Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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I Teach Piano /4 Usual Time 1 1 ■ have fur you iJents than wore ever before laught by rne ere Isn't h state In the Union lh«t doesn't contain a scire ikllleJ players who obtained their entirt trainino from rue by in:ni. Yet when I Hrat started In 1891, 1 >vns nearly laughed out fif business. Could I have overcome this prejudice and In'M'.i^ed my students every yoar for a quartiT century unless my method produced UI'ISULTS? Send for free booklet, "How 111 Learn Piano or Orcan." I use modern methiids and time-aavini; devires which cannot be used by others beciiusc they are patented. My Invention, enables you to p!ay Interesting pieces in every key, Ithln four lessons. My movlng-plcture device, itulnn-Dez, shows ery movement Df my hand at the keyboard. You actttallu ecp the finoftg move, just as If thrown on the screen. The Colorolone and Quinn-Det save you months and years of wasted energy. They can be obtained only from me, and there Is nmhlng else anywhere even remotely like thi'iu Investigate without cost. Men and women who have failed by all other methods have Quickly and easily attained success when studylnt; with me. In all eiisvntiat ways you are In closer touch with me than if you were studying by the oral method — yet my lessons cost you only 4 3 cents each^and they Include ail the many recent developments in scientific teacbinc Practical and easy to understand. My Course is endorsed by distinguished musicians who would not recommend any course but the best. It Is for beginners or esperienced players, old or young. You advance as rapidly or as slowly as you wish. Practise in spare time at home. All necessary music is supplied without extra charge. Diploma granted. Special reduced terms this month. Write today, without or obligation, for 64-page free booklet. "How to I.carn Piano or Organ." M. L. QUINN CONSERVATORY Sludio KH, 598 Columbia Road, Bolton 25, Ma>s. POPULARITY FOLLOWS THE UKULELE If J'ou play quaint, dreamy H, music or latest songs on the Ukulele you will be wanted everywhere. We give you a genuine Ukulele, ABSOLUTELY FREE, with an inexpensive course of lessons. No extras! Ukulele, music, etc., free ! Write at once for free narrative of Hawaiian Music and offer. No obligations! Send now! The Hawaiian InatUute of Music. 1400 Broadway. Dept. I A UNIQUE NOVELTY For Upto1 he-Minute Fans i"^ Beautiful half tone Portraits (faces) nf the celebrltfes tou ^^» 'o™ to Bee In action, reproduced on gold edge, full color art back plajinc rardn. A veritable picture gallery of the Movla World and a deck of oarda (suitable for playing all card gamea played with a rfciilar pack) in ono. Ideal for prizes or gifts. Price per decJt ?1,10. Money refunded If dissatisfied. MURAN SUPPLY CO.. Dept, 2. Peru. Indiana THIS KEY TO SUCCESS Is valuable only when it is fitted in the right door. Once the door is found it leads into a land of a thousand opportunities. The American College of Literary Arts and Crafts is ready to help you find this door. Send for our "Open Door" booklet for full particulars. 175 DUFFIELD STREET BROOKLYN. N. Y. We Believe in Everybody Who Believes in Himself (yinety-sevcn) and — well — ! Miss Stewart plays them botli, the golden-haired adventuress, Bertha, alias "The Yellow Typhoon," and the dark-tressed Hilda, who serves Uncle Sam in the secret service. Miss Stewart cannot remotely suggest MacGrath's siren of the lonely spots. As for the story, it is the veriest piffle. Bryant Washburn has another amusing comedy in "Mrs. Temple's Telegram," (Paramount), nowhere near as good as "The Six Best Cellars," but possessing its laughs. Adapted from the well-known stage farce, it revolves around the efforts of a young husband to explain his all-night absence from home. He has been innocently locked up on a department store roof with a feminine customer — but he doesn't dare own up to this. All sorts of complications result, of course. Wanda Hawley is an excellent foil as the wife. Breezy and entertaining is "The Dancin' Fool." (Paramount), in which the redoubtable Wallie Reid plays a jug salesman by day and a cabaret dancer by night. No doubt you read the story in a recent issue of The Classic Bebe Daniels lends colorful aid as Junie Budd, 'Ves' Tibbie's dancing partner. Reid isn't always spontaneous in this comedy, for, in the early scenes, he is required to play a homespun lad from the hinterlands. If