Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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Beside a Diamond Wear a aparklinff. fire-flashing Tifnite Gem and your friends will ay that it's a diamond. Has all the pure white color, flaeh and fire of the diamond— stande all diamond teste— fire, acid and diamond file. No backing, no paete, no foil. Only an expert can diBtinguish between them— and yet they cost bo little. Don't mi BB this great offer. Send the coupon now and let us Bend you your choice of these three superb rings, scarf pin or LaValliere. to wear free ten days. Send no money. Just the coupon. Pay $4.50 on arrival, balance later. Solid Gold Mountings Tifnite Gems are Bach beantiee— they have each wonderful firo ,nd brilliancy— that we could not think of givinir them any mountinKexceptBolidgoldwrouRht into the latest and mogt exquisite deaidna. You cannot find more beautiful jewelry anywhere than that which haa these magnificent Tifnite settiniiB, Scndand see for yourself. You run no risk because if you are not more than pleased you may return your purchase and we will refund any money you have paid. Remember a guaranteed solid gold mounting for every Tifnite Gem. Scarf Pin No. 6. Solid Kold throosliout. A beautiful omq circle mounting. H^f carat Dvararitced Tlfnito Gem. Price tl6.60: only S4.50 upon arrival. Balance $3 monthlr. Can be rotumed iz[H)Dao in lU days. dies* LaValliere Mo. 4. Solid sold throughout. Cbain lb inches loniTOne holf curat Kuarontced I B-enuinc Tifnito Gem ortiBti< cally X"""**-"'' '° (tenuino ■ /lo black onamct cir) $16.50: only S4.60 amvat. Balance $3 per Can bo rcturued at our ritbia 10 dayi. Flat Belcher Ring Nn. I. Solid R-old monntinff. Ei^rht claw do»lRn with flat wido bond. Almost a carat, ■ruanuitcod scnuino Tifnito Gom. FHco SIS.&O; only 14. &0 u[>on arrival. Balooco W-OOpcri Ladies' Ring No. 2. Solid Kold latontn Inn. Hoa n Kuiirantced ri FifnitpGcr " Tooth Belcher Ring No. a. Solid ^old, Bix-pron(r tooth mouDtinff.UuaniDtfeo luinu TilnlU) Gem al mt a carat in alzo. Price JIC.&O, only M,60 npon arrival. Bulaacu SS.OO Remarkable Gem Discovery The closest thing to a diamond ever diacovered. In appearance a TIFNITE and a diamond are as alike as two peas. TIFNITE GEMS are cut and polished the same as the most costly diamonds. The catting is perfect. Every Tifnite absolutely flawless. Its diamond-like brilliancy lasta forever. And remember, the mountings are exclasively fashioned in latest deaigna— and guaranteed solid gold. Send No Money — Just the Coupon _ _ Ring, cut a strip of heavy paper so that the ends exactly meet when drawn tightly around the second joint of finger on which you want to wear the ring. Be careful that the measuring paper fits snugty without overlapping, and measure at the second joint. Send the strip of paper to as with order coupon. JoBt send coupon. Send no reference, no money. No obligation on you in any wayl You run no risk. Cou ^^^^^^m^,|^|— -— ^— i^^--, pon brings you your choice of the W exquisitely beautiful rintfs.Bcarf * Xf-IF" TICTMfTP' ^OIV^PANY pin or LaValliere shown and de / ItftU lirrXittl. l-«JlVll-.rt^-M 1 scribed here.. Wear it ten daya / Sll S. Plymouth Court, Dept. 89S Chicago, IlL °°o w^nt tTk^p k or not"'" / Send on 10 days' approval, article marked with X in Q __nd for yours now— today # _ _.. ., _ _ _ _,. _»-,,.. —sure. Send no money. If » □ Ring No D Scarf Pin □ LaValhere ringia ordered, be sure to / If Batisfactory.I agree to pay $4.60 upon arrival, and balance send atnp of paper show * at rate of $3.00 per month. If not satisfactory, 1 will return ingsize. same within ten days. THETIFNITECO. / ^, SllS.PIymouthCt. / Name Dspt. 895 Chicaso ^ AddrcsB.. SYCO-GRAF U. 3. ud Ftnira fUMt* Ttrndia^ A Micro-Psychic Machine Amuln(ly lncrca>e* the itjcnath of the fcebleat ptychlc impreaaiona. A mechanical oui)«. Opcratce Io> oncperaon. Prepaid S5.0D, Free booUcI. 