Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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**We can get seats for that picture across the street'* "I'D RATHER STAND ON LINE AND SEE THIS METRO -GOLDWYNMAYER PICTURETHEY'RE ALWAYS GOOD." ISN'T IT JOHN CILBERT in "The Cossacks" MARION DAVIES in in "Her Cardboard Lover" JOHN GILBERT "Four Walls" THE TRUTH! YOU'RE always sure OF seeing THE biggest stars THE finest stories WHEN your theatre SHOWS you vl M G M pictures BERT WILLIAM HAINES in "Telling ihe World" WHITE SHADOWS IN THE SOUTH SEAS WITH MONTE BLUE and RAQUEL TORRES METRO-G "More Stars than there are in Heaven'* LEO'S QUESTION CONTEST Leo, the Metro -GoldwynMayer Lion, is staging a question contest of his own. He offers two $50 prizes — one to the cleverest man, one to the cleverest woman, for the best answers to his questions. ^A And furthermore Leo will present W^6 autographed photographs of him ^ ^self for the fiftv next best sets of W answers. his'^mirh LEO'S QUESTIONS 1 Name three famous animals in Metro-Goldwyn•l Mavcr pictures and Hal Roach comedies. ■y What popular song bears the same name as a ■^ current M-G-M picture? -2 VC'hich M-G-M featured player, not yet starred, J do you consider mo>t worthy of stardom? Tell why in not more that\ 75 words. 4 Name three famous M-G-M "teams" of actors. 5 What are five of Bill Haines* picture successes? Write your answers on one side of a single sheet of paper and mail to M-G-M, l';42 Broadway, New York. All answers must be reccivc-d by September 15th. Winners' names will be published in a later issue of this magazine. Note: If you do not attend the pictures yourself you may question your friends or consult motion picture magazines. In event of ties, each tying contestant will be awarded a priie identical in character with that tied for. Winners of Contest of June, 1928 Mrs. John D. Iesk, 214 E. 51st Street. New York City Charles Chirchili , V. O Box 316 Car>oi"i C^it\, Ni-\ nd;i N-MAYER 92 EDWARD I.AN'r.KR TKINTINO CO., INC., JAMAICA. .NKW VOUK CIIV.