Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Are the Children of the Screen Stans Normal? {Coiiliiiiicd fioin p,i(/r R\ ) it is for yoIlI1g^ter^ In riiii aii'l play withoul worrying ahoiil ihcii ' apptaramc, \'\r notirerl that it's the play snapsliots of them, digging in sanH piles, dirty and tonseled. freckled and hnnied. whirh arc enlarged for framing on the living-room mantel. It is not the photograph of them in their hesl rlothes and elahoratel\ enrlcfl. Movie parents have heantiftil children because they insist on hcaiily. It is a primary object in their profession." Children of happy marriages — love children, as the saying goes -arc traditionally more favored than other <hildren. And the cynical might say that movie children are all fortnnate ii\ that way, because, when love Ries on( of the window in a movie bouseh(>ld, hnsband and wife walk out of the front door to the nearest di\orce court I Therefore, when the stars refuse to publicize their children, it does not mean that they are cross-eyed or luiw-legged or stutter! The i)robahilities — take it from Hr. Karl Tarr are that these are as sturdy, good tempered, good looking boys and girls shut away behind the high garden walls of movie stars' palatial homes as there are outside these walls. The Celluloid Critic (Contiiiiird jiow pui/c 5.V) man's box ofHce than a Hock of films which have mas(|ucradefl as top-notchers. I-I cf)ntains a first -rate idea, though the Tolstoi mental processes are missin<;, naturally. I find it woven around the theme of a youth who overcomes his inferiority complex. He is goaded into action by the ( os.sacks. To establish bis birthright he slays several Turks and wins the girl. The scenes are iiuncfuated with an assortment of thrills, one in particular showing a mountain slide which carries a kick. There are plenty of fights, which together with the horsemanship of the Cos.sacks and the vehement love-making of the (iilbert will keep one from looking around for that nearest exit. The star is wide awake again after his innings of passion in "Love." And Renee Adoree, Ernest Torrencc and Nils Asther lit right into the scheme of things. This sua'-hbuckling yarn looks like a tip off of a tlock of imitations in the offing. Take Thai, and That and Thut. AN old-timer in theme and characteriza^^ tion bobs up in "The Michigan Kid." With every clement running true to form — with the figures neatly pigeonholed in the plot of the picture, I can only give it a fair mark. It'.s a story that has been taken to the movie well too often and exploits an ojien-hearted gambler, another who's not built that way — and the girl. The men are in the Klondike, and both are ignorant of each other's identity though they spent their boyhood together. It all climaxes toward the moment when the s(|uare-shooting gambler wins over his rival. To accomplish the romantic ending the lovers escape from Mother Nature's villainy when they ride to safety over a waterfall and emerge from a forest fire. The yarn is one of (hose heroic things which makes the honest youth perform miracles in rescuing the girl from his hated rival. Conrad Nagej. Renee Adoree and I.Ioyd WhitUick have the assignments. A Gift, My Dear For Qetting Slender Kxcess fat means a serious blight to beauty, to health and vitality. Many a husband, if wives only knew, would give nnich to see it ended. Why not make a bargain ? The way is not hard, not unpleasant. Simpl> correct the cause, which often lies in a gland deficiency. Leading scientists, thirty years ago, discovere<l that cause for obesity. Their method of correction has now spread the worldiiver. Physicians everywhere employ it. Marmola prescription tablets embody that method. People have used them for twenty \ears -millions of boxes of them. ^'ou see the results in every circle. Perhaps many ')f your .friends can tell them. Kxcess fat, as you can see, is far less common than it was. .Abnormal e.xercise or diet is neither re<|uired nor advised, but moderation helps. The aim is to correct the cause -in faidtv nutrition — in the best way known to modern science. There are no secrets about Marmola. The complete formula apl)ears in every package, also all known reasons for results. Vou will know the reasons for loss of fat. for the new vitality and health. So you will have no reason to suspect harm from results which seem .so magical. 