Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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'Now I Understand Why We Never Have Anything ^ it wasyour big chance and you mver opened your mouth' 'T^OR weeks you've been talking about A^ 'getting up your nerve' to go in and :ell Mr. Hutchins about your plan for narketing the new floor polish. And then ast night between dances when he debcrately came over to you and said, 'Well, 3amard, I think we've got a winner in Jiis new floor polish,' you sort of wilted ip and gulped, 'Yes, I think it's all right.' "I could have cried — [ was so mad. It would jave been so easy for you B answer, 'Mr. Hutchins, ['ve got an idea I'd like . :o tell you about — I've >cen giving a lot of study :o this proposition and I hink I've worked out a 5lan you'd be interested in.' "That was your big bance — -your oppoitunity :o show him you had trains — and you hardly jpened your mouth! Now [ understand why you lever get promoted — why NH never have anything! Sfou're actually afraid of (TOUT own voice — you are Jie smartest man in that organization — but lo one would ever know it. You can't put ^our ideas across — can't stand up for your ights — you just let them use you for a door liat. Here we are still living in a dingy little bur-room flat while all our old crowd have ovely homes out in the country. "And last night after you had gone to sleep I laid awake for hours and figured it all DUt. The only trouble with you is that you Save no ability to express ^yourself — to say right thing at the right moment. Just other day Alice Vaughn was telling me What 20 .Minutes a Day Will Show You Flow to t&lk before your club or lodKC How to propose and resoond to toaats How lo addrcaa board zneetlnKS How to make a polUlcal speech How to tell entcrlatnlng stories How to make after-dinner speeches How to converse lotcrcatlDgly How to write letters How to sell more goods How to train your meiDory How to enlarge your voeabulary How to develop scU-confldcnce How to acquire a wlnnluR personality How to strengthen your will-power and ambition How 10 become a clear, accurate thinker Flow to develop your power of concentration How to be master of any situation that Jack used to be troubled the same way — and then he began training with the North American Institute of Chicago — at home in his spare time. It took only about twenty minutes a day and in no time at all he was able to give little talks at club meetings. In the last year he's had three promotions — all due, he says, to his ability to talk with ease and vigor. "Now. don't you think you ought to look into thii new training— I bet that if you'd get started right away you could be the biggest man in the office in another year — the opportunity is there, and you have the stuff in you-all you need is to bring it out. Once you learn how to talk — once you can carry on a decent conversation without becoming scared to death — I'll wager you'U just about set the world on fire — you'll be made for life. I'm going to send for their free booklet. How to Work Wonders With Words — and we'll have lots of fun reading it together." that they are actually surprised at the great improvement in themselves. Send for This Amazing Booklet This new method of training is fully described in a very interesting and informative booklet which is now being sent to everyone mailing the coupon below. This booklet is called. How to Work Wonders With Words In it you are told how this new easy method will enable you to conquer stage fright, self-consciousness, timidity, bashfulness and fear. Not only men who have made millions but thousands of others have sent for this booklet and are unstinting in their praise of it. You are told how you can bring out and develop your priceless "hidden knack" — the natural gift within you — which can win for you advancement in position and salary, pcpularity, social standing, power and real success. You can obtain your copy absolutely free by sending the coupon now. Now Sent FREE : No matter what work you are now doing or what may be your station in life, no matter how timid and self-conscious you now are when called upon to speak, you can bring out quickly your natural ability and become a wonderful speaker. Now, through an amazing home study training you can quickly shape yourself into an outstanding, influential talker able to dominate one man or five thousand. In 20 Minutes a Day This new method is so delightfully simple and easy that you cannot fail to progress rapidly. Right /rom the start you will find that it is becoming easier and easier to express yourself. Thousands have proved that by speiuling only 20 minutes a day in the privacy of their own homes they can acqtiire the ability to apeak so easily and ^ectively NORTH AMERICAN INSTITUTE 601 Miehijsn At.. Depl. 2336 Chicsfo. 111. NORTH AMERICAN INSTITUTE 3601 Michigan Ave., Dept. 2336, Chicago Please send me FREE and without obligation my copy of your inspiring booklet, How to Work Wonders With Words, and full information regarding your Course in Effective Speaking. Name. . . Address. City Sute 69