'Tlychica and the Sy co-Oral." THE AUBURN COMPANV 64 North Mail Str*«, Provid«?nce, R. L WATER-WAVE YOUR HAIR Water-Maid Wavers ' Produce a natural, bcaucil'ul ripple wave that rcmiinj in strai){h(cst lUllUlUilllllini hair a week or more, even in damp UHiH weather or when U the ^^1T\ ~ hair is fluffy only use the wavers once / A--' after every shampoo. Send for Water Wavcrs(patenicd) today— stop burning hair with hot irons ot twisting with cutlers which breaks the hair. Absolutely sanitary—universally successful — endorsed by bociety'slcaders. Ifyourdcalerdocsn't handle them send S2 for set of 6 mailed with full directions. WATER-MAID WAVER CO. 117E West Seventh St. Cinomnati. Ohio AVIATION Information FREE Bend us your name and addr«*» forfull Information regarding the Aviation and Airplane builnesa. Find eutabout the many KraitopportDnltlea now open an^ tlow we prepare you at home, during apare time, to <]uallfy. Our new book "Opportunities In the AlrpUn* Industry" also sent Iree If you answer at once. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF AVIATION OMt 8266 431 S. Deerbom St. CHtCAQO Everyone Admires a Slim Figm-e Yon Too Can Become Slim Thousun.13 uf filnut wimit^n evL-rywhL-re have reduced their supcrflmius fl<^ih and rugalnod the mntchlcia Rraco of girlhood by using FLO-RA-ZO-NA BATH CARTONS DIssolvwi in tJio daily bath they boRin to tmi>rovo your Uruto at nuce. A niani'lopa ecUn tiflo discover}' that reduoue your woiRht harm Icssly and effectively. Absulutcly free trom Eptom Sails, alum, or any harmful jncredlonts A wonderfu: benefit alao In rheumatism snJ all fltln eruptions. No druffglnfi. no drastic dlellnd, or nervc-racKInc exercises. An actt^etie deUgM to the woman 9f refinemrnt. A tutl two m^rki' rovfte of 14 FLO-RA 7.0-SA Ralhf mailed anywhere in ihc Vnilei Btalct on receipt of |3,00. !t 0OUT 6ruogl4\ annot aupply you. irrite to the Royal PbarmBceatical & Perfumery Co., Inc. Dnpt. C, 1090 Madlion Av».. New Yort. MOTION PICTURE ''Herb"! {Continued from page 38) anolher brother, Stanley. Stanley mingled with the English lads at the conservatoire, he with the French. Stanley was rather vague. As a youngster, Master Rawlinson showed none of the signs of being the physical culture specimen he is now. His languid condition so worried the elders that, after completing his elementary in French, tlie Isles lacking beneficial climate, a farm in Canada was designated for his future habitat. Arriving here, an adolescent, alone, without a mission other than to grow into sturdy manhood, his wonder at the vastness that was before him, his awe at the opportunities that awaited, culminated only in the greeting, "Well, here I am ! Do your darndest. I'll do mine !" That he was an actual farmer I do not conclude. All I could grasp from his unconnected, happy, rapid phrases, (Rawlinson doesn't talk in stories; he hasn't time, especially about himself), was the mention of fields and sunshine and ecstatic sensations of dogged fatigue when he came to the end of perfect days. He couldn't have been a thorobred harvester, because there were plays he'd go to see and circuses in which he wallowed. In truth, one circus absorbed such vital interest that glowing, growing Herb forsook the hay for the sawdust and ran off with another chap to join the troupe. That started it. Then came the lure of the stock companies. And one, of which he happened to be very much a part, ceased meandering for a while when it reached Los Angeles, long enough to give a moving picture director the chance to see Rawlinson and ask him if he'd ever thought of becoming cinematically entangled. Rawlinson hadn't thought, but he had a laugh. The figures financially confided by the M. P. D., that screen work would involve, choked Rawlinson's chuckle at its zenith. The comparisons of the salaries of a stock company actor and a moving picture actor weren't odious, but serious. The minstrel band next week continued its tour without its popular juvenile. That was quite a while ago. "Florodora's" sextette can claim its originals, and also the Klieg-light industry. If ever a boast is to be made, the director who spied Rawlinson need not only label him.self a pioneer, but add the laurel of having vision. It's all right to start something and better to finish. But what is more wonderful — it shows in the careers of overnight stars — is to start and not to finish. Rawlinson has come thru with this man's predictions materialized. The phenomenon is that he still is coming. And no wonder. At this season's Lambs Gambol, presented at the Metropolitan, the excitement of the evening was credited to him. Not once on the program did he appear, after a lengthy absence from the stage, but twice — in specialty numbers. It is good the first was scheduled when it was, an act, alone, ( Seventyeix)