there is one thing Reid cant do — it's this. The hay-,seed atmosphere here exists only in the "B'gosh!" subtitles. As a screen story. Zane Grey's "Riders of the Dawn." (Hodkinson), based upon his "Desert of Wheat," is a bit out of the beaten track. It deals with the wheat farmers of the Middle West, the socalled destructive machinations of the I. W. W., (altho they are at no time called by name), and the ultimate triumph of a returned soldier-farmer over the evil element. Roy Stewart is the stalwart hero. A passable photoplay. We looked forward with unusual interest to seeing Louise Glaum in her latest, "Sex," (Hodkinson). "As ye siren, .so shall ye reap," seems to be the thesis, for the vamp, played by Miss Glaum, wins a married man away from his happy home. But, when a rich youth appears on the horizon, she tosses her marriedand-about-to-be-divorced admirer aside. She herself marries and, lo and behold, another adventuress lures him off. Thus is the ex-siren paid off in her own wiles. Married life, according to "Sex" and the De Mille dramas, seems to be just one darned vampire after another. Which we rather doubt. "Sex," by the way, paints a picture of New York night life such as it is supposed to be and isn't, a maze of mad parties, with chorines dancing upon tables, youthful millionaires drinking — whisper — champagne from slippers, etc. 'Sex" may cause a gasp or two in the provinces, but it is really pretty dull screen fare. "A Modern Salome," (Metro), with one Hope Hampton, comes pretty near meeting our idea of the worst picture of the celluloid year. fashion says the use of is necessary so lon^ sleeveless feo'wns and sheer fabrics for sleeves are worn. It assists freedom of movement, unhampered ferace, modest ele&ance and correct style. That is why "they all use Delatone" Delatone is an old and well known scientific preparation for the quick, safe and certain removal of hairy growths, no matter how thick or stubborn. After application the skin is clear, firm and hairless, with no ^ain or discoloration. Beauty specialists recommend Delatone for retnoval of objectionable hair from face, neck or arras. The Sheffield Pharmacal Co. -^ Dept. LX. 339 S.^Vabash Ave.. Chicago. III. CS | GET BIG BUSH OFFER Wftdoootdeftl thnmab r— , diatribalorobotCountj AgenUooly "^ -«.*^ ^ \ MONEY CATA LOG TODAY. DoD'twaU! Leam 1^ how yon, in your \ make BIk Uoner, 1 lDtn>ducin([ Basn ''"-' Di~u W'^ J>' Cart in yourConn Mal.l.J?vJI*'"S!' ^sIlI/ ^ The cam with MaHI*E Offer for -•^-'^ Money-Bftck mi«r fc™ ,, County Aeente Only „te/ B^Lb'^M lenrand 1)b Lais six. Doa'twalt. WrlUtodnyl •VSH MOTOR CO., Chlcaso. Illinois. DoptHZ^QBush Tempi* Learn to Dance! You can leam Fox-Trot. One-Step, Two-Step Waltz and latest "ap-to-the-minute" aociety dancea in your oicn home by the wond^lal Feak System of Mail Instruction. New Dlacram MetbcxI, Eaaily learned; no mnaic needed; tbouBaodB tauebleocceBBfally. WrttP for Special Terms. Send todav for FREElDformatloa andeorpriaiiiKlr JowoSer. WILLIAM CHANDLER PEAK. M. B. Roem 4S3, 821 Crascwt Placa— CblMgo. FREE Diamond Ring Offer Just to advertlso our famous HawaJlan im. diamonds— the grealpst discovery the world liu ever known. We will aend absolutely free ihia 14k gold f. rinft, 8ft wliti a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond — in beautiful ring box poetase paid. V.,y riiwlmasler il.AR C. 0. D. charges to cover pwtaRP, boxing, advertising, hajidling, et«. If y-'U can tell It from a real diamond return and nullify refunded. Only 10.000 given away. Send iiij money. Answer quick. Send size of fliigar. KRAUTH & REED Dept. 320 . Masonic Temple, Chicaso Everyone Admires a Slim Figure You Too Can Become Slim ThfusamJs i)f stout women evcrywhero ha»« rerliiei-il tlifir superfiumii flesh and regained the matchless eraro i.f girlhood by using FLO-RA-ZO-NA BATH CARTONS Dissolved in the daily balh they begin to UiuiroTB your figure at once. A marvelous wl'iiiKlo discover! that ri'duocs your weight bariiik'Sily and etfectlvely. Absulutely frea ttuai lODtxiiQ Salts, alum, ur any harraful Ingtedlenta. A wonderful benefit also in ihcumatlsm •nd all akin eruptions. No drugging, no drastic dlcllnK, ur nffve-racking eierclsei. An oftthctic dcUoM to the woman "f rrflnemrni, A full two werki' rourte of H FUl-HA/ll ,\A bath§ mailed onvwhvre in the Vntlfd Statrt on receipt of 13.00. If pour rfruupwl i-iinnnt supplv Vou. vrUe to th- Royal Pbannaccutical & Perfumerj Co.Jdc Dent. C. 1090 Madlion Ave.. New York.