Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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m the ^ jX/ysterious^ Charley Never Existed Bui More Heartaches and Laughs Above is Scoop Conlon, inventor of Charley Fuhr; and adjoining his picture are Constance Talmadge and William S. Hart, two invariably favored guests of that international and elusive manabout-town. "y'^HARLEY FUHR, bon-vivant and famous i big-game hunter, zvill entertain a select com^^ pony of screen stars Friday evening, amo^ig them the Misses Constance and Natalie Talmadge. Mr. Fuhr is rapidly becoming noted as one of Hollywood's most delightful hosts." ' " r^ A sprightly little notice like this in the society columns of the Los Angeles morning papers, date 1916, was enough to set famous teeth to grinding, and to fill famous eyes with tears of vexation. All you heard about in Hollywood nowadays was Charley Fuhr this and Charley Fuhr that ! If he wasn't being quoted on politics or the proper wine to serve with mallard duck or European royalties he had known, he was giving a party to which they were not invited. He got more publicity than any Tnovie star ! Ever since he arrived in Hollywood people talked about no one else, but he was so exclusive that only a fortunate few had met him, and these few were simply insufferable about it. "What, don't know Charley Fuhr?" Raymond Griffith would say patronizingly. "You ought to meet him! Great chap, Charley. Been around the world half a dozen times, knows everybody — everybody who is anybody. And what dinners he gives !" Or Connie Talmadge would confide to curious girl friends that* Charley Fuhr was simply one of the dandiest men she'd ever met, just a peach! And funny— you'd die laughing at him. And of course he was so rich he didn't care what he spent on a girl ! SheVl love to introduce them, but Charley was queer that way. Sometimes she thought that Charley was just a little bit of a snob. The movie colony writhed. The most prominent 28 Evans stars grew humble. "Who'i this fellow Fuhr I hear sc much about?" Wally Reic would ask Scoop Conlon, dramatic editor 6i the Times and Scoop would answei "Funny you never met hinin New York. Greatest wii on Broadway they tell me Decorated by the — ^the — ah— Smithsonian Institute foi shooting the — ah — ^the onl) specimen of tusked wallab) ever brought out of Africa.' "Say, I'd like to meet thi bird, Fuhr, you fellows are al ways talking about," Lev Cody would urge to a grou] gathered around the Hote Alexandria bar (remembe the date, 1916!), and Bil Harti utesa rooms for at 0 (One