Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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Dr.EscnWcm 'Craining jor Authorship HoW to Wri+e. What to Write, and Where to sell . CulH^le your mind. DG\'elop yonrlWerary gifts. Master Ihc crlof stflf-ejtprcssion.Mak^ >*our spare Hmc profiiable. nTum your ideas into dollars. Courses in Short-Story Writing. Versification, Journalism, Play Writing, Photoplay Writing, etc., taught person _ .. ally by Dr. J. Berg Esenwein, for many years editor of Ltppincott's Magazine, and a staff of literary experts. Constructive criticism. Frank, honest, helpful advice. Peol teac/iing. 0«r pHpit has r»c»iVrd eVtr t5.009/or stories and artlcitt VritltH motllw /« spare Ume — "plav KorA," hf calls it. Anoihtr papll received oler St.OOO before completing her firsl coarse. Another, a busp Vife and mother, is aVfrvfing oVtr S7S a Veek from photi>plat/ biriting alone. Tbeie b no other inrtitution or asency doing so much for wrilen, younc Of dd. Th< univcfMlici recoenizc this, for over one bundled member* of the Engliih facultica of higher institutions arc studying in our Literary Department. ' The editor* recognix* 't. fof they ore corutantl]^ recommending our cour»es. ISO-pBC* Ulualrml*d cal«leiu« fre«. T^ Home Correspondence School Dcp't. 112, SpTinrtfi*7ia.Mass. ^^^-^^^-ysp^ ^ H ^ «ii WW W'Wfg LEARN DRAFTING .t h^me In »t'irp licic u y^ii Wiull in .riu.i tdrli, r !rex A.NP «fiMi:N l.V i;iltL\T lit.MA-NU .. MrrtiknlrAl lifJfi.rnr, =TlTr-' «'<';no to $100 a Week rum position* bcforr cwmTjlnlnc ntrcomarr. Dmwinc ,,, ,t. Wrilp n>-d4y. «t»tln5 ,,^1 .1 ; r ■ I 1 larttfula™. COLUMBIA SCHOOL Of DRAFTINO II, .y I n.flln. Prr. Oept. 1187. IJth S. T SU., Wa«hlngton, D. C. Popularity Contest Closes As tliis book goes to press the votes for the i)opularir> conlcst are still pouring in. Interest is rife and lilni fans cvcrywliere are working frantically to give their favorite player just one more boost before it is too late. But when this number reaches the newsstands and the subscribers, the great popularity contest will have run its course and the linal tabulation of votes will be in the course of coniiilction. To arrive at the result may take longer than is expected — but there will be an announcement made as soon as possible. Mary Pickford, 150.768; N'orma Talmadge. 89.516; Pearl White, 36.943; Mme. Xaziinnva. 20.41 1 : Constance Talmadge. 16.657 ; Bebe Daniels. 8.384 ; Viola Dana. 7208 ; Tlieda Bara. 7 16.'; Marv .Miles Minter, 7.048; Edicl Clayton. 6.37.';' Lillian Gisli. 5.954; Marguerite Clark, 5.840; Klsic KcfRUsoii. 5.637; Ruth Roland, 5.408; Oorotliv Gisli. 4.815; .\nita Stewart. 4.626; Edith Johnson. 4.050; May .\llison. 3 .^61 ; Olive Thomas. 3.374; Pauline Frederick, 3 121: Shirley Mason 2.810; Geraldine Farrar. 2.667; Gloria Swanson. 2.604; .-Mice Brady. 2 526 ; Olga Petrova. 2.483 ; Dorothy Dalton. 2.419; Ann Little, 2,175; Alice Lake, 2,116; Wanda Hawlev, 2.064; Irene Castle, 1,872; Marie Osborne, 1,835; Alice Joyce, 1,620; I'riscilla Dean, 1,558; Mildred Davis, 1,414; lilanche Sweet, 1,365; Marie Prevost. 1,320; Marion Davies. 1.170; N'ivian Martin. 1,003; Kalhlvn Williams. 983; Mae .Murray, 960; Doris'Mav, 901 ; Marguerite I'isber. 8.^9; Clara K. Voung. 846; Phyllis Haven. 822; Juanita Hansen. 815; Marjorie Daw. 761 ; Madge Kennedv, 755; Betty Compson. 741 ; Corinne Griffith.' 738 ; Marie Walcamp. 657 ; June Caprice. 640; Ccmstance Binney. 631 ; Bessie Love, 625; Enid Bennett, 556; Jane Novak. 549; Mildred Reardon. .S.W ; Dolores Casinelli ; 526 ; Sylvia Rreamcr, 514; Rosemary Theby. 504; Gladys Leslie, 4S9 ; Louise Lovelv. 474; Billie Burke. 462; Lila Lee. 459; Winifred Westover. 452; Pauline Curlev. 417: Eva Xovak. 404; Lillian Hall, .196; Mildred Harris. 391; Dorothy Phillips. .^85; Violet Hcming. 378; Doris Kenyon. ,V3 ; Marguerite de La Motte. 367 : Mae Marsh. 352; Grace Cunard. 340; Helenc Chadwick. 334; Virginia Lee Corbin. 321: Ruth Stoneliouse, 317; Fanny Ward, 308; Betty Blytlie. 300 ; Mary Thurman. 293 ; Peggy Hyland, 2S8. William S. Hart. 95.587; Wallace Reid. 56 745; Richard Barthelmess. 35.703; Douglas I-airbanks. 15,460; Eugene O'Brien. 10,624; William Farnum, 10,567; Thomas Meigban, 6.9.';2; Tom Mix. 6,477; Elliot Dexter, 6,441; J. Warren Kerrigan, 6,334; ChaHes Ray. 5,919; Bert Lylell. 5..145; Tom Moore. 