Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Freckles Secrecy and Quickly Removed! X^OU can buiih thote tiuioyinl. '' embairmstinl freckles, quickly and iorely, in the privacy of your owoboadoir. Yoarfricodt iriJI wonder how yoa did it. Scilltnao's FreckleCreambleaches Ibem oot while you deep. Leavet the (kin toft aod white, the complexioo fretb, clear and trantparent, the face rejayeoaied with oew beauty of aaturat coloria^ Tbe fir>l iar prove* itt malic worth. Resulti luaranteed, or moaey re> fnaded. At all druiliita. 50c and $L St ill mans Freckle Cream fZfh Rcmo-res ' Whitens It M Freckles I The SKin t/l/ 1 Tht Stillrain Co., 1 Send me your 1 trcatmeat ■ Mama 3 Rowmirr Laoe. .Aurora. 111. ! FREE booklet on okio | ■ 2 1 I i.»................«..— : «l Develop Your Bust! Oar •ci«oii*e method hi^lr rceocameoded for Qsick m^Mj deT«l«>pccect LA BEAUTE CREME •^f Mipco^^tnwt of bssta Mocii* teco* r exp —■!»■. tarmlaa*. yleyant. Socecaafal r«««)ta or Bc>3«r rcfundM. FoDpArtirutan aad proof tefticd fr*«. Wnt« for sp««i»J offer TODAY. LA BCAUTE STVOK>« aST-CP Hftytto«iT>rr»c». ><Biwri,>M. For the Perfection of your complexion A beuitiful compleiion ardd* the finiihiTM touch to i vnaaa't dura. Kicoicu whitf na tac too aod removes Nmiiinfi, maka yoor lUa beuittfdL Krennb ii used a* a nicht acam rfitr wuhmt tbe face wnib loap and warm water, and a(aia in tbe imauiim aa a baae for Kranola Fkc Powder. Yoa will be ddtcbted with it Pric«$lJS Dr. C H. Berry Co.*t Preckk Ointment puritivdy ieiuo»« frrcklea J1.25 anJ 6.*c. At drug and department (tare* or bjr mail prepaid. Or booklet ~Hiots on How ta be BeaoiM leut free Dr. C. H. BERRY CO.. 2973 Mich. A««.. Chicj«o. R. H. Louise Joan Crawford's arms are a good fit around Johnny Mack Brown's neck in thb scene from "Our Dancing Daughters" Bonenalabahmah {Continued from page 42) for believe me, brother, you're all wrong. Across a studio luncheon table, Mr. Brov.Ti indicated that the interview was now under way. by announcing politely. "Ah wuz bonen Dothanalabama-ma'am." 'Thank you," I replied, embarrassed, "but I really prefer a fruit salad." This didn't seem the correct answer, for Mr. Brown looked >'astly troubled. Presently he ventured, ■'.\h saved Ah wuz bone. Bone, ma'am." Came dawn, bringing with it the announcement that Johnny Mack Brown was bom. There seemed no logical reason to dispute this, so I suggested that he order some alphabet soup and sptell Dothan. I rather hoped he would cut out the "Ma'am," which makes one feel a bespectacled forty-, but it's no use being too fussy. He then related, as I already have, his advent into motion picture circles. Referring to the .Mabama-W'ashington game, he said, "Ah wuz glade we won that game, ma'am. Wash'n'ton had a fine team and the folks hahdly expected ouah Southahn team to make a good showin' against it. But we felt theah sympathy was with us. anyway, and we wuz proud to win." Incidentally, Johnny's team tied our Stanford boys. Alabama could play football all right, with Johnny Mack Brov^•n along. "Hollywood seems a silly place for you." I remarked. And it does. "Do you feel at hotne here, with grease-paint on your face ?" ".\h don't mind," he replied serenely. "Theah's nice folks heah. But Hollywood does seem less pe'manent than Dothan. wheah evbody knows ev'body else. Down South, families stay in the town wheah they wuz raised, but the folks in Hollywood have come from everywheah. Ah've not met anyone who was bone heah." I promised to introduce him to Thomasina Mix and Gloria Lloyd, the "grand old ladies" of the film capital. Ladies and Gentlemen — pE.\HixG that what he had said might beconstrued as criticism of the greaseV paint village, the polite Mr. Brown added", "Theah ah gentlemen an" ladies heah, just as theah ah in Dothan. Down home .\\\ always went to see the pictuahs that " Ronald Colman and \"ilma Banky made. They took such gentlemanly and ladylike pahts." I'm not fooling you. That's just what he said. "Mistah Bahthelmess is a gentleman, too," he continued. ".Ah have the pleasuah of his acquaintance." "^^'hat do you think of the HollyTVOod girls, or is there a girl back home?" "Thea's a girl back home," said Johnir Mack Brown, and paused, evidently tun;ing some problem over in his mind. The:; with firm honesty, "Ah married he maam." His wife will never grace the screen bt cause, as he explained. "Down home w believe that a wife's place is in the home On further prodding from the "ma'am. Alabama's former football hero related that he had been educated for a busine<> career. Xo thought of stage or scree:. ever entered his handsome head until Hollywood literally reached out and grabbed him. Now that he is here, he likes picture work and hopes to be a "stah," known in the vernacular as "star." And stardom may come to him. He is doing very well as leading man for such celebrities as Marion Davies, Madge Bellamy and. at present, Joan Crawford. The camera is very kind to him. In a casual meeting he leaves the impression of being a big. slow-spoken, mild young man, but en the screen as on the football field, he radiates pep and the good old sex appeal. His vitality is switched on and off; like an electric light. 70