Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Mamas and Papas <v4 Thermometric Test of Teams Who Labor the Lovelong T)ay But they have made a screen bigamist of Richard Arlen! He will portray fresh young love with Mary Brian (what, ve ask you, could be sweeter than THAT?) and the breezy, collegiate sort of thing with Nancy Carroll. It looks ^^fljli^gw like a busy summer ahead for ^^^H^H^^ Jobyna Rals ■'V ton's young husband! Producers, it seems, grade these teams according to the — ahem! — warmth which they achieve in the clinches. Gilbert and Garbo easily head the list. The ColmanBanky team, now divorced, probably ranked second in box-office reports for the past season. Norma Talmadge and Gilbert Roland third. Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell fourth. Fay Wray and Gary Cooper fifth. And so on down the list. Gilbert and Garbo, by the way, seem to be the only pair who have developed a real loVe affair through their work together in pictures. They did not, it is said, care for each other particularly until they met on that railway platform in "Flesh and the Devil." At that meeting, we are told, they gazed long into each other's eyes and — whoosh! Another Hollywood romance was under way! {Continued on page 72) With the exception of George K. Arthur and Karl Dane, both of whom here are emotionally below zero, all these players show evidence of excellent steam-work. They are, at the top, Ramon Novarro and Rente Adorte; Ronald Colman and Vilma Banky; and Bernard Gorcey and Ida Kramer. Below the tube, in comer, Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell, and Lew Cody and Aileen Pringle