Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Going Hollywood (C OHliiuied jrom jnuji 4'); didoes arc cut al these affairs and related with imuli raiicuiis mirth afterward to friends who did n<n attend. lncideiitall\ , they are hkely to he hard on tiie furniture, the guests liaving a tendency to lireak out in games of leap-frog. Big Hoy Williams, who weighs at least two hundred and tiiirty pounds, hung l)\ his toes from the rafters of his hosts" living-room at such an affair recently. When a young player gets his hreak and comes into sudden prominence, his friends watch anxiously for signs that "Hollywood is getting him." 'IMiis is another lenn for tlie .same phenomenon. And one of the first syiuptr)ms of this deplorahle condition is his frc(|uent appearance at I«rties. Friends of Piuddy Rogers are watching him with great concern. They needn't worry, however, for a slight tendency to sartorial dash is the only symptom he has exhihited. Lawrence Gray, who makes a sort of fetish of avoiding the manifestations ol the, says tiiat a tremendoijsly eiithiisiastic hail-fellow-well-met attitude is typical. "People meet you oti the lot and cry, 'Hi, there, <ild kid! (ilad to .see you!' But most of them aren't at all. The thing is infectious, ^'ou find yourself doing it, too, automatically, when inside you know that >ou aren't so glad to see that particular person at all and don't give a darn it you never see him again !" Putting On the Act SEEKING always for some solidity of value in the froth of the picture world, peojJe talk a great deal ahout Sincerity and Reality. Clara Bow murmured to me not long ago (Clara goes in rather strongly for nuirmuring just now), "Picture people think in terms of money and hox-office values. Never in terms of friendship. My liest friends are i>euple who have no c<innection with the industry!" Clara, heing a young woman who has made lier way hy heing sui)erlatively herself, prohably knows whereof she speaks. Her plaint is an oft-repeated one. John C'olton, author of "Rain," who transferred his talents to the screen .some two years ago, l(pld me upon one occasion, "l-'.veryone who does — or tries to do — creative work is a little hit 'touched' in the head. Hut the people in H(dlywood carry the thing lo extremes! They seem to he unanimously mad!" Extremes of all sorts seem to he a ))arl of it. I'.xaggeralion of emotions, of amhition, of fashions, and lA fads. Mild flirtations are exalted to the status of grand passions. People marry on impulse an<l repent in print. They adopt poses and carry them to the limit of puhlic crcdidity. The malady takes many forms and the syniptoins vary with individuals. Almost ;uiy form of pose, hluff, inconsistency or idiosyncrasy earns the indictment. Hut it is certainly significant of sf)mething or other--either jjrovincialism, a lack of local pride, or loyally to the jirofcssion. For convenience, thus, we group the unpleasant traits fif our members under one head and call it Hollywood I Tli;it T slioidd s:iy, was also t\pical! Nidi •—^^.imima^^imiff^^^^ EDUCTIVE Shari toiletries are adored by the lovely woman. She revels in the old-fashioned garden fragrance that escapes from each flowerlike package. She esteems the delicate purity of Shari powder, perfume, cream, rouge, sachet. Shari toiletries are sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. SAVE 7Vith SAFETY fl/yowr Drug Store You will recognize it ty this sign Liggett's are also *^9^)uxSX stores "^ lou \ Ligg 83