Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Gives ad ^y o uewly inBtriod KxpUins B,ua.lomy of ^ proiluotivo orgaas, impotence, lawti of Sex* lie, relet Akea to avoid, divvuMts, preuTtADuy, c. Coutaine Oatiirtlinc Mctiooa: 1 — Science ( EuBonioa, 2 — Love, a — Majri»«o, 4 — .Miildbirth. 5— Foroily Life, B— Sesual Bcienre, 7 — Dineasee nnd DiaoHeri, 8— Health and Hyitiene. fr — Story of Life. In all. 104 cliapters, 77 illuatrations, A12 ptite*. Gxaraine Kt our rl.ik. Mailed io u plain ■ranper. Send No Money Wr.ti; lor jour copy today. Don't ~-nd • ueot. I'uv poatinitu only %1.96, plus pontuKO. ■n ftrrivul. Niouev refondod if not *uiti«f,otory. FRANKLIN PUBLISHING CO. Dept. gSOl.^OO N. Clark St., Chicago, III. STOUTNESS REDUCED Without Drugs or Gland Extracts Herbal Corrective for Bringing About a Good Figure m^^S^M There ia no need any lonser for stout people to envy othcr«, or risk health. JUNICAL hao made It possible to reduce and at the same time Improve health. JUNICAL la a herbal corrcetlve, reducing superfluous liesh without Injury. It contains no harmful drugs, or thyroid extracts. While taklnR JUNICAL, you may EAT and DRINK HEARTILY If you follow lU8tructlon.s, as the body only builds up useful healthy tissue and absorbs fat. Satisfaction Is guaranteed, or n.« ..., „.j money back. h7.,//!.H„1.j '•""1 In 'Ws coupon and send for HtnlthOemamt jxjNICAL. and start reducing ahsencr ojsloul healthily NOW. (Sent In plain " wrapper ) $1.00 complete, post paid. .Send check, Money Order, or currency. JUNIOAl, INHTITUTE. Suite MO. D«pt. A, Cuzrnn Buildios, ChioMO. lllinoi*. I tni'laM S Hond JUNICAL at ono«. M; monay U to b« rotiirnod if 1 am nol aatinflail. ■VAME '.. STRKET CITY STATE REID AND ROGERS FAN— Charles Rogers was born in Olathe, Kansas, August 13, 1904. That's his real name. He is playing in "The Sophomore." Write him at the Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon Street, Hollywood, Cal. Here are a few of Wallace Reid's last pictures: "Sick Abed," "Always Audacious," "The Charm School" and "Too Much Speed." Why' not write the Wallace Reid Memorial Club, Ray E. Harris, 3625 R Street, N. W., Washington, D. C? Wallace died January 18, 1923. SANDY— I'll try and be the judge. Malcolm MacGregor was the chap in "Matinee Ladies," starring May McAvoy. May's latest picture is "Caught in the Fog." She can be reached at the Warner Brothers' Studios, 5842 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. Billie Dove was born May 14, 1903. She's five feet three inches tall, weighs 120 pounds ; brown hair and eyes. Real name Lillian Bohny. FAY B. — Lloyd Hughes has been married to Gloria Hope since June 30, 1921. His latest picture is "Heart to Heart," First National Studios, Burbank, Cal. Larry Kent is not married. He is twentyeight years old, has hazel eyes and brown hair; also at the First National Studios. Gilbert Roland is twenty-four, John Gilbert is not married. Playing in "Four Walls," Meiro-Goldwyn Studios, Culver City, Cal. RICHARD ARLEN FAN — Richard was born in Virginia twenty-nine years ago. He is five feet ten and a half, weighs 156 pounds; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Nils Asther born in Sweden twenty-seven years'ago. You bet he's great. Have you seen him in "The Cossacks"? Send that note to the Metro-Goldwyn Studios, Culver City, Cal. He'll be glad to hear from you. THE HENRYS — How's Oklahoma? Johiyiy Mack Brown was born in Dothan, Ala., twenty-four years ago. His first picture was ""The Bugle Call," starring Jackie Coogan. He is married; too bad, but you may write him at the De Mille Studios, Culver, City, Cal., where he is playing in "Annapolis." Send me a self-addressed envelope for a list of the photos I can supply. YOURS — Ronald Colman can be reached at the Samuel Goldwyn Productions, De Mille Studios, Culver City, Cal. He is playing in "The Rescue." Lili Damita is his new leading lady. Sue Carol is married to Alan Keefer, playing in "Captain Swagger." Eleanor Boardman to King Vidor, the director. William and Bill Boyd are the one and same person. FLORA OF FLORIDA— Barry Norton was the chap in "The Legion of the Condemned." "Twenty-three years old and is not married. Write him at Fox Studios 1401 No. Western Avenue, Los Angeles Cal. Gilbert Roland, twenty-four, no married; latest picture is "A Woman Dis puted," starring Norma Talmadge. Normi was born May 2, 1895; married to Jot Schenck. MERELY MARY— What again? Wcll| I'm always glad to hear from you. Beti. Bronson was born November 17, 19061 not married. Write her at the Warned Brothers' Studios, 5842 Sunset Boulevard,|| Hollywood, Cal. Lon Chaney, April I,; 1883. He was in to see us not long agoj No, he does not answer his fan mail. Sen^^ me twenty-five cents for his photo. Madg Bellamy, June 30, 1903; not married. Herl] latest picture is "Mother Knows Best.".! At Fox Studios, 1401 No. Western Ave»(| nue, Los Angeles, Cal. Edna Murph)(i| married Mervyn Le Roy. ANXIOUS ARLETTE — John Gilberl and Ruth Clifford had the leads in "Tru; ton King." Irene Hunt, Charles Frencl^ Ruth Clifford and George Billings, ".4bra ham Lincoln." You may write Dorothy Dwan at Educational Film Co., 7250 Santi Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. Evi Southern, Tiffany-Stahl Productions, 451 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. Georgia Hale and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., at thi same studio. Ramon Novarro, Metn Goldwyn Studios, Culver City, Cal. Ali Terry is in Europe at this writing. UNEEDA REST— I'll say I do, an^ how. Thelma Todd did not play in "The Private Life of Helen of Troy." Tom Owen and Matt Moore are brothers. Colleen is not related ; her real name is Kathleen Morrison. Her latest picture is "Oh, Kay." First National Studios, Burbank, Cal. Sue Carol was a Wampas star of 1928. Wampas is short for Western Association of Motion Picture Advertis DIANF-— How's Chico? Is that a steal? Rod La Rocque is six feet three inches tall; married to Vilma Banky. Rod's lat* est picture is "Captain Swagger," De Mille Studios, Culver City, Cal. You may write "The Hollywood Movie Fans' Club." Richard Keefe, 6723 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. Janet Gaynor, Fox Studios, 1401 No. Western Avenue, Los Anp»;les, Cal. ROSE BUDD— That let's you out, June is over. Walter Miller was born in 1892; real name. Married to Lillian Coffin. Playing in "Terrible People," starring' Allene Ray. Pathe Studios, 4500 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. Marion Davies is not married. Victor McLaglen, Lois Moran, Nick Stuart have the leads in "The River Pirate." Mary Astor, Albert Gran and Matt Moore in "Dry Martini," Fox Studios, 1401 No. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. 74 I