Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Accept This Elegant Key {Cnntifiiied from pUL/e ,57) eMake Gray Hair Go m]Days orYour Money Back End gray hair worry for all timet Now you can see your gray hair regain its exact former shade in 3 to 6 days. NOW ... a Sa£e Tonic Liquid Jusl brush your hilr with It. And expect results that will amaze youl In 3 to 6 days the former color wllj return — perfectly natural-looking in all lights — perfectly even — permanent as the hnir itself! There Is nothing to wash oft or rub off. Absolutely nothing to showl Wave your hair or ahampoo it as you please. GERVAISE GRAHAM (Tonic) HAIR COLOR Is crystal-clear, dainty, harmless as your shampoo. Its tonic effect makes hair softer, fluffier, more luxuriant than ever before. Jusl one bottle for all shades. Equally wonderful whether your hair is half gray or Just beginning to turn. Never before have women had such a preparation. Now no one need be grayl Make This Guaranteed Test Order now under my unconditional guarantee. Test it without risk. Use a lock of hair. If you wish. Prove it to your complete satisfaction. Then, if not amazed and delighted, I will refund your money without question. Send no money. Simply pay postman only $1.50 when the package arrives. I prepay postage. Write me today. (Mr«.) GERVAIS^ GRAHAM, 25 W. Illinois St.. Dept. C-9, Chicago, Illinoie. FORM DEVELOPED My Big Three Part Treatment is the ONLY ONE that gives FULL DEVELOPMENT without bathing, exercises, pumps or other danger* ous ab^ardities, I send yuu 8 GUARANTEED TWO DOLLAR 14.DAY EDCr TREATMENT FIlLC If you send a DIME toward expenaes. (A Larg^e Aiuminum Box of my Wonder Cream included.) Plain wrapper. iS IT WOKJH 10c TO YOU? f not. your dime back by first mail. Address ^40W, witb ten cents only Madame K. 0. Williams. BuHalo, N.Y. NEW PHOTOGRAPHS— III any .Moliun I'iclurc .Slai. .size 8 x 10 Indies — 2.S cents each or live (.S) for one dollar. Write for list of subjects. These are actual pliototcraphs. l.atest poses. Send remittance to: THE ANSWER MAN Motion Picture Magazine, 1501 Broadway, New York BUNIONS GONE IN IS DAYS 1 I iid IjunloUN forever willi my new Pedodyne Solvent Irculnient. I'aln stops almost Inslantly. Actual reduclion of the enlarged Krowth slarls ho fast thai your ne.\t pair of shocH can be a size smaller — often two sizes Kmaller. PROVE IT FREE Just send your name and addres-t, no money, and the full treatment guaranteed to bilng complete results may be yours to try. So obligations. — Address KAY LABORATORIES, Dept. GGOS 1*0 Nortti Wackor Drivo Chicago, llllnolt Angele.'; that he carries one in his grip every time he returns from the Kasl. When stars go on personal-appearance tours over the country, tlie usual thing is to carry a framework representing a key on which flowers can be arranged at each new city. The same key (with tlififerent flowers) is ]>reseiite(l by a score oi* .so of Mayors and belongs to some mythical lock ill each city passed through. The Mayor's Lair ETiRKi) with a daredevil spirit of adventure that led me, erstwhile, into the lairs of such men as Harry K. Thaw and Cecil l)e Mille, 1 spent the better part of a morning tracking the Mayor of Los Angeles to his desk. Wearing a cheerful front which I had kept ill a clean paper bag in my pocket, I proceeded to (|uiz His Honor about the key-distributing business. "We don't give out a key every time one of the film magnates returns here," he continued, "if we did, we should meet every train. This office has other duties, you know," he reminded me, "besides distributing keys. Some of the Hollywood pressagents seem to forget the fact. "it is not easy for us to determine who is of sufficient standing in the motion picture business to rate a key," the Mayor pursued, furrowing his civic brow. "We are apt to be the victims of unscrupulous publicity men, of whom there are plenty in this city. I rarely go to the movies and haven't the least idea who is who in the business. Celebrities come and go so rapidly that one can't keep pace with them. 1 liave several times been badly abused by people who take advantage of my ignor ance and pretend someone of no importance is really a figure on the screen. Present-' ing keys to the city is a liighly delicate matter. I was roundly censured on one occasion by many factions in the city for J^ l)resenting a key to Aimee MacPherson. 