Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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jire YOU Curious — — To see your favorite stars in their home environment? — To see a "movie'" company at work? To see director, star, cameraman and staff actually producing a picture-play? — To see what goes on at the studios, between scenes? —To learn ALL the little secrets of movieland? If SO see SCREEN SNAPSHOTS "The News Reel of Filmland" \ Produced by Jack Cohn in cooperation with Brewster Publications, Inc. Lewis Lewyn. Coast Representative Ask your theater manager to book it ^ by [g'^ '^ ^'^^ irr.-SrKra.Tc^s^ ',^,fs.°H«' '= "^' •-* -"• Screen Snapshots, Inc. 1600 Broadway New York •\ Ti'XAS Blue B.— Greetings. EveiybnJy * about ck-ction. You point with pnclu to llic extract from Kipliug wlucli reads, 1 Hat Ivinn proverb wbicli sa\s that the pen is iniyhtier than the sword." Perhaps, m age.s tu'conie. liistorv will note that the pen of President Wil>.>n did more to end the breat War than all the swords in the universe Von ean write to Blanche McGarity at this address, i.r San .\utonio. Texas. iNi.risiTivK EvK.— y< stiis fret. So you want 'an interview with Constance Talmadge soon Ora Carew is playing in "His Friend and His Wife." Ve.s. Pell Trenton is starring. You will find Helen Jerome Eddy m "The First Born" for Sessue Hayakawa. Swi.F.T SiXTKF.N.— No, T am not angry. Tho ihon callest me all the vile names in Webster, still thou canst not>e mv ire. With all thy faults, 1 love thee still, and the stiller you are. the more 1 love vou. I would advise you to write to the Griffith Studios for her photo. Tliauks. but 1 take that aire weekly. \\'nte me again. M. R.. Bridceport.— I have answered H. M. P.— So you want more addresses ot the plavers. Most of them change about so ..fteii that the address wouldn't he correct when it appeared in print. California and Xew Mexico are the only states wdierc a marriage license is not recpiired. \\\xi>.\ .v.Nii .\N\v.— 1 used to drink lemonade every day that 1 could not get buttermilk hut now' 1 substitute grapefruit whenever 1 can aflford it. because a grapefruit is nothing but a lemon that lias grown fat and prosperous, ^'ou want to see more of Anna Q. Nilsson and Wanda Hawlev. 'Nuff said! t;. T. R. 16.— Dont trust me witli your secrets. .•\ man who can be trusted with -ecrets can be trusted with anything, and it is usually not safe to trust a man who is getting $9.00 per. Koberts in "The Old Homestead." Thomas Meighan in "The Frontier of the Stars," Call again. Pan KY.— Thanks for the gum. 1 had a chew on you. No. indeed. So yon live in a dull town and it is not Philadelphia. But just you dont forget that happiness is the ability to recognize it. Remember Ibe Blue Hinl.' lj) OF W,\i.i.v Keiii. -Memory is what makes us vonng or old, Wallace Reid has one child, and "The Golden b'etter" was produced in iH-brnarv, 1917. Wallace Reid in ■•The Charm Scliool" and Billie Burke in "The Frisky Mrs. Johnsim." NoHoiiv Home.— Sort of an appropriate name! My favorite player? That's telling. Theda Bara is yours, Nell Shipman in "Back to God's Country." You seem to be able to believe anything you wish. What a lucky creature! Eiiid Bennett in "Her Husband's Friend." W.vxiiv Hawley Fan.— Oh. yes, I am a fine singer and have a fine range — 1 use it to get my lircakfast on. ^'ou want Wanda Hawley on the cover. See the Classic for .\ugust. , Ruth Roland in "Ruth of the Rockies," Bert l.vtoll in ".\ Me"ag. from Mnr>," The Gkove,— Thanks, old chappie. Mabel Normaud is not dead. Irene Castle is 27 years old and as to her salary— nobody knows, ami nobody seems to care. You say I have_ a wit which' Touchstone would envy. Who s he . Juaiiita Hansen in "The Phantom Foe. Write me some more. EsTELH E B.— Whv, of course, thats Marv's own hair, .^nd if 'it wasn't, what s wrong about it? Marv will continue in pictures Some prominent English producer offered both Marv and Doug an enormous sum to plav together in a picture, but they refused, nil yes, "the great philosophers live under different conditions; Diogenes lived in a tub. Seneca in a palace, and I live in a hall room. Why, Marguerite Courtot in "Velvet Fingers .and' "Pirate Gold." „ „ , MvRjoRY Goldfinch, 30 Falcon .\ venue. West Adelaide, South .Australia, wishes to write to some of our .\merican girls. Arthur A. I.— Well, here are just a few of the leading stage stars who have appcare.l in motion pictures : Sarah Bernhardt, Mrs Leslie Carter, Lillian Russell, Lew Fields, Kdw in \bles Tnllv Marshall, Robert Edeson, Klsic Tanis Cvril'Scott, Tames K, Hackett, Betty \ an'sen, and" Rose Coghlan. No, Lillian Walker has not been with Vitagraph for some years. No, I doubt if Caruso will appear in pictures again. Beta.— I agree with vou about those gowns. Some of the players with .good figures display bad form. Ouch I Ethel Barrymore ^'^1 y. B Davidson played the leads in "The \\hite Kaven " Cleo M'adison and Richard La Reno in "Black Orchids." Marguerite Clark and William Lorelli in "Tlie Fortunes of Fifi. Viola Dana and Robert Walker in "The jMorlal Sin." You're welcome. FiLLUM Fan.— I dont know, try Calitornia. So vou think H. B. Warner dresses in exquisite'taste. You are a clothes observer. June Caprice was on the stage last. Sorry 1 cant help vou about the contest. Ei.MHURST.— Yes. things fly in pictures. M fifteen a girl wants fame; at twenty .she w.ants wealth ; at twentv-five she wants a Rolls Royce. Natalie Talmadge is about two years younger than Constance." Constance is 5 feet 6 inches, Vour list of plavers who are Jewish cannot be printed here, 'it is immaterial what one s religion is. Helen H.— Perhaps it w^as a slapstick coiiiedv, and tlien anything is possible. Clara K. Young is not married now. Elsie Ferguson is, also Conway Tcarle. Sure, they all like it. .Vcver an actor born w-ho does not appreciate applause. .-\s Cowper says, "O popular applause! wdiat heart of man is proof against tin sweet, seducing charms?" And since the players cannot hear you applaud they naturally like to read it. FiFiRE.— Enjoyed your first letter very much. The correct rpiotation is, "Tho the mills of the God grind slowlv, yet they grind cxceeihng small; tho with patience He stands waitin.g. with exactness grinds He all," Of course, I go in the ocean. Yes. there are several excursions up the Hudson. (C''iili'iih-fl 'in I'itiir S7 ) (TCiiililiifniir)