Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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!! Russell Ball \'an RossĀ« & Lang i^laravrom And Hollywood Seem Indistinguishable Sue Assaults the Soul If the boy fans who sit down to write a letter to their movie sweetheart find themselves talking in a soulful strain about "ideals of womanly modesty" and "putting her on a pedestal" they are probably Carol fans; if. however, they talk about "great big hugs" and "a million kisses" and tell her that if she'll just wait till they get through prep school and college and law school, they are coming to Hollywood and marry her, the chances are that they are Bow fans. Just exactly why anyone should get these two screen personalities mixed up, it is hard for a Hollywooder to understand. When you meet them at the Montmartre, you see that they dont look in the least aHke, except that they are both young, peppy, intensely modern, and 'about the same height and size. Clara, sauntering in (hands thrust into coat pockets, except when they are waving to some one of her thousand best friends or numerous ex-fiances), beret pulled jauntily over her flaming red hair, is the Jazz-Baby in the flesh. Sue. sport hat not concealing her l)lack hair and dark eyes, is the college co-ed, or society debutante. Clara is dynamic, mischievous, provocative. Sue is cute and coquettish. Clara's eyes are as slumbrous and smouldering at times as the Garbo's, and at other times sparkling with gayniuc impudence. Sue flirts rather than tempts. Having pretty little figures, they are both given the chance to -how them in some of their pictures. In "Hula" and "Red Hair" "lara undressed ; in "Soft Cushions" Sue wore only a few strings 'f summer-weight beads, and in "Walking Back" she appeared in legligee. They may be sisters in their skins, but whereas Clara's ;ans have no objection to seeing their idol in next to nothiii'^ >ue's raise a great outcry when she begins to take 'em oft (Continued on page 7i) V an Rossera & LatiK No trouble here distinguishing between the two distinguished youngsters; theyVe all Sue Carol 29