Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Knight Life in Hollywood (Continued fro lout how much it costs to be a star. How luch more, on every hand, a motion picre actor has to spend to maintain than tlie average man. On every i and lie is gyped, nicked and just plain er-charged. The\' say the woman pays. But the an pays more it he is a motion picture tor. It's tough to be a knight in errant liijllyvvood. "I spent eighteen thousand dollars the first year I was out here, trying to be a good sport, and nearly went bankrupt. That was two years ago. Last year I lid to myself, 'Jimmy, this won't do. /here is it leading?' I hired myself a iianager, put myself entirely in his hands ,.:k1 row I'm saving money. "Ninety dollars a month goes to my k-t-chauffeur who can also cook a good cal. Seventeen a week is for my maid who ' ans. One hundred and fifty goes for my lartment. 1 allow myself an allowance : a hundred and fifty to two liundred for Vasure, which includes meals and enter ining. My household expenses are sepaite. Sometimes my allowance lasts for o weeks, depending entirely upon the :tertaining I do. Occasionally it lasts but night." "It is a lot kss expensive to be on H' stage. For instance, in the matter of ■ >thes. You play a part for two or three mths, maybe longer. You have, say, ■om one to four changes, unless it is a irticularly dressy role. In pictures you re forever skipping from locale to locale, rom morning coats to golf knickers and nto full dress. You must have assorted ilressing-gowns in stripes and patterns and t,'ures with wide satin lapels and no lapels • all. If a garment is nni(|ue in design, I cannot be worn again. "You must be well stocked with sports ostumes for St. Moritz or Deauville, m page 40) Miami or Hong-Kong. ' Tomorrow's sun may bring a change in script and make yciu a top-hatter duke with a penchant for monocles. Or perhaps collegiate." Shoes, twelve or fourteen pairs, from glossy blacks to glistening whites, wait patiently in the closet of Jimmy's slightly rococo apartment. Six overcoats, one with a fur collar, all in smartest hues, idle expectantly on as many hangers. Walking sticks ; spats ; two top hats — one collapsible; seven lowly hats; dozens of handkerchiefs ; shirts of blue and white and green ; collars, -soft and yielding, hard and remorseless ; socks ; cuff links, platinum and gold and silver; five sets of studs, black pearl, diamond, costly metals. ".\nother thing that makes the stage less expensive is that you don't have the time for amusements that you do in Hollywood. After the show there is only time for supper and the next morning there is sleep until noon. That leaves the afternoon free, unless there is a matinee, and there's really .not much doing then. Out here, with regular working hours, Itiostly, there are a hundred and one pastimes." And that isn't the half of it, dearie. The steep cover charge at our leading night clubs. After all, you can't take your lady to a hot-dog stand. , Gardenias selling for a dollar apiece. Mr. .\vcrage Man can send roses from two-fifty to five dollars or higher a dozen and his lady thinks he's grand. Jimmy sends gardenias. Merna Kennedy adores them. Motors. There, too, is an item. Jimmy has two. Photographers who charge two hundred dollars a sitting and friends who have hard-luck tales. The butcher, the baker, the candle-stick maker. And still they say the woman pays. A Ham Among the Yeggs (Continued from paye 5.S) All during the war he was an enemy lien in Germany. Kach day it was necssary for him to report to the police. To ave the red card punched, or the green ird staniped. Tliere was tremble a!)out is |)assport. He couldn't leave the city, rherc were bootleg passports, too. lie aringed to purchase one, so that he might return here, and, if yon please, enlist under the grand old flag made famous by the -Marines and (ieorgc M. Cohan. Lucien has a brother, Henno. Remio IS an artist. Notice the ilhistration, it is his. While Lucien struggled as an actor, the kid brother had gained quite a degree of repute through his delineations. Rut neither brother felt thorouglily equipped to portray on screen or canvas the types they wished to create. They determined to steep themselves in the atmospliere tiiey desired. In New 'N'ork it wasn't difficult. Just close your eyes and leap. You'll find yourself caught in the vortex of as strange a maelstrom as ever Poe envisioned. ;\nd this is what the brothers did. And when their eyes reopened, they found themselves members of as desperate and Godforsaken a band of ruffians as ever terrorized a taxpayer. .'\nd their candle-lit garret was the gang's rendezvous. It was bare and dirty. The roof leaked, Bthr rain beat its melancholy tattoo inst the rotting wood. There were rats, too. Other than the two-legged ones who congregated there. Molls from the waterfront, sailors' sweethearts (many sailors'), drabs from the docks. Men from many ports — the scum of the seven seas. Dips and cannons and peter men. Yeggs, hopheads, snowbirds. Henno and Lucien lived among them. Knew them, studied them. With them; yet not of them. For the boys had but one idea. Kach creeping human thing was placed under the microscope of their an. Then one day they had enough material. Renno went back to his atelier to set on canvas all that he had seen. And Lucien, well, as it happened, Lucien got the role of The PorliKjiiee in that awful picture of which I have told you. First National saw the thing and were smart enough to sign him up. But they weren't smart enough to keep him. Or perhaps they believe in taking a profit where tiierc is one. In any event, after a few First National films, young Howard Hughes, the millionaire backer of Caddo Productions, bought the contract. Hqghes has spent a year and two million dollars producing "Hell's .Angels," an epic of war in the air. Prival plays an enemy oflficer. Then there is "The Racket." Hughes made that, too. And Lucien plays a gangman killer in that one. He has made his expe'iences count. Favorite of the fefninine world Tangee makes every woman a better artist of natural make-up. It changes color to your artistic needs as you apply it. Changes from orange to blush-rose, the "shyest" and most delicate color in Nature, and exactly the shade of blush-rose you require, depending upon the amountused.Waterproof. Won't muss. Stays on all day without fading or rubbing. Demand Tangee today. One lipstick for all complexions! On sale everywhere. Twice as many women are using it this year. Note the name Tangee on carton and gun-metal case. The Geo. W. Luft Co., 417 Fifth Avenue, New York. NOTE : Tangee is healing and soothing because it has a cold cream base. Tangee Rouge Compact and Tangee Creme Rouge have the same magical changing quality as Tangee Lipstick. Ask for them. PRICES— Tangee Lipstick $1, Tangee Rouge Compact 75c, Tangee Creme Rouge $1 (and for complete beauty trea.meot: Tangee Day Cream, Tangee Night Cream and Tangee Face Powder, $ 1 each). 25< higher in Canada. THE POWER of . . . Twenty Cents Twenty cents brings you the miniature "Tangee Beauty Set— «11 six items and the "Art of Make-up." Address Dept. MFC6 The George W. Luft Co., 417 Fifth Avenue. New York. Name /iddresj 77