Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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»^:fe ) (Tiarming ^y^¥" these -are Eastf to have! eYES that ask or command, laugh and dance or tell tales on your heart; they're charming eyes — attractive — and very easy to have. To obtain this delightful effect all j'ou need do is make j-our lashes appear naturallj' long, dark and luxuriant. This is best and easiest done with genuine IMaybeUine. You'll like IMaybelline, because it goes on easily, looks natural and is guaranteed absolutely harmless in every respect. Liquid Form | ■ Obtain a box of Solid IWaterproof) ^-jg Maybelline or a bottle of the Liquid form from any toilet goods dealer. 1 You will be amazed at the marvelous difference Maybelline and I just a minute can make in your appearance. Either form, in black or brtnun, TSc everywhere MAYBELLINE CO., CHICAGO Syelash ^eautifier Keep Your Skin Young Remove all blemishes and discolorations by regu' larly using pure Mercolized Wax. Get an ounce, and use as directed. Fine.almost invisible particles of aged skin peel off, until all defects, such as pimples, Uver spots, tan, freckles and large pores have disappeared. Skin is beautifully clear, soft and velvety, and face looks years younger. Mercolized Wax brings out the hidden beauty. To quickly remove wrinkles and other age lines,use this face lotion : i ounce powdered saxolite and i half pint witch hajel . At Drug and Department Stores Everywhere. miRGRO WhV hP hsiri? Why have thin stringy unhealthy niljf UC UdlU. hair, when you can have a magnificent head of hair by merely using "HAIRGRO". Three sizes, $1 .00. $2.60 and J5 00. ESTELLE IDLER Dent 21. S4 S. New York Ave.. Atlantic City. N, J. feel Dizzy? Hcadachy.bilious. constipated? TakeNl-NATURE'S REMEDY'-toni>jht. Thismiid.aafe.vegetableremedy will have you fcelinj? fine by morning. You'll enjoy free, thorough bowel action without a sign of gripins or diacumfort. Safe, mild., purely vegetable — at druggists — only 25c Wpf% V9V9 Write for sample of NT and f S%E«JE« our new Memo Radio Ix>g Book A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO.. Dept. E. ST. LOUIS, MO. TO-NIGHT TOMORROW ALRIGHT Well, Doris, if giving up all those pink teas and charlotte russes has had anything to do with the results we see above, by all means stick to your diet. We like you this way Reducing Herself (Coiitinticd from page 42) "Marriage !" she gasped. "Oh, heavens, no. It's taken me too long to have gotten as far as I am to give it all up now." Young men, take note ! No matter how honorable the intentions, Doris isn't interested— for a time yet, anyway. When she first came to Hollywood, I used to see Doris around the Cocoanut Grove winning contests and having a grand time with young Nick Stuart. But along came Sue Carol and that was the end of that rumor. "Nick sort of gave me the high hat after he got started so well at Fox and I was still doing extra work," Doris confided after curling herself up on my couch, one day. She Couldn't Eat Her Cake r\oRis considered her pretty, pink finger '-'^ nails. "I haven't time to go chasing around to the Grove to tea, anyway. You can't keep up all those kid things and get the rest you need to look well on the screen, .•\ppcarance is just about half of stardom, don't you think? The first thing they did after I signed my contract was to advise me to reduce. I'd chased around to so many pink teas and eaten so many charlotte russes I was absolutely pudgy." She sighed. When you're about eighteen, it's hard to give up wiiipped cream, but Doris put her mind to it. Now, she's as fashionably skinny as Claire Windsor and Louise Brooks. "All except my ankles," said Doris, frankly. "I still have to take treatments to get them down." It's nice being successful and owning a contract. But it's a lot of trouble, too, when you're in your teens and like pink teas and fattening things to eat. The way she happened to get started in the great diet game was like this : Doris came out to Hollywood with her father and of course, riglit away, she was bitten with the movie bug. She started running around with Joan Crawford and a couple of the other girls, including Sally 3 Blane and her sisters, and all they talked I about was the movies. They all dressed so cutely, too. And had such pretty cars to drive. Doris could hardly wait to get started.' It wasn't any trouble for her to get extra work. When you're as cute as Doris, it never is. But just working in the movies didn't satisfy her. She wanted to be Somebody. Every one else was ! Alone With an Allowance 'VT^HEN it was time for lier father to go back home, Doris put her foot down. I She just wouldn't hear of leaving Holly I wood. Her father said she must. But she | didn't. She got awfully independent about it and said she would take care of herself— and everything. ".-Ml right," said her father, and left her to take care of herself with only a very small allowance. Those were the dark days. The allowance was very, very small and she wasn't getting along as fast as she had expected in the movies. She was too fat. Too youthfully plump. Finally, however, she landed a simll contract witli a small company. But she didn't like it. Of course, the money was nice coming in every week and she spent every nickel of it on a hilltop house that was very swanky to look at. She got some publicity, too. Doris gave up the house and everything eventually and just walked out on the contract. She couldn't be bothered. Now she is sharing an apartment. Walking out on a contract is a pretty brave thing to do in Hollywood, but Doris was rewarded with another one almost right away. First National had seen her in one of the small pictures and thought she was cute. The first thing you know they signed her up. She enjoyed playing witii Dick Barthehness a lot. 82