Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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/''^ ^ THE SECRET REVEALED Di.l you ever look at a beautiful flower an.l try to fathom its beauty anil fragrance? Did vou ever see women, returned from seashore an,l nun • fain siU retaining their wonderful flowerhke eom,dc.x.o , even after the tan%f the hot sununer suns ami the rough ;^n"s and dust of Fall, and wonder what was the.r seeret / Thi, beautv and fragrance of the flower is the secret ot Mother Nafure? but the charm of a VVonderful Velvety Sk.n is the secret of D & R Perfect Cold Cream The secret is yours for the Just ho. a postal to Daggett Sr R.»ms<l'-ll. B"" '^ -. D & R HuiW ne. New \ork. ai n saniplt „( n & R Pcrfe't Cold Cream w.ll be tna.led ree with our or your ileiler ^ vu-DMB wm supply you I) i R I'erfeet I ol.l Cream. *COtTL;iiLRll*» iT, tubeV an,l >ars at lie to $1.65 PERFECT COLD CREAM "The Kind T/iaf Keeps "DON'T SHOUT' u ifivbody. How> with THE MbBLEY PHONE p»ir ID my tut now bul ll.,r .If irvUiblf . I would rot know hid Ihem io. inyiell. only Ihtl I t*«f «ll riBhl. Tht Morley PKone loiiho DEAF Ov«f oec hundred ihouund !• to th« €»fi wh«l «Um« *. to the ey«. Inviubic, com (oruble. wttghtleM Bnd Uitn IcM. Anyone c«b ■id)u« « — . aid. Wnte for booklw •od lertwaopull. ?K'SrORiiY Ca;.''D.p"'92.l6 S.Tsth S...... PhU.. J That Tired, Acblnf , Broken-Down FccUng. n. Ull.n .rcheiuid looMlnln. Ho Iht tool ocrltcllv. T"k" "0 .,» toon. 10 lh« •ho.i. Soeophtn. .nd ■"£»»"•, "'"''!■• No unmlnly huniirt. No eatticf pad*. No meul puies. M.."";! .ticiX prop.«d ■'s-p^iita'k;; R"""; mcndtdby ph^ilcl^oi. GuAiMltcd. Prl« H.w 0«' ^" Mo'n.; l>.ck If ,■>« ",'"«"'i„, "'t' ' '■ l>ookl«lrt<. Aik your ihoo dtjtr oi dniBiMl. a.o. M. Juni e» ■■ <«"> Jum »l<' Cmolnnill. o. ou Have Never Seen Anything Like This Before Flower DroiH tlio niunt eon.-eiurHlrd and exqullUeperfuo™ Iwr prod,;, ed. Mi.Ue without ulcohul. '^ EiHu'e IVtl' Son" Sl«s'»' ?toP'"''','=?"",',",'"^Xv-^,r f.,r « months. Rose or LI l«e. Sl,60: l.i >> V' ";)'j'y"„ "'^ VI.>let.8S.O<l:li.Miiiui7,a.ouryeiyh.t.stHoworlJr.,|B. $■• M. RenJMle slumps or -llv. r Ic.r O'lo'*',' " "'iVisFlower Pr.ip.* TniUt W iilt i-. 5-oz. bottles Jl.76. Talcum. pIams jursMc; i.t druu't'lsts or by malL PER F ffliME t TOIU.TAVATER gui S-na;--. EAU de HENNA WORKS LIKE A CHARM l-nequalled lor rc-sKiriiii.; color to faded or pX'V hair Sulciidid for touchiiiK up. I'deuds beautifully wncrc Heuna lias been use.l. Not affcctc.l by penuaucnt waving, shaniliooin or salt-water batbinij. Two luiuKls-oiie apiilica tion (liiaranteed absolutely banuless. Colors; Hlack, Uark Broun. Lipht Brown, Medium Brown, .\iil.urn. Bloiul. At \onr dealer $0.60 (./ /)v iiiail. HAIR SPECIALTY CO. DEPT. B. ORAMERCV BLDC. 24 E. 21sl St., New York Bleeer's Mon Amour, per ounce. Il SO. Oard iS, Sa.on;,M™™r. !!.:S; Piirfiiin lluiijl. 8.' .•«. „.lnlu 11. I... .Si™. ,lt,lr..tfl.t«or by nd 81.00 tor Irwa Uun-Uve 2!.e b.itl les. llve.i Pus. PAUlRIMRtC(l.(>ineci»72i l92firslSt.,Sao fuiicisco Five 2.5» iBottles MOTION PICTURE Little Miss Rebellion (Continued from page 43) mechanical dolls worked by strings as far as he was concerned. He left the theater, hopeless but hungry. Youth may sufTer, but it inusi be fed, and at the window of the nearest white-nled eating place he stopped, staring with unbelieving eyes. For there, before the griddle, struggling with a spreading puddle of pancake batter, stood a small, boy-slender figure with masses of dark hair escaping untidily from under the cocky little cook's cap. . Richard dived thru the revolving door so tempestuously that he sent the stout, respectable citizen in the next compartment reeling in a disreputable manner along the pavement. Unheeding the efforts of a blonde beauty to lead him to a seat, he leaped the brass rail by tht griddle and treated an enthralled audience of homegoing theater patrons to tht interesting spectacle of a young mar taking the cook in his arms while thi 1 batter blackened merrily, unturned. .•\fter-a moment, however, it did occu ' to Richard that there was something odi and perhaps uncalled for in his attitude and he released Maria Louise. "Why^^-hat— who— when ?" he babbled. ">o —in New York— working in a hashery, (."ii-and Duchess " . "Not anv longer, Richard! Man Louise smiled sadly. Then the sadne^ vanished. "Do vou know the reason 1 a: in New York, Richard? l',ecause— ihi day so long ago you told me it was whei vou lived.'' Another total eehp.^e of the cook wi threatened, but an interruption m tl shape of an irate manager intervene "Wha's all this!" he began belhgereiitl ■Comin' in here an' burnin' up niv gri die. D'you want me to call a cop r Richard drew himself up splendid ^o far as is known, his great-gre; -reat-grandfalher was not a king, but butcher in Keokuk, Iowa, but he siio ! :is royalty might address a mem 1 ■■Tliat'wiU do, mv good fellow! 11 voiing Indv is no longer in your enii>li Maria Louise, take off that aiiron a cai) and get on your things. 1 am goi i to take vou home." \iul Maria Louise, enraidured at he i (irdered about, as all women, whetl ' C.raiid Duchesses or waitresses, are i raptured when they tinti a man who \ , Inillv them, obeyetl. 1 'I'here is no doubt that the thslance^ New ^'ork are great, and that the s wav service is nol all il should be. s even admitting this, it dues seem a ti odd thai it should have taken Rich ;ui<l hi little e.s-lirand Duchess i hours lo go from l-'iirty->econd Strec Thirlv-niiuh! .\nd there, in the di lillle >itling-room of Maria Louise's di little Hat, they found a stoutisli gei man, -with a drooping and dispirited n lachc. slumliering, an alarm clock se midnight in one hand. "I'oor .\rneau will insist on i:on for me everv night." Maria Louise lilaiiK'd. .-IS they g;ized down at the