Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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He Gives You A New Skin Smooth, Clear and Beautiful r^^ On Any Part of Your Face, Neck, Arms, Hands, Body READ FREE OFFER Y\7HAT would you say if you awcke some ''' morning — looked in your mirror and saw a new, youthlike, clear skin on your face, and the ugly blemishes all gone? You would jump with joy — just like thousands of people have done who have learned how to perform this simple treatment themselves — the same that foreign beauty doctors have charged enormous prices for. — and. what was considered impossible before — the banishing of pimples, blackheads, freckles, large pores, tan. oily skin, wrinkles and other defects — can now be dune by any person at home^ in i days' time, harmlessly and economically. It is all explained in a new treatise called "BEAUTIFUL NEW SKIN IN 3 DAYS," which is being mailed absolutely free to readers of this magazine by the author. So, worry no more over your humiliating skin and complexion, or signs of approaching age. Simply send your name and address to Wm. Witol, Dept. C-32, No. 1700 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. and you will receive it by return mail, without charge. I f pleased, tell your friends about it. THIS MM CAN READ yOt/^ MIND./ /^Tx He JB the *orId'« best kn inihd-r"iider Hnd the hiKheot profesBtuiiul ooeiety '■Kponent of thin fiiscinntinn nnd nivKtifyins xrt. TImro ii iiothinK Hnpcrnntunil aboiitilic work that has made him u w<irld-(amoii» .■plrbrit% . \or (AN BECOME A MINI) UKAHEH if von but KNOW tlic fe%i' underlylnn Drin.iple. »nd the nntu» thut Rovern its pnictice. It ia fin iittmr■ni of nntertuiniiieitt whirl, vou cim eiMiK nraiti™ KOn PI.EA.SIKE Oil PROFIT. Quhklv b .rned — »iivtime. m.vwhere. Be the firet to e»t»b linh II reputation in yotir neinhborhood. Win new popitlnrity. Be in deinnnd at aocial iiffnirK. Many hundreds of dolViim worth of eecretn ond melhfKli are now diacloncd that will earn \oii an enviable repntation ne a Man of Mviiter;'." My book of iniitriirtione telle how. Both the eaav nnd more ronipli, nted methods are miniiteU denribed »o that anyone with average maiil.lilv .an neloni.h bin frienja with niv»tifyin« akill. SEND NO MONEY— J.iat, end voiir name and addre.a. I w ill .hip tlie eoraplete illMnlraleil book bv return mail without a pennv in advaneo. When paikaKe arrive" liand the poatnuin onl\ two dollara ($2.00). pliia delivery eliarKei, and Ihia wonderful information ia yonra. Prnrtiee for five daya. Money then returned if it in not alt and more than I olaim. Abaolutclv guaranteed, eo vou can't loac. .fend your name NOW al law C. L. "CALOSTRO" Boi 76 Mfaihlngton Bridge Station NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Photo by Sarony (Continued from page 78) anid that she was supposed to wear tights and pose as Cupid. What a Career Means "I SOMETIMES wonder," says Louise Dresser, "whether girls nowadays would be willing to go through what I did — go without enough food, live in an attic, wash out their own clothes. I sometimes wonder whether there are girls in Hollywood now who want to succeed in the movies enough for that. The other day I read in the paper about one of the new young stars who is divorcing her husband, not because he hadn't been good to her but because 'her career meant more to her than love.' I felt like going to that poor silly little girl and telling her that she hadn't any career — that she hadn't the remotest idea of what a career meant. These pretty youngsters who break into the movies for a few months or a few years to talk about their careers. Norah Bayes could have told them what a career was ! So could any of us old-timers." It is, for instance, the thing that kept Louise Dresser standing, quivering and shrinking in the agonizing ordeal of tights before the leering audience in the cheap Boston burlesque liouse that night thirty years ago. It is the thing that Paul Dresser, a great mountain of a man, saw in a pair of wide blue eyes when he heaved his three hundred pounds of bulk around at his desk to stare at the girl who had just told him her name. "Louise Kerlin?" said the greatest song writer of his day, "not related to Billy Kerlin who used to be conductor on an Indiana railroad?" And when she answered falteringly that he had been her father, he turned to the telephone and called up Chicago's biggest newspaper. "I just wanted to notify you," said he deliberately, "that my kid sister, Louise Dresser, is making her stage debut Monday next, singing my songs !" With these words Paul Dresser bequeathed his name and influence to the daughter of the man who had befriended a fat candy boy on a train from bullying brakemen years before. Singing his latest ballad, "My Gal Sal," Louise Dresser became a sensation overnight and for a dozen years was the darling of Broadway. "What I never have been able to understand," says Louise, "is why every one looks on theatrical people as different. There's