Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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3cihy End De Bahy Stozz Witt Blonde Hair de Mettresses Are StofFed in Hollywood, end de Vemps Get Ahead by Decrees As told by MiLT GROSS to DOROTHY DONNELL DO I like Hollywoot? Dunt esk ! 1 guess you didn't hoid I got my vife end keeds end sisters from the law witt me ! I should tell how I like Hollywoot with them maybe reading it by the peppers. Trouble a man dunt esk for, ain't it? Alretty it could come to me plenty trouble. Yasterday when I come off de stoodio my vife sees by my coat a lonk blonde hair, God forbid ! "In Hollywoot" I tell her "even de hair mettresses got made from blonde hair." Womans is queer. I bet you der prehysterical womans raised a holler when der cave mans come inside from de house witt their club all covered from hairs, and yalled at him if he had been beating up some odder hussy instead of his lawful vife! Somebody nidds it should be spoiling me de treep bringing de femly alonk, dot their fare by de tren de stocdio was paying end de itting en de dining car, end de slipping en de boits It ent costing by me a cent. I should lost all that free itting for my vife end keeds end sisters from the law, even if they got noivous indigesture itting so fast as sixty miles from (le hour. It stends here like this. De stoodio likes better a writer dunt come to Hollywoot by himself and maybe forget what he was here for. Soch a tings what it heppens ! Some writers from Xew Yoik think they should draw their selleries for drinking highballs all night end knocking tennis balls all day. Nachally if their femlies they bring witt them they dunt have a goot time, God forbid ! They dunt go onto Hollywoot parties by de rectors end ectresses' houses. End maybe they will write a movink peetcher. Soch a soft snep these writers got in de moofies, beleef me ! Already I been here fife days end I dunt do any woik yet, end tomorrow is a haliday. De oily boid gets treated like a woim in Hollywoot, so de writers from scenarios dunt stick in from de office door de head till noon, end then they got to go right out to lunch, ain't it ? Bot I got by me lots of grend ideas for peechers. One is about a he-blooded man from the Gret Open Spaces that his vife got incompatability of temper by h'im end run away witt a doity villain. De name from da peecher is called "Ginsberg Gets His Man," or maybe "Feitelbaum of the Royal Mounted." Tarrible Ivan AYBE you didn't hoid yet I should be an ector myself? Yesterday I met up witt a broducer end he said, "My God, what a face you got for the comedies, oxcuse me ! We should broduce a peecher called (Continued on page 90) 25