Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Mister and Missus (^Continued front page 51) more than a million — but she still calls liini "Mr. Ginsberg" in tun and he still iall> her "Honey" in public and "Baby" in private. Jack Dcmpsey is ex-heavN-weight champion of the world — over six feet tall. lie has the world's broadest shoulder^ and hardiest handclasp. His hobby is horses and horse-racing. Yet he's often as bashful as a boy and always as moral as a Puritan. Mrs. Jack Dempsey is a famous screen siren with an exotic beauty that makes her look as dangerous as dynamite. In reality, she's as modest as Lillian (iish, and she'd rather play in comedy than seduction drama, any day. The Dempscys iwlieve in companionship rather than companionate marriage and have never been separated for m<jre than a week ill the three years since they were married. The only thing she doesn't like about being Mrs. Jack Dempsey is the fact that movie directors are always too polite to her. They can't seem to forget that she's the cherisiied wife of Jack l)emp>ey and that Jack Dempsey, though retired, is still a good fighter. Jack is old-fashioned. Theoretically he firmly believes a wife's place is in the liomc. But lie married a modern girl who just as firmly believes that a woman is entitled to a career, .\fter they were married, he asked her to give up the screen. She said she'd try. They went to Kurope, where they were feted like visiting royalty. Most girls would have been ecstatic — glamour, money, admiration. Estelle Taylor was miserable. .She loved her husband, but she missed her work. When they came back, she announced she would go back to the studios. She could no more retire than she could take up tatting. She's much too vital to spend her life staying at home. Prouder of Her Than of Himself LJf.'s proud of her success and says: ^ "Estelle is the star of this family." He thinks he's a terrible actor and still insists so even after an offer from a producer to do a little acting on Broadway for four thousand dollars a week. He has acquired poise and polisli ; his sartorial ensemble is perfect ! He's at ease in drawing-rooms and on a dance-floor. He is generous to a fault, a keen judge of character and a bit of a wit. But he has not yet lost that ingratiating small-boy look. Restless, graceful as a panther, he is seldom still. He swims, he plays golf, he exercises. Estelle, on the other hand, admits she is lazy. She prefers browsing with a book to swimming. She'd rather ride than walk. But she has an extraordinary capacity for hard work. When she is interested in a role, as she was in tiie Lucrczia Borgia of "Don Juan," with Barrymore, as she will he in the forthcoming naturalcolor filming of "Cleopatra." she is indefatigable. She is temperamental in the best sense of the word, though she never loses her temper. Siie's intensely feminine ; she likes to do her own shopping and is one of the few rich and famous ladies who dares to say, "That's much too expensive," instead of the old alibi about not liking the color. She owns a small fortune in what she calls "dainty diamf>nds." but her favorite necklace is a two-dollar string of red beads. She wears 'em because she likes "em. She has a ruthless sense of humor. She is a Madame Recamier to lo(jk at, but a Madame de .Stael to listen to, and her humor spares no one, including herself. Be sure Co see the wide variety of sturi' ning neui styles shown in Women's Fall and Winter Coats. Model illusI rated here at right for example, is beautifully designed of all wool Ram's Head Velour with lyear guaranteed silk lining. Collar and cuffs are of Mandellfur. The price will prot'C a delightful surprise. le Book free Newest Smartest New York Styles! Send now for this book of authoritative style information. 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