Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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'.J-'i^-J."jU'lUl^fSl AFTER SMOKING sootkeflfiemwat After smoking, try a stick of Black Jack and see how it soothes the throat and freshens the niouth. If you like licorice, you'll love Black Jack. It's the world's most popular licorice • flavored gum. Itsthelicoriw .'» to shapely proportions — while you sleep! ^^niTPk nOSE <q(7JUSTER . li SAHt, paiiilfhs, lOrnroHublc. ) Speedy, ptriniuiicriit [csults guiirdiiued. Dociurs prdisc ii. No] GuUM.dal liuial lo liatm Y«iii. Small cost. 1 Won 1928 Write for hRhE UOOKLhT eiroRt-wu? h.**\TK INSTITUTE, 929 ANITA BItlg., NEWARK, N.J. r«"^ !->, aches. , t^al »i»=-. Medicine low/ a Chamberlain's Colic Remedy A "The First Aid in Stoiiictch Ache" Keep Your Skin Young Remove all hlemislies and discoloratioiis by regularly using pure Mercolized Wax. Clet an ounce and use as directed. Fine, almost invisible particles ot aged skin [leel oti, until all detects, such as piiU' jiles, liver spots, tan, freckles and large pores have disappeared. Skin is beautitulJy clear, soft and velvety, and lace looks years younger. Mercolized Wax brings out the hidden beauty. To quickly remove wrinkles anil other age lines, use this face lotion : I ounce powderetl .saxoliteand 1 half pint witch hazel. At Drug arxl Department Stores Everywhere. PRETTY ANKLESr $^.^9 AND CALVI/ST pe^paii^ ALMOST IMtlEDI/iTEL Y / DK.WALTKK'BSppi-ialextrastroiiK Ankle Itarids. will stippoi't uiid Khape I lie unkle uiid culf while reducing tkiem. They Ht like a orlove. Cun be worn under any kind of lio.sewithoutdclfctioii. Vuu can note thedltrerenee iiisliapeof ankle at once. Can be worn at niylit andrecluiewliiloyou sleep. orduruiK the day deriviiiK then extra beneltt of the support. Wrlt« for l>r. Wultcr'ri Special Ankle Baiula for $3.76. Hu> by cKvi-k or iiioiiey order (no caab; o. pay pOMtmuu, .SVmi A tOiU ana Calf ineatiure to DR. JEANNE IM.C. WALTER 389 Fifth AvcDur New York Looking Them Over Ouj Hollywood Way (Coiitiiiiird from page 61) someone had presented them. "So kiv-Ieefl Never have Loopy .seen such luv-lee lady," then "Take off your hat, pleez !" she hegged. Mary protested that her hair wasn't arranged. She was both flattered and embarrassed. With one swoop of her own graceltil hands, Lupe reached over and jerked otT Mary's hat. ■'Ahhhh," she breathed. ■ "when a giirl i.s so bee-ii-ti-fol as yon. the hair-leex is nawthing." Now, who could get mad at that? Sun ly not Mary. Never Kiss Strangers |r was the first day of shooting on Rod I. a Roctine's new picture: Sue tared, the leading lady, wandered c.iito the set. She felt rather out of things. She had never met Rod and she knew the director only ■ slightly. Prettysoon they called on her. "Now in thi> first scene," explained the director, "you are to kiss Mr. La KoC(|ue passionately." Sue looked embarrassed. Then she got her wits together. Sue turned to Rod. "My name is .Stic Carol, Mr. La Roccpie," she said, putting out her hand. "I thought maybe you wouldn't mind meeting me before we kissed." Living on Lita or Nothing IiTA (ikAY (ii-mm-im's elaborate new home in Beverly Hills was completed on the day that Koy d'.Arcy declared bankruptcy. And they say Lita and Roy are engagetl \<> bf married. Just how Koy is going lip run Lita's home fin $300 ( which he claims is all he has in the world) is a little problem that will probably keep him occupiefl in his spare moments between pictures. His Lowell Reputation 'T'liK day (Vuinne ( Irittith's picture, "The ■^ (Jardeii of I'.den," opened at the Kgyptian Theater the billing read: Coriiinr (iriffilli in "The Garden of I'.den" wit/t J.owrll Slirniiaii. The next night it was changed to : Ciirliiiii' (iriffilli in "The (jardeii oi l-'.den" u'illi Cliarlit' Ktiy. Maybe they thought Charlie soiiiid<<l siifer. Begging His Leave A L Roi.Ki.i. was cornered one day by an ^~^ other director who was braggin;. about the many olTers he was receivin from other studios. It .seemed that ever prodticer in Hollywood was clamoring lor his services — to hear him tell it. "So I hear," drawled .\1. The other fairly beamed with pleasure "I hear Paramount has been trying for years to get you to go with Metro-tioldw\n-Maver." p.w WuAY and John * married and no one prised except a lew thought I'atsy Ruth M ders would be married year — and yoit know year's engagements. I'ay and her new g in a romantic little while they were botl "The First Kiss" com Ruthless John Monk Saunders are is very much sur people who had iller and Mr. Saun lUit that was last about Pat and last room were married town in Maryland 1 1)11 location with pany. M