Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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9^0TI0K 'PICTU'RE Vol. XXVIII OCTOBER, 1928 No. 2 Notable Features in This Issue: CONFESSIONS OF A STAR Gladys Hall 16 THE HAM OF FRIENDSHIP Dunham Thorp 18 WINNING IN A WALKER Ruih Biery 21 ALIVE AND STICKING Dorothy Calhoun 22 HOT MAMAS AND PAPAS Helen Louise Walker 28 The Classic Gallery 11-14 Lina Basquette, May McAvoy, Dorothy Sebastian, Nick Stuart The Victor of Trafalgar Surrenders — picture page, corinne Griffith and victor varconi ... 20 Showing His Wild Oats — picture page, buster collier and renee adoree 23 Holl>'wood Horrors — cartoon • h. o. hofman 24 Stop Me, If You've Heard This Dorothy Spensley 25 Marie-and-Ken Dorothy Donnell 26 Nautical But Nice — picture page, louise brooks 27 What Should a Poor Girl Do Dorothy Spensley 30 Mae's First Mother R6le — picture page, mae jiurray, prince mdivani and child 32 The Troubadour of Silent Song Herbert Cruikshank Secret History of the Month Cedric Belfrage Jake With Jack — picture page, john gilbert and eva von berne Evil As You and I Gladys Hall Little More To Be Shed — picture pages Uncle Carl's Gabbin' Cedric Belfrage Twice As Pretty As Usual — picture page, june collyer 41 Kute and Kool and Kalm Dorothy Manners 42 Sainting Their Faces — picture page, anita page and baclanova 43 Classic's Family Album — picture page, norma talmadge 44 Broadway Mobilizes for the Talkies Louis Reid 48 Chow Time — picture page, emil jannings 50 The Home-Loving HomeWrecker Carol Johnston 51 A Nude Development — picture page, nancy carroll 54 Reggy Spank Dorothy Manners 55 Why Chinamen Don't Leave Home — picture pages 56 This Little Star Went to Market BeUy Standish 58 An Outstanding Figure — picture page, carol Lombard 59 The Spirit of the Old Masters — picture page; "the awakening" 62 The Menacin' Man Herbert Cruikshank 63 Pointing With Pride — picture page, pauline starke 64 33 34 36 37 38 40 The Classics Famous Departments They Say — Letters from Classic readers 6 Our Own News Camera — The film world in pictures 45 The Celluloid Critic — Sorm current films in review Laurence Reid 52 Looking Them Over Out Hollywood Way — Newsy close-ups Dorothy Manners 60 Cover portrait of Greta Niasen by Don Reed from a photograph by Russell Ball Laurence Reid, Editor Colin J. Cruickshank, Art Director Classic comes out on the 12th of every month, Motion Picture Magazine the 28th MOTION PICTURE CLASSIC is publithed monthly at 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. 111. by MOTION PICTURE PUBLICATIONS. Inc. Entry for transfer as second class matter from the Post Office at Jamaica. N. V. to Chicago, 111. under the Act of March 3rd. 187Q. is pending. Printed in U. S. A. Copyright 19J8 by MOTION PICTURE PUBLICATIONS, Inc Single copy 35c. Subscriptions for U. S., its possessions, and Me.'cico $3.50 a year. Canada S3.00, Foreign Countrie* $3.50. European Agents. Atlas Publishing Company, 18 Bride Lane, London, E^ C. 4. George Kent Shuler, Prea. & Treas.; Duncan A. Dobie Jr.. Vice Pre*., Murray C. Bernays, Secy.