Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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^^^hat Should 0^4 Self'Qonfessed ^eautmk and Sue <iAboumlh I When she first came to Hollywood, Joan Crawford, above, was almost as energetic after nightfall as before. And succeeded in winning eighty-two dancing contests. Whereas Jobyna Ralston, below, seldom sought any limelight except that provided by the studio 30 BY DOROTHY SPENSLE' 'M seventeen and beautiful. If you believe that, let's go cm. I've got a figure that's the rave of the olcj home tovirn. It has Cleopatra's, Salome'sj and Aphrodite's beaten on all curves. And my eyes. And my eyelashes. And my nose. And my lips. Well, really. But I don't like to boast. (And now I'll try a wee bit from that cute litt green bottle with the dimples.) Dimples. You should see my shoulders. And myl knees. And my — my — ! Isn't the weather lovely! today.'' (I didn't know ginger ale, just plain ginger ale, could ev^ taste like this.) I'm five feet five, with eyes of blue: cerulean, heavenly, azure blue. Azure like it. The same as William Shakespeare's new play.'' Come, come. This must stop. And my hands. And my feet. (And now I'll have a try of that liquid that lool like water. No, no! Not that one. The liquid in th| square, shining bottle.) And my hair is nothing but a mass of glintinj golden ringlets. I played J my in the class play of "Littl K Women" last year. And the town photographer took my pic ture and had it on display for nearly thr # months in his window. There was a littl^ , card in the corner that read " Beauteous Local Miss — a Pulchritudinous Mile, of Ou| Thriving Metropolis." And one year I Played America in "Thfl Melting Pot."' You can see that I do know something abou^ dramatics. B' A Trumpeted Up Excuse ESIDES, the man who came to our houst selling those encyclopedias said I'd be awfullj good in motion pictures. He was an actor himself once. He was one of the pages in Douglas Fair-j banks' "Robin Hood." He had to blow on a silvel trumpet that was later sold to Aimee Semj McPherson, so he told me, for her silver band. He reallj had a very important part in the picture, pulling the curtains back and forth and trumpeting around, but ht said that Mr. Fairbanks got jealous Kornman-Bruno bis acting ability and practically ruined