda Hawley and Tom Moore. Idealist. — Your clever letter received. You must write me again. Betiy, Adelaide.— Well, Betty, most girls want nothing but husbands, but when they get them they want everything. Send International Coupons, valued at five cents each. See above for Elsie Ferguson. Mary Miles Minter, Los Angeles, Cal. Yes, I agree with you, but make love while the moon shines. Marion. — Why didn't you sign your name? Glorious Divine Talmadge. — You refer to "Pals First" and Rubye de Remer pl?yed with him. So you liked Monroe Salisbury in "The Eyes of the World." It's rather a tedious job. but since you ask me how to rid your pet dog of his fleas, here goes, again. Fill your bathtub with boiling water; immerse the pet dog, being careful that only the end of his tail protrudes above the water. The fleas will crawl out on his caudal appendage to keep from drowning, and you may take your time in capturing them one at a time. What will happen to the pet dog? That's his look-out. He probably will drown, but you have succeeded in relieving him of his little playmates. Edith C. S. — Yes, Mahlon Hamilton is at Hampton Studios, Los Angeles. U. R. A. J. — Elsie Ferguson was born in New York in 1883. She is Mrs. Thomas B. Clarke. Hope you win your bet. No, I cannot prevent thoughts coming any more than I could keep birds from flying over my head, but I try to prevent their building nests in my beard. Rosalind R. — Nothing is ever so good as it seemed beforehand that it was going to be — or, anticipation is greater than realization — provided you have a good imagination. Dont you find it so? Eugene O'Brien at Selznick, 729 7th Avenue, New York. Ethel Clayton in "The City Sparrow." Do I drink? Yes. buttermilk. What else is a feller to do? Betty R.. Pittsdurg. — So you say Nazimova is about 41 years old. You're trying to bribe me to find out whether I am a male or a female. I'm wise to you. Certainly you may come and see me in my cage. It is more blessed to call than to receive. Red Rose. — You here again? Now. it isn't up to me to tell you whom to vote for. The most scientific way is to put them all in a hat and pick out one. You are more apt to get answered in the Classic than you are in the Magazine. I know, but a very masculine woman is liable to usurp most of the masculinity of the husband and leave him effeminate. Shirley Mason is playing in "His Harvest." Yes, Cleo Ridgely has returned to the screen to play in Lew Cody's "The Mischief Man." Come again. CupiE. — Send a stamped, addressed envelope for a list of manufacturers, also a list of corresponding clubs. (Ninety-four)