Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Secret History of the Month (^Continued from page 35) nf giitn from his mouth, put it over the i«ak and ground serenely on." A lior^y trihute to screen art, as given to the world L\ Ltince Heath, of Gloria Swanson Productions: "Colonel Phil T. Clunn In'; announced his intention of giving the iinnic 'Sadie Thompson' to the most promising twoyear-old in his stable. The hunch came to Colonel Chinn while he was visitinj; I^s Angeles during the showing of the p'ctiirc. 'That certainly is a fast moving photf^play,' said the colonel, 'and I have an idea Sadie Thompson would be a winner on the turf.' " How romance burgeons in the atmosphere of Hollywood (from FBO) : "Ranger, FBO's wonder dog, is in love! A few weeks ago he showed signs of jealousy in the projection-room when he growled and barked at the appearance on the screen of the villain dog whom he thoroughly dislikes. More recently he played scenes with a female, Starlight, and the story called for her being hurt and near death. When Ranger saw these scenes in the projection-room, his tail drooped and he howled dismally." More canine wonders revealed by FBO »tudio: "TaflFy, prize-winning airedale pet of Ralph Ince, is believed to be the first dog to bark greetings over long distance telephone from coast to coast. Mrs. Ince, now vacationing in New York, called her husband at FBO studios and after asking about the dog's welfare was greeted by several barks from their canine pet, who recognized her voice over the wire." Contribution to the language from Fox: "Ford Sterling, whose comedic ability has registered in countless film opuses." Great moment in the history of Art, revealed for the first time by the haughty l.^nited Artists: "In the old Biograph days D. W. Griffith wanted to get away from the long shots and see some heads. He suggested this desire to Billy Bitzer, his cameraman. Billy objected on the grounds that it had never been done and that focussing on a large head would throw the background into an indistinguishable blur. Griffith nonchalantly extracted a five-dollar bill from his wallet and waved the bill in front of Billy's eyes. 'I'll bet,' said Griffith, 'that it can be done.' Billy tried and won the five dollars." ujuota aa tKb W^ \ A skin that is oily is unattractive — does not look young. Thousands of women write us that they find this treatment effective. Twice a day wash your, face with a good soap and hot water. Use a wash cloth rough in texture. After you have washed your face thoroughly, be sure to rinse off all the soap. Then dry your face with a soft towel. Now smooth on a thin coating of Ingram's Milkweed Cream. Wipe it off with a soft cloth. Then dash cold water on your face and gently pat it dry with the towel. Society leaders, screen stars, stage beauties, write us r FRfE— thii rtmariahU nrw rtugt. Stt iffer btlno. that Ingram's Milkweed Cream is the only cream they have us>cd for ten to twenty years or more. Learn how to use Ingranis' Alilkweed Cream and avoid oily skin. We will help you this way. With each jar of Ingram's Milkweed Cream come full instructions. Women write us'daily telling how they have improved their skins by following these instructions. So that you, too, may give your skin treatments basically right, go today to your druggist and buy a jar of Ingram's Milkweed Cream. 50c the jar — SI size more economical—Theatrical size $1.75. Frederick F. Ingram Co., Est. 1885. 238 Tenth Street, Detroit, Mich., also Windsor, Ont. , Canada. InqramS t Cream THCIXt IS BLAUTY IN CVtR.Y JAB. Let us send you FREE purse-size package of this remarkable neixi rouge — Ingram's American Blush Rouge, and an interesting booklet on The Art of Rouging. 73