Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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ilary Eatorif >'amotu Stage antt Screen Beauty Qk Matbelline Co., Chicago, III. Gentlrmen: Having tried many forms of eyelash beautifiers, I unhesitatingly ncommend "Maybeliine" as the best. It is harmless, easy to apply, looks natural and its imtantaneouj beautiftiing effect is truly remarluible. Sincerely, Mary Eaton. maic^ scant evebrows and lashea appear vaturaVj/ dark. Ion? ana luxurioQs. Instantly and aofailiiurly the eyes appear larffpp, deeper and more brdUant. The improvement will delight you. Maybelline may now oe had in either Bolid form or waterproof liquid form. Both forms are absolutely harmlesa, being used re^lariy by beautiful women in all parts of the world. Either form may be had in Hlack or Brown. 7Sc AT YOUR DEALER'S or direct from us. poatp*ld. Accept oal7 ffeDolne "HaybelUoe" and yoar satisiactioii 18 assured Tear ttaU oat now as a reminder. MAYBEUINE CQ,. 47S0 Sheridan RiJ., CHICAGO ttguid Worm FREC OTHINE Removes This U^ly Mask There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine — double strength — is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine from any drug or department store and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed ,to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful complexion. Be sure to ask for double strength Othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove your freckles. The price of pride: Jaime del Rio didn't want to be known as Dolores's husband. So now he's her former husband The Lowdown on Divorce {Continued from page 23) She laughed and went on, "All my life is like that. I cannot go back to the old Mexican ideas that I used to believe in. I used to think divorce was terrible. Now I can see it is absolutely necessary in the life of an American woman." Then Dolores gave voice to a sentiment that I'm afraid you're going to recognize as something you've heard before. She looked up with her fearless, glowing eyes ' and said, "I adore my career. I would give up not only love, but everything, for it. And my divorce has made me free to dedicate my life to my work." But she spoke with all the fine sincerity of Merton when he prayed, "Please, God, make me a good movie actor I" She hurried on to explain, "Before, I was unhappy in my work, because there were so many things I couldn't do. I knew Jaime would not like them, and I was afraid all the time. But now I feel sure of myself ; I can give myself completely to my work and I am happy." Jaime's Jealousy I REMINDED her of Jaime's great interest in her career two years ago. "Yes," she agreed, "at first Jaime was very much interested. That was when I was just beginning and was not at all important. But as soon as I had my first triumph, his attitude changed. He resented my success. He was a typical Latin husband and had always known me as the submissive Latin wife. He couldn't bear my success, and he hated being known as 'the husband of Dolores del Rio.' Latins are not ac customed to this. They are brought up to.i think they are master, and they will not be', anything else. Their wives are only children. Why, the first thing a Mexican man does when he marries is to take all his wife's money away from her I What American would dare do this to his wife !" She looked up with a challenging glance, then rushed on, "When I first came here, I had been like a baby for so many years, I couldn't even make a cheque. Jaime had to take care of all my money. Now I do everything myself. I won't have any help. I love being like a man and managing my own money; I take a big kick from making cheques, you know !" ■ . She seemed to find something extremely bracing and invigorating in the state of being divorced. She glowed and breathed a little faster with the sheer joy of being free. "Then Jaime thought he would do some work of his own that would bring him a success equal to mine. He started to write, and I was so glad because I thought he wouldn't be jealous any more and we would be happy again. But he wrote script after script and didn't sell them, and he blamed me for his failure. He said if he could only get away from this awful place, where he would not be known as Dolores del Rio's husband, he knew he could succeed." She paused, and I knew this was going, to be L'envoi. "So he went to New York," she said finally. "And I hope now he is going to 72