'M That was before her little trouble, of course, but she had many enemies. Compromising Composites "'T'o save myself from niisrepresentalion by press agents 1 often merely present the key to the city in a figurative way, witliout actually handing anything over. 'Jhis also jjievents iniblicily hounds from ])ublishing trick photographs, vvhicii is a thing they often do. 1 don't mean tiiat tliey show me presenting a key when I didn't, but they sht)w me in positions 1 really didn't occupy. In connection with some female screen celebrities this is apt to be distressing. "The key is merely a concrete expression of welcome. It doesn't unlock anything, either doors or laws. As I present it, 1 ask the arriving personage to accept it as a key to the hearts and homes of Los Angeles. It has no other significance. "Wiiom have I given keys to among the film people? Well, practically all of them, 1 imagine. I don't know their names most of the time. We don't di.scrimiiiate in the matter of nationality. No deserving case is refused." "Why not present a real key to this noble edifice, the City Hall?" I suggested briglitly. "It would be so practical." His Honor coughed. "We have such a key," he .said, a trifle confu.sed, "but the only person we present it to is myself. One has to be careful." Isn't Love Wonderful? i^Coiitiiiiu'd "Oh, it isn't that I lost interest in my own work," Joby replied, "1 just became more interested in Dick's. 1 don't know of any one who has ever come up any faster than Dick. You know, wiien we first met, he was just doing little bits over at Lasky's. But I knew from the first that he was going to be big. I knew tliat any one with as much personality as Dick had was bound to get ahead. Coming Home on Wings "I'll never forget the day he came and told me he was to have the lead in 'Wings.' 1 think that was the re<l-letter day of our lives. It meant everything to us. It meant we could get married, because Dick is prouder than a couple of Lucifers, and he wouldn't have wanted to marry if he hadn't been in a position to earn as much as I did. Of course, even now, Dick doesn't make as much money as I do, but this work he is doing at a smaller .salary is just like an investment that will ))ay dividends in a coui)le of years." "Is it true you nearly sacrificed a big job at a salary of $1500 a week to run down and see Dick when he was making 'Wings' ill Texas?" I pried on relentlessly. "Sure," laughed Joby. "Why not ? I hadn't seen him in a coui)le of months. As it was, after taking that long trip down there, I only got to spend a half day with him. The darn old studio wired for mc to be back and ready to start work in acouple of days." ■^'ou got the idea that for a nickel she would have thrown over the dirty old job from f'i.iyc Ai) and stayed down in Texas. But she didn't. With much reluctance she came home — to her own work. Dick of All Trades "'T'liK wonderful tiling about Dick's future," v\ent on Joby before 1 could get my breath, "is that he isn't limited to one particular kind of role. He is as good in a couple of comedies he has made with ICsther Ralston and Clara Bow as he was 111 the dramatic scenes of 'Wings.' I've cut out all of Dick's clippings from the New ^'ork i)apers." "Hey !" I cut in, "I know all about howwell Dick is getting along. What about yourself? What have you been doing?" "Oh, I don't know." said Jobyiia carelessly. "I work most of the time in '<|uickies' and I've done a couple of pictures for De Mille's studio and a few things like that," registering about as much interest in her own atTairs as most people do about someone else's. "Dick is .going to be costarred in a picture with Nancy Carroll. There is goin.g to be a pre-view of his picture. Want to go with us?" I said, ".Sure. But when is something of yours going to he pre-viewed?" "I don't know" she answered, "I've been so busy getting the house finished anil entertaining Dick's family I haven't had an awful lot of time to look them up." I made one final, weak effort to learn something about her. "I haven't any particular plans for right away" she admitted. "You see, Dick is going to be on location in Mexico and I'm going down tiiere with him." 86