a sort of luritl glamor about stage life to outsiders. I — resent it for the splendid people I've known in the theater ! I believe honestly I have lived about as I would have lived if I had been a teacher or a writer or any other kind of a woman. I've always had a home for one thing — and they say actresses haven't homes. When I was making my biggest success on Broadway, I sent for my mother and we lived in an uptown flat. When I was on the road, I carried things in my trunk to make the hotel rooms look homey, and that's why I have stayed so long in the movies, because I can have a home here." Louise Dresser, the actress, has never submerged Louise Dresser, the woman. Those strong capable hands of hers know how to scrub floors and cook and dig a garden and arrange her big comfortable rooms, which owe nothing to decorators. "Sometimes I tell Daddy we ought to sell and move into a modern bungalow," smiles Louise, "but I don't know as I'd fit into a Spanish hacienda. And my old stage photographs wouldn't look at home in one. I told you I was old-fashioned." Melt Fat Away By Oxygen Method Reduce Where You Want to Reduce il Infiltrating cream quickly and safely || banishes double chins and slender m izes big hips, fat waists, legs or arms. Xature'.s way of melting fat away is by brintiinj: oxygen in rontart with the fat itself. When you takiviolent reducing exercises, more oxyKen is carried in the blood to the fatly tissues. Similarly, when you go on a starvation diet, you stop supplying, the body with fat -building materials, and the oxygen carried in your blood uses up the stored fat. Now colloidal chemists, working with doctors, have found i a way to bring ' double oxygen \ in contact with fat at any part of the body where you wish to reduce. Colloidal chemistry is one of the latest developments of modern science. They have done away with the old. dan gerous methods of starvation diets, boiling baths an-I strenuous exercises and made it possible to localize f:ii reduction. That is, you can reduce a double chin witliout affecting any other part of the body, or sleri ilerjze fat legs, fat arms or large hips without gettini; that drawn, wrinkled, haggard look that so often resulted from the old methods. The new discovery is an infiltrating cream, containing (loubJe oxygen, which is liberated when absorbed through the skin and simply meits the fat away. You don't have to take anybody's word for this. You ju>' rub thi^ golden brown cream on the part you want to reduce and actually sec it work. It disappears in t«" minutes' time — absorbed by the skin — leaving ju^t a clean, white foam on the surta'-e. This natural ractbnd is so fiuick and safe that it has the approval of dor tors who oppose all other methods of quick fat re duction. Reducing tests made on fat people have producctl amazing results. One woman took otl" ;i!» pounds ii six weeks. Another reduced her neck two inches in a few treatments. Double chins disappeared in thrcr or four days' time, and etiually successful results wpk^ had in reducing fat waists, arms nnd legs, and bU hips. So sure arc wc that thi.s amazing new infiltrating' oxygen cream, called VIADEUMA. will tiuickly rednif fat that we will cheerfully refund the full p»rcha>(^ price to any user who is not more than delighted witli the results. It is surprising what an amazing improve ment it makes in your appearance to take o!T just a few pounds of excess fat. Fat is ugly and the fat woman never looks her best. Hail the coupon today for full information about Viaderma. I COLLOIDAL CHEMISTS. Dept. 156 i j 27 West 20th St.. New Ycrk City j (Without obligation, please send rae cgmplete in . formation about Viaderma oxygen reducing cream. | [ Name I I Address . I City State I • WANT A STEADY JOB ? • / Franklin Institute fi Dept.G256. Rochester.N.Y. ^ Send me at once, free list and iir 1 * •■¥T I o - OL _* "^ full description of U. S. Gov't Work for Unde Sam. ^hort ^ Jobs now obtainable. Hours — Paid Vacation. Mail f? Name Coupon Immediately. Address ''... ---..'. $1140 to $3000 YEAR. Men,-Wonien 18 up. miRGRO WhV hfi hdid? Why have thin string.v unhealthy flllj lie uaiu. j^air^ when you can have a tnayrnificent head of hair by merely usin); "HAIRGRO". Three sizes. $1 .00. S2.50 and $5 00. ESTELLE IDLER Dept. 21, 34 S. New York Ave., Atlantic City, N. i. ^our 'Personal *^ Appearance is now more than ever the keynote of success, bothinsocial and I business life. Improve your per I sonat appearance by using the I nrw patent "Lim-Straitner," I Model 18. Corrects now'', Bow | and Knock kneed legs safely, quickly and permanently at 1 borne. No cOBtly operation or discomfort. Is worn at night. Easy to adjust; its result will save you soon from further hu miliation and will improve your I personal appearance 100 per cent. Write today fori copyrighted IMiysiological and Anatomicalbook and ex I perienro of othrrH without obliffation, Enclose a dim«? for postafrc. I M. TRILETY. SPECIALIST. Dept. 1653 Binghamton. N. Y. I 90