1 f you over-weigh, you owe to yoursel f a test of Marmola. Simply take four tablets daily aiid watch how the fat disappears. Not too rapidly, but in the right way, by correcting a deticiency. Probably Marmola has proved itself worth its weight in gold to friends of yours. Learn tnow what it means to you, \o\\ cannot afford excess fat. Marmola prescription tablets arr soM hy all druggists at $1,00 v>er box. Anv Hniggist who is nut will order frotii his jiibhrr MARMOLA Prescription Tablets The Pleasant Way to Reduce OPPORTUNITY MARKET AGENTS WANTED AGENTS— WE START YOU IN BUSINESS and help you succeed. No capital or experience iii'i'ilvil. Sp:iri' iir full liii"'. Vim ••an onsilv Piirn $nO-J100 weekly. Write Madison Product*. r>(>4 Brf>aflwa>', New York. .\<fENTS — Knrn handsome profit pelUng suhscrlptions t<i MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE and .MorioN PlcriKK CL.VSSR". No capital or expprlfncc rt'iiiiin^il. Bij; ••uniiiilssion.i and biiniis. Write tiiday fur partii'iilars. .M.itlcm Picture Piiblloatlons, Inc., l.'iOl rtrondway. New York. .A<»EXTS^9or iin hour to ndv^rtlsie onr giMuls and (ll»trll>nti frne sjiinp|p.<i to ■■■>nsiiniern. Wrlti^ ipilrk for territory and partii-iihirs. .\nnTliaii ProilnctM fo.. 1S48. Monnioiith. (.'Incinnntl, Ohio, HELP WANTED— FEMALE We I'a.v $1,20 Dozen, scwinir biinKalow aprons at lionic. Sparc time. Thread furnished, Nti Imttun holes. Send stamp. Cedar Garment Factory, Amstertl;im, New Ynrk, HELP WANTED— INSTRUCTION Men Wnntlnir Kalhvny Mull, pnstottlce ehrk, nmil carrier and iiiitd<H>r positions: ipiallfy Immediately. Write for list, Bradley Institute, 21I-t; CiHiper Blilg.. Denver. Od... HELP WANTED— MALE MEN — Interestc'd ulitainlni; infMrimition alMint work, romantic, wi^althy ,<iiiitli .\merlca. write for free list. (Jood jiiiy. Sontli .\merican Service Bureau. U.tJUO Alma, Detroit. Mi.-h. PATENTS ln\entor»: .^end details of your invention or patent at once, or write fur information. In business :^(> years. (Vuoplete fneilitics. Referem*Ps. .\dani Kishi'r Mfft. Co.. .".12 Knriirht, St. rx>uis. Mo. PHOTOPLAYS yiS.'iO for n photopla.v story hy an unknown writer and sold through our Sales Department. We copyriKlit and market. I^ocated In the heart of the Motion Picture Industry. We know the demand. Established 1917. Postal brings FRKK ni)OKI,KT wltli full particulars. I'niversal .Scenario Company. 20.') Western \ i^anta Monica Bldg., Hollywood. California. RATES ThoUNaodH of retulera earefully sran th« ndrerflRementK In Motion Picture Maxazine. Suciessful advertisers place their I'opy In thia aectlon ever.v month. For rates write to .Motion Picture Puhliratiuns, Inc., l.'iUl Broadwa.v. New York. REDUCE A BOOKLET BY DR. OENSMORE on treatnipiu for reduction of Coritulency will bo mailed without charKe upon request to Uept. "K" Qarfleld Tea Company 313— 41st Street Brooklj-n. New York A Perf ed Looking Nose MONEY FOR YOU My latatt Improved model 25 rert* now ilt-shapi'il iioHfM (luickty, v.i»im |p«sly. permanrndy and rnnifort«bly »' home. It if thf only tioAVdhapinit applianrr of pr(H-iffc adjutttnieiit and n nafe and cuaranlf^ pattnil deviro Ihal will actually uivc yon a perfect lookinft now. Write for frw booklet which tells you horn lo obtain a perfect looking nose M. TriletN. Pioneer No^e-ihftpinii Sperial.wl.nrpt 3100 Bmghamton.N.Y . BBk Men or women can earn tIS totli weekly ID spare time at hocae making diaplay cards* Light, pleasant work, NocaoTaaaing We instruct too and supply you with work* Write to-day ior full partictilart. TheMENHENITT COMPANY LlmUed * 21S Dominion Bldc.Toronto, Can. ■ ■■■■■■ ■,■■.■: 91