4,213; Gaston Glass 4.075; William Russell, 3,819: Ralph Graves, 3.604; Harrison I'ord. 3.627: Ben Alex.ander. 3.562; .Antonio .Moreno, 3,144; John Barrymore. 3.102: Charles Chaplin. 2,961: William Duncan. 2.855; Jack Pickford 2.244: George Walsh. 2.208; Rodney La Roc(|ue. 2.196; Douglas 2.184; Kenneth Harlan, 2,011; Eddv Polo. 1,959: Harold Ll.iyd. 1 7i6 Owen Moore. 1.600; Harrv Xorthrup. 1547; Earle Williams. 1.519; Llovd Hughes. 1.462; Conway Tcarle. 1.322; Monte Blue. 1.266; Robert Warwick. 1,110; Lewis Stone. l.O.SO; Scssue Havakawa. 952; Percy Marmont. 888; Bryant W.a'sbburn. 854; Robert Harron. 8.16; Monroe Salisburv. 789; Louis Bennison. 771; William Desmond. 765; .Veilan. 759; Charles Xleredith. 743; Sunshine Sammy, 730; Lon Chancy, 687; Harry Carye. 671; .Albert Ray, 662: Tom Forinan, 659; Eddie i.yons. 652; FVancis MacDonakl, 646; Wesley Barry, 641 ; Ben Turpin, .S64; J.ick Pcrrin, 537; George Fawcett. 518; Hcnrv G. Sell. 506: Joe Ryan. ,500; Webster Campbell, 494; David Powell. 490; Theodore Roberts. 484; Robert Gordon, 447; Mahlon Hamilton. 469: lames J. Corbett. 462; Harry Morey. 455: Jack Holt. 441; Creigbton Hale. 416; Cullen Laiidis, 396; F.morey Johnson. 389 ; King Vidor. 380 ; Lee Moran, 371; Milton Sills, 363: Will Rogers, 354; Jack Dempsev, .148; Francis I'onl. .1,16: Francis X. Bushman. 324: Fatty Arbuckle, 317. :;l^eii;i;i;toiDinci], You can easily learn Modern Ballroom Dancing now in your own home — no matter where you live — by the famous ^eak System of ^ail Instruction Fox-Trot, One-Step, Walt:. Two Step and latest Ballroom dances t.'>uHht. Courses constantly revised to include the newest dance ideas. We Guarantee the Peak System to teach you to be an easy, graceful and accomplished dancer. Equallv successful with beginners and witl-i dancers seeking to improve, and learn the latest society steps. NewDiaRram Method: The result , of forty years' practical experience. ^ Easily and quickly learned. Thou sands taupht successfully. I can teach ^oit. Send Today for FREE Information: Write ar once for surprisinfily low offer. William Chandler Peak. M. B.. President The Penk School of Dancinc. Inc. Established 1880 Room 455 82 1 Crescent Place Chicago afn'35tol00aW^ BECOnE A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Hie opportunities NOW. Qualify for | ttils rascinatlng profession. Thrco monllis' course covers all branclios: Motion Picture — Commercial — Portraiture Cameras and MatrriaU Juinished frcr. Practical Instrcction : modern i ' i~# Day or evenlne claase?; easy terms. The School oi BecoETitzetl Superiority. Cull or write for complete caUlog No. 1«. N. Y. INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY 141 W. 36th St., N. y. 505 State St.. Brooklyn equipment. Write the Words For a Song Write the words for a song. We revise song-poems, compose music for them, and guarantee to secure publication on a royalty basis by a New York music publisher. Our Lyric Editor and Chief Composer is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Mail your song-poem on love, peace, victory or any other subject to us today. Poems submitted are examined free. BROADWAY COMPOSING STUDIOS m-E RbienM BUj., Broiiho; st Tnael Squn. NEW YORK LEARN Movie Acting A fascinating profession that pays bip;. Would vou like to know ii you arc adapted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hour Talent-Tester or Key to Mowie Acting Aptitude, and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting, A novei. instructive and valuable work. Send -lime or stamps today. A large, interesting, illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting included FREE I FILM INFORMATION BUREAU, Sta. N., Jackson, Micli. BOOKKEEPING & SHORTHAND successfully taught by mail. These are both stepping stones to success in business, invaluable to both men and women in all walks of life, investigate our practical, inexpensive courses. Chicago Extension ITniversity DcDt.D 128N. LaSalleSt. Chicago SCHOOL rOR THCATRe ARTS AUVXE^r^ SCZHOOI/ ]:>I^AMAS&C ARTS FDUI? SCHOOLS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE TRAJNinC. TMl SCHOOL'S SIUDENT^ 5IOCtt*»o,. .TMWTRt AftOHD PUBlIC STAGE APPEARAMCIS Wiitetor calaloR menlionins sliidy desired to Secrelarv ALVIENE SCHOOLS, Suite 17 45 WEST 72nd STREET DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